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Posts posted by Eqwina

  1. Yeah, I think you may be right. Eqwina has such a long history it would be too much work. I would like to give her a bit of a makeover though. Using the demotion from BA Head is a good starting point. I will play around with some ideas and figure out where I want her to go from here.


    I also have my Green AS, but it may be fun to have a novice again. It has just been so long since I have written a new character that I do not even know where to begin. Lol! I am intimidated by the idea. I just have not written anything that was not work related in so long I feel pretty rusty.

  2. Well, I am back pretty much full time Monday-Friday :) The weekends are super busy with wedding planning, puppy training and spending time with my fiancé.


    It has been a long time since I have written Covina. Last I left her she was pregnant with twins and her husband was assumed dead. No drama there ;0) I would love to maybe pick that thread back up, or maybe fast forward a few days.


    Let me know if you want to remove Covina as Head, i am happy either way! I am actually just thrilled to be writing again.

  3. Thera Trakelyn

    WS 19

    Flame and Void

    Not Anymore Serena of the Blue Ajah (but she has not RP'd for years so I may want to dissolve that bond)




    Adele Naurel

    WS 2

    Flame and Void

    No relationship

    No bonded

  4. Hey everyone!! I have been horribly absent for awhile, but I am ready to jump back in :} I have missed DM and all of my DM friends.


    Before I can start RPing again though I need some advice. I have been writing Eqwina for over 10 years. She was the first Role Play character I ever wrote and I am VERY attached to her, but I am starting to feel like maybe her story is done? So much of her history would not even be allowed today on DM, and without all of her old friends I hardly know what to do with her.


    So, the way i see it I have a few options.

    1.I can keep her around and start a new character destined for the Yellow Ajah

    2. I can kill her off in a grand fashion and still write a new character

    3. I can try and reboot her? I do not even know if it is possible, but I thought about what it would be like to keep her very basic back story,essentially what was written in her original bio (only I would rewrite it FAR better) and raise her again. That idea is very appealing to me if I could make it work.


    i would love everyone's input and suggestions.


    PS. I am VERY glad to be back!!

  5. I have heard that there is some new activity in the Warders Yard. I would love to be a part of it!! I have a former MoT Thera laying around somewhere who could be of some use. I also have a trainee that needs to start more training.




  6. Throughout the first several days of their journey they traveled unhindered. It seemed, at least for the time being, the world was at peace. The Tower Guards that had been assigned to them we're more than capable, and the relative calm gave Kabria a chance to further get to know her sisters. She was familiar with Loraine of course, but she'd been far too reclusive to form any meaningful bonds.


    As much as she yearned for a relationship with her Sisters, she felt anxious about even speaking to the men. Her realm of experience with men was wrapped up wholly Perivar, and she did not even begin to know how to approach them. She'd considered asking Loraine for advice, or even Taia, that woman seemed to have no issue conversing with the Guards. Of a night when Taia would leave  the Aes Sedai's fires to join the men, Kabria would watch. Hoping to catch some hint of how she seemed so at ease. Often as they rode during the day Kabria would lose herself in her own mind, trying to come up with ways to talk to men who were not her bonded. 


    As they stopped after their fourth day of travel Kabria gathered her courage, and asked Loraine for help speaking to men. The older sister was gracious and did not even crack a smile at Kabria's  timid ness. 


    " I have been thinking about taking another Warder. It is something Perivar has been pressuring me to do, but how can I when I cannot even talk to a man? Female warriors are few and far between, and even if I could find someone would they be willing to accept the relationship between Perivar and myself? I want another sword not another lover."


    Kabria blushed the color of the red highlights in her hair, and it took all she had not to drop her eyes. Before Loraine could form her answer, both of their eyes whipped to the tree line. 


    They were surrounded......If she had not been so distracted she would have noticed sooner.


    "Light! We are surrounded!" embracing Saidar Kabria formed a few deadly weaves of fire and air and picked her spot. It only took moments for the Trollocs to appear; they flooded into their camp site with guttural, murderous howls. 


    All around we're the sounds of fighting. The space around each Aes Sedai was clear, but the Tower Guards fought tangled with the goat, bird, and bore headed beasts. They were too intermixed for Kabria to be able to help with the power and her knives and staff were too far to reach. Cursing under her breath she began to attempt to clear a path in the carriage to help the guards.



    Kabria Delondre

  7. I am very open to anything!! The more exciting the better. If someone has an idea for soemthing to happen along the way I say write it :biggrin: I think we should pick up our TG's before we get too much farther into the RP. I believe they are both close to their reqs being done.

  8. You should just write one long post that covers all of the training we have done so far to get caught up.


    As far as his skill, I have no issue with you writing him having an easier time of the exercises because of the skill you put in your bio, but Thera is still the MoT and has a WS of 18 and has been a Warder for years. I do not see it as being possible or realistic that he could "catch" her. At least not at the start of this class, and even for someone skilled it will not be easy by the end of the lesson. It is not that what you wrote in your bio doesn't matter, it does!! Very much!! As it helps to shape your characters life, and direction, as well as making things easier for you to learn (in whatever area you wrote that you excelled in your bio...this is true for anyone and any special skills your character had before joining the WY).


    Hope that helps :-)

  9. Eqwina closed her eyes, not bothering to feel fear at the fact that she was leaving herself open to attack. There was very little chance of her getting out of this with her life anyway. She’d tied her fate too closely with that of the Black Ajah, her body mind and soul was bound to the Dark Lord and only he could decide her fate.


    Opening her eyes Eqwina sat forward and held Alia’s eyes with a firm gaze. Now that the wheels had been set in motion towards her disposal she felt an odd sort of peace. “It is not that simple Alia, one cannot simply claim position as our Ajah’s head. A missive has to come from the Dark Lord for that to be made true. I fear that unseating me will take more than just those words.”


    She saw a moment of disappointment in Alia’s eyes quickly masked. “Perhaps though, with my help I could see it done; on the condition that you help find a way to spare my life. The Dark Lord will not release me easily, but intend to live through this fiasco. While you may find me to be inept at this job, I assure you that if we work together, like it or not, we can come to a accommodating outcome.”


    Sitting back and taking a long pull from her drink Eqwina waited, her life in the balance.


    Eqwina al'Caupthn

    Searching for Light at the end of the tunnel

  10. Corwin had often spoken to Eqwina of what it felt like to be in battle. Your blood boiling, your heart pounding in your ears, every sense heightened; moving slowly through the battle field knowing that every step could be your last. Eqwina had walked on a tight wire all these years knowing that if she leaned too far to either side she would fall to her death; but never did she think that she would have to battle to stay alive. She’d always maneuvered with certainty knowing that when her death came it would be swift, but now she was faced with the idea of fighting for her position and her life. Her blood was pounding in her ears, and she could feel every inch of her body, she could feel Alia too; she could hear her heartbeat and feel the confidence that exuded from the woman, it was enough to make her sick. No one had challenged her like this in her life!


    Shaking her head Eqwina returned to her seat and took a few deep breaths. Hadn’t this been what she wanted? Had she not stayed up many nights trying to discover a way out? A way to leave this all behind, but still spare her life? Perhaps the battle she fought was not to maintain her position as Ajah Head, but to spare her life.


    “What is it you want from me Alia? Do you wish me to admit that I have failed? Do you wish to see me beg for my life? Beg to keep this position of power? I have lived far too many years and fought far too many battles to wage another one here with you. So dispense with the games and just tell me what you hoped this would accomplish.”


    Eqwina al'Caupthn

    Too tired to fight anymore

  11. Perivar was too far away for Kabria to feel much more than the fact that he was alive, but for now that had to be enough and she had to take what comfort where she could.


    Standing in front of her dark oak stand mirror she smoothed her dress unnecessarily and tucked a few stray strands of hair into place. She’d been in front of the mirror for more than an hour trying to find the courage the leave her rooms. The supplies had been gathered, her saddle bags were packed and already down in the stables; likely they were already tied to Blade. Word had been sent that the Tower Guards had gathered, and all of the other Sister’s had arrived. All that was left was for Kabria to leave her rooms. Yet her feet seemed glued to the floor.


    “I am being ridiculous! I am not defined by Perivar, my skills as an Aes Sedai are not tied to his knowledge and skill with a blade. I am my own woman and I can do this without him.”


    Turning away from the mirror, Kabria focused on putting one foot in front of the other. One step at a time she gathered the small pack she’d seen to herself, it had her most prized possessions, it also contained a letter to Perivar that she hoped to be able to send with a messenger after they left Tar Valon. She checked the two knives she kept up her sleeves, and picked up her walking staff. She paused only a moment with her hand on the door knob; taking a deep breath Kabria opened the door and did not looked back.


    Taking the quickest route through the Tower, she arrived in the stables only a few minutes later to see that the rest of her party had in fact arrived. Smiling at her fellow Sister’s Kabria approached Loraine. “Thank you for agreeing to accompany us.”


    Kabria gently stroked Blade’s nose and tied her additional small pack to her saddle, giving herself a moment to gather her thoughts and her courage. Turning to face the Tower Guards and her fellow Aes Sedai Kabria projected an air of complete confidence.


    “I do not now where these rumors will lead us, and I do not know what we will find; but if even a hairbreadth of these rumors are true then there is no doubt that we are needed.” Suddenly Kabria felt as if her words were too lofty, but she could not turn back now. “Even though I have been given charge of this contingent, I will listen to all suggestions. I value the knowledge and experience that each of you have. We will ride as hard as we can to reach Haddon Mirk; I will trust to our Tower Guards to find us a good campsite each evening and to alert us if they sense some danger that we do not see.”


    Nodding to the members of her party, Kabria mounted Blade and led him slowly out of the stables and the Tower Gate. She had taken her first steps towards finding herself without Perivar at her side; she felt fear, but also a sense of freedom. Only the coming weeks would show what kind of woman she was.


    Kabria Delondre

  12. Alrighty! Back again! With some news.


    I got back from Phoenix and came home to a big surprise. Not only had my boyfriend bought me flowers, a new comfortor for the bed, and created me a reading nook in one of the alcoves in our bedroom, but he also proposed!!! Apparently when he took me on the short weekend away he had intended to propose then, but he said I seemed too relaxed and happy and he didn't want to add any stress. :-) I am so happy! Its been a crazy couple weeks of get togethers and parties as we told all of our friends.


    In addition I have had a sick puppy. He is only 7 months old (75lbs) and he has been having trouble getting up from a sitting position. He has had to have constant care to keep him calm, and he has been back to the vet several times for x-rays and check ups.


    As far as the vet can tell he is okay, but we still have to be careful with him. Since we have gotten him cleared and he can go back to puppy day care, and all of our friends know the news I can start writing during the week again.

  13. Alrighty! Back again! With some news.


    I got back from Phoenix and came home to a big surprise. Not only had my boyfriend bought me flowers, a new comfortor for the bed, and created me a reading nook in one of the alcoves in our bedroom, but he also proposed!!! Apparently when he took me on the short weekend away he had intended to propose then, but he said I seemed too relaxed and happy and he didn't want to add any stress. :-) I am so happy! Its been a crazy couple weeks of get togethers and parties as we told all of our friends.


    In addition I have had a sick puppy. He is only 7 months old (75lbs) and he has been having trouble getting up from a sitting position. He has had to have constant care to keep him calm, and he has been back to the vet several times for x-rays and check ups.


    As far as the vet can tell he is okay, but we still have to be careful with him. Since we have gotten him cleared and he can go back to puppy day care, and all of our friends know the news I can start writing during the week again.


    I am posting now!! :)

  14. Not at all!! I actually just disappeared for a week, so we are not too far along.


    I apologize for that, but I was presented with a plane ticket for Christmas by my boyfriend and I could not say no!! :-) He had arranged for his parents to watch our house and animals, we didn't tell anyone else we were leaving. We just unplugged from our normal hectic lives and got to spend a few days relaxing. It was AMAZING!!


    I am home now though. I do have a business trip to Phoenix tomorrow. I am gone Thursday-Monday, but then I will be back fully in the swing.



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