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Posts posted by Naertho
















    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.


    didn't the doc say before he bandaged it up?

    Probably, wasn't really wanting to know at the time, as long as got it out :P


    fair enough


    are you on crutches for a while?

    I wish! Could be like; "Wanna see my battle scar? I earned it in a raid." While I hobble along! The teachers would expect it of me.


    does it affect your walking?

    I'm not able to walk flat footed with my right foot (my main foot - and am unco-ordinated with my left :'( )


    you have a main foot o.O


    well I don't suppose I've ever had to find out

    I play Football, (Soccer for Americans) and cannot use my left foot to save my life. 


    I don't play much so I think I'm equally terrible with both :P

    My only source of exercise, but alas, I have my first game next weekend - 8 days - so may have to skip it!














    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.


    didn't the doc say before he bandaged it up?

    Probably, wasn't really wanting to know at the time, as long as got it out :P


    fair enough


    are you on crutches for a while?

    I wish! Could be like; "Wanna see my battle scar? I earned it in a raid." While I hobble along! The teachers would expect it of me.


    does it affect your walking?

    I'm not able to walk flat footed with my right foot (my main foot - and am unco-ordinated with my left :'( )


    you have a main foot o.O


    well I don't suppose I've ever had to find out

    I play Football, (Soccer for Americans) and cannot use my left foot to save my life. 












    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.


    didn't the doc say before he bandaged it up?

    Probably, wasn't really wanting to know at the time, as long as got it out :P


    fair enough


    are you on crutches for a while?

    I wish! Could be like; "Wanna see my battle scar? I earned it in a raid." While I hobble along! The teachers would expect it of me.


    does it affect your walking?

    I'm not able to walk flat footed with my right foot (my main foot - and am unco-ordinated with my left :'( )










    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.


    didn't the doc say before he bandaged it up?

    Probably, wasn't really wanting to know at the time, as long as got it out :P


    fair enough


    are you on crutches for a while?

    I wish! Could be like; "Wanna see my battle scar? I earned it in a raid." While I hobble along! The teachers would expect it of me.








    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.


    didn't the doc say before he bandaged it up?

    Probably, wasn't really wanting to know at the time, as long as got it out :P






    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    damn, is there like a hole in your foot?

    Am sadly unable to see it - but am sure there would be.




    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    O.o *wiiince*


    Get well soon.

    It's a poor end to the day! 

    Thank you :)


    that it is.


    You're not too worried about your broken dragon?

    Was one of the cheaper ones - far from my favourite, have put the rest away in a box so don't lose a toe or get my foot burnt to a crisp :P


    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    O.o *wiiince*


    Get well soon.

    It's a poor end to the day! 

    Thank you :)




    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-


    who's "they"

    The doctor - took about 5 - 10 minutes it was that wedged in -_-


    I walked into my room upon getting home, to put my bag down and open a window or two. I went to open the first window and -CRUNCH- I had stood on one of my dragon ornaments that my cat had knocked down at some point.

    I had one of it's horns - an inch long and pretty thick - stuck in my heel, all the way in.


    oooooh ouch

    It didn't hurt at all, until they pulled it out. -winces-

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