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Posts posted by Luckers

  1. Who are the 3 dead Chosen that Shadar Haran blames Graendal for?


    Mesaana, Ara'angar, & ______


    Run through them....








    Osan'gar---> Elza Penfell





    That leaves only one other....Asmodean.


    You can check out Graendal's entry in the ToM glossary for confirmation ;)


    Technically Aginor killed himself by drawing too much trying to take control of the Eye from Rand, and Lanfear was killed by the Finns--or so they claim.

  2. Technically the female Aes Sedai signatories to Latra's Concord were not 'right' as they feared the sealing would in fact rip the bore open. Furthermore they held to that conviction long after their own plan to use the Choedan Kal lost viability, despite looming defeat at the hands of the Shadow. That admittedly saved saidar from being tainted, which saved the world, but I still don't know how 'right' you could consider Latra and her followers.

  3. They end up with the Bowl of the Winds, but they found a completely seperate ter'angreal in the Tower--or at least were on their way to finding one when they excluded Tar Valon from their search--it needn't have anything to do with the weather, either. In fact its unlikely.


    I reckon that was one of the nine rods of dominion, the tower's 'Oath Rod.'


    The Nine Rods of Dominion weren't ter'angreal, they were regional governers in the Age of Legends. The Oath Rod is what was called a binder, and completely seperate.

  4. It would appear it involves more than just channeling. The Light was able to stop a plot to do precisely what you suggest, and it was this which began the war of the shadow, so yeah... it likely involves some effort, or specific machinery that can be easily neutralized. I've speculated in the past that maybe the ter'angreal Nynaeve and Elayne found in the Tower using need in TAR that could help Rand, and bind the Aes Sedai to him, was involved in the drilling of the bore (and thus could be used to help the sealing). If it required a lot of people and effort it would explain both why it would bind the Aes Sedai to him--because both he and they would be needed--and why the Light was able to thwart the Shadow's use of it.


    Whao! What!?! I think I've overlooked something huge in the series. What ter'angreal is this?


    LoC chapter 13, Nynaeve and Elayne use need in TAR to try and find something that will help Rand, and bind the Salidar Aes Sedai to him. Firstly it takes them to the ter'angreal store room in the Tower, but they decide that getting into the Tower would be too tricky, so they do the search again excluding the Tower, and it leads them to the Bowl of the Winds in Ebou Dar.


    But it still remains that there is a ter'angreal in the White Tower which would help Rand and bind the Aes Sedai to him.


    Bowl of the winds. The thing that they stop the heatwave with and give to the Sea Folk.


    They end up with the Bowl of the Winds, but they found a completely seperate ter'angreal in the Tower--or at least were on their way to finding one when they excluded Tar Valon from their search--it needn't have anything to do with the weather, either. In fact its unlikely.


    Any Idea why the Aes Sedai traveling with Mat didn't learn traveling from Verin, nor did they seem the least bit interested in the fact that it had been rediscovered even though they had to have passed though and Saidar created gateway to get to Caemlyn?


    Sanderson oversight.

  5. Okay, so the Bore allowed the DO to influence the world. People started doing all manner bad things, killing people, stealing,cheating on their wives, peeing in swimming pools, whatever. After that you have a century of so of society slowly crumbling under his influence, and then about ten years of the War of Power. My question: why didn't the Forsaken and other darkfriends that could channel just pry the Bore all the way open and let him out? Is it that difficult to do? Surely the Shadow could have linked a bunch of channelers and use some sa'angreal or something.


    It would appear it involves more than just channeling. The Light was able to stop a plot to do precisely what you suggest, and it was this which began the war of the shadow, so yeah... it likely involves some effort, or specific machinery that can be easily neutralized. I've speculated in the past that maybe the ter'angreal Nynaeve and Elayne found in the Tower using need in TAR that could help Rand, and bind the Aes Sedai to him, was involved in the drilling of the bore (and thus could be used to help the sealing). If it required a lot of people and effort it would explain both why it would bind the Aes Sedai to him--because both he and they would be needed--and why the Light was able to thwart the Shadow's use of it.

  6. Since Rand was bonded by Alanna and then by Elayne, Avienda, Min. If one of these ladies were to die, would he suffer the same type of depression that other Warders do when their Aes Sedai dies and they lose their will to live?


    Rand references several times that since bonding the girls, Alanna's bond had seemed to be pushed to the side and be weaker, and Alanna herself has said that now she can sense little more than that Rand is alive. I've theorized in the path that this is prep-work for Alanna dying (and it not affecting Rand too badly).


    One of my previous questions paraphrased::

    Morgase tells Tallanvor about Compulsion in detail. Little of that stuff was revealed in the discussion earlier in the chapter; and the term Compulsion was not used by anybody in that discussion.

    Where (and/or from whom) did Morgase get the info (including the term)?


    Morgase trained in the Tower for some time, and every novice is instructed on not-using compulsion. It is more than probable that she heard the term then.

  7. I've noticed that Perrin when in Telaranrhiod,he will often see visions up in the sky, but I can't remember does Egwene or anyone else ever see anything like that when in Telanrhiod? Is Perrin a male dreamer or have some kind of fortelling that he see's these things? Or does it have to do with his wolf talking? Do they ever mention it in the books, (I can't remember) and does he ever actually use those visions to good use or does he always simply dismiss them.


    Perrin is not a male Dreamer in the strictest sense, as there is a difference between the Talent of Dreaming and the Wolf Dream. That being said those windows do show the future, so it is a style of prophecy. As to what causes it, we don't know--the wolves themselves never see the windows, so its possible that its a unique Talent that Perrin has, or perhaps all Wolfbrothers who walk the Dream have this skill (Elyas does not enter the Wolf Dream, so we don't know).


    Perrin has never specifically used these windows to achieve anything.

  8. Do all Aes Sedai ward their dreams?

    Do they do so to avoid sending their dreams to others like Be'lal and Sammael in TDR, or is it to block people from entering their dreams?


    Mostly its to avoid sharing their dreams like Be'lal and Sammael (stated in New Spring), but they are aware of the dangers of the Shadow walking in their dreams, and know the practice of shielding makes them safe.

  9. Finnsss is entirely correct--some people speak of the reference to the men in steel as suggesting this was after Hawkwing's invasion, but RJ stated this was not the case.


    For all that, the fact that the Aes Sedai are Ageless is impossible, unless these two women are random criminals who commited more than one crime in the Age of Legends, which does not seem likely. An early bookism--the very last, in truth. :)

  10. Question in bk 4 TSR, shouldn't Siuan have felt when Alric, her warder, was stabbed? She had no idea until she saw him on the floor but I thought they were linked so that she would have known instantly that he was dead?


    It is probably one of the biggest mistakes made in the books. You're right, she should have felt that.


    RJ spoke on this.


    Robert Jordan

    For Roland Arien, a lot of people have asked questions about Alric's death. I should have made matters plainer. As I envisioned it, Alric, having sensed Siuan's extreme shock, came running to her and arrived just in time to be stabbed just before Siuan was taken into the anteroom. She should have sensed the knife going in, but that was masked by her shock. When she sees him lying there, he is dying, though not yet dead. As I said, I should have made it plainer.


  11. Recently been rereading FoH again and read about the Raven Tattoo Carlynia sedai is seen with in Min's viewing. Carlynia died during the Seanchan attack in TGS. The Tattoo is the sign of the Imperial seekers,... so what's this all about? The viewing hasn't been fulfilled between FoH and TGS, has it? Quick lookup on the wiki told me that Brandon had already RAFO't the question. Is there a place, thread, etc. where I can find speculation or additional info about this subject? I kinda liked the scenes with Almurat the seeker in them, so would love seeing him again in aMoL if possible.

    Or was it really a misprint, cause one might start to wonder about a possible link between the logic of the White Ajah and seekers.




    Firstly, the raven tattoo is indicative of being property of the Empress. The Seekers are that, but so are many other things.


    As for Carlinya, Brandon stated that 'that viewing did not mean what we thought it did' [paraphrase]. *shrug*

  12. There is one reference somewhere to the fact that Suian started having periods again after she was Stilled, along wiht losing Agelessness.

    Can you quote this?

    Hey boss, how are things? Red's post made me drop in here, and I caught this. I think we actually talked about this once. If I'm not mistaken, this is it:

    Leane, on the other hand, in true Aes Sedai fashion embraced what had changed. A young woman again— Egwene had overheard a Yellow exclaiming in wonder that both were prime childbearing age, by everything she could find—she might never have been Keeper, never have had any other face.


    Hey Yoni, yeah I'm good. You? Hope things are running a little less hectic for you now.


    I don't remember talking about this before, lol. But yeah that doesn't actually mean their menstruation cycle had stopped and resumed--'prime childbearing age' refers to a variety of physical elements that speak to a womans ability to safely bear children, not just fertility.


    In effect, such comments are more about whether the woman can survive having children then just about whether they can have just.

  13. There is one reference somewhere to the fact that Suian started having periods again after she was Stilled, along wiht losing Agelessness.


    Can you quote this? The only reference I recall is the reference to Aes Sedai 'rarely' have children because of the difficulties involved in living the life of an Aes Sedai whilst having a child in tow, and the potential for heartache.


    If this is true it may not be that Siuan resumed having periods, but rather resumed having them at a monthly interval. I've noted before as well that due to the finite number of ova that women have, its possible that the the space between fertile periods slows as a part of the slowing, which would make it less likely for fully slowed women to fall pregnant, and it would explain why those we've seen fall pregnant tend to be young pre-slowed or in the process-of-slowing women (Elayne, and to a degree Melaine, though the latter would likely be in the process of slowing). Amys too bore her children during that time frame, to the best of our knowledge.


    If this is the case the odds of an Aes Sedai having sex in the brief infrequent fertile periods become fairly tall, especially when added to their general custom of not having children, or marrying... and too, it would make it possible that Siuan had not had a period in a fairly long while, thereby making the resumption of a normal cycle noteworthy. Of course all this depends on the specific wording of the quote.

  14. Here's the quote. :)


    Netherlands tour 8 April 2001, Elf Fantasy Fair - Aan'allein reporting


    KuraFire asked about the prologue of The Eye of the World, where Ishamael Traveled, but with a different description than that of usual Traveling.

    Jordan said that that was because the Traveling was done by using the True Power. We'd seen the same since, when Moridin Travels somewhere... "The Pattern screamed."


  15. Anyone listen to Mumford and Sons? At least half their songs sound like they're about the Wheel of Time.


    Little Lion Man... Gawyn anyone?


    Weep for yourself, my man,

    You'll never be what is in your heart

    Weep little lion man,

    You're not as brave as you were at the start

    Rate yourself and rake yourself,

    Take all the courage you have left

    Waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head


    But it was not your fault but mine

    And it was your heart on the line

    I really fucked it up this time

    Didn't I, my dear?

    Tremble for yourself, my man,

    You know that you have seen this all before

    Tremble little lion man,

    You'll never settle any of your scores

    Your grace is wasted in your face,

    Your boldness stands alone among the wreck

    Learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck


    But it was not your fault but mine

    And it was your heart on the line

    I really fucked it up this time

    Didn't I, my dear?






    After the Storm.... Rand/tGS?


    And after the storm,

    I run and run as the rains come

    And I look up, I look up,

    on my knees and out of luck,

    I look up.


    Night has always pushed up day

    You must know life to see decay

    But I won't rot, I won't rot

    Not this mind and not this heart,

    I won't rot.


    And I took you by the hand

    And we stood tall,

    And remembered our own land,

    What we lived for.


    And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.

    And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.

    Get over your hill and see what you find there,

    With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.


    And now I cling to what I knew

    I saw exactly what was true

    But oh no more.

    That's why I hold,

    That's why I hold with all I have.

    That's why I hold.


    I will die alone and be left there.

    Well I guess I'll just go home,

    Oh God knows where.

    Because death is just so full and mine so small.

    Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before.


    And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.

    And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.

    Get over your hill and see what you find there,

    With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.


    And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.

    And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.

    Get over your hill and see what you find there,

    With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

  16. It's not named as Compulsion, but we have this earlier in the same chapter:

    “There were some in Andor who claimed the Car’a’carn spoke of this,” Edarra added. “He said that this Gaebril had been using forbidden weaves on wetlanders in the palace, twisting their minds, making them think and do as he wished.”


    If you are asking who told Morgase that there's a Compulsion weave, no idea. Elaida, probably, or one of her teachers while she was trained in the White Tower.


    The latter seems likely--and in fact we see Morgase refer earlier to the ability to control someone with the One Power (she thinks during her escape from Rahvin that she 'would have thought he was controlling her with the Power if she did not know better'. The reason she knows better, of course, is that 'Gaebril' is too old to be channeling and not be touched by the Taint physically or mentally).

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