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Posts posted by Grond

  1. I know that this is a thread that has been long since abandoned...but as I listen to the audiobooks for the 15th time or so, something occurred to me about Rand's sickness. First let me make some observations:


    Rand only starts feeling the nauseousness AFTER he crosses balefire with Moridin.


    He feels the taint from almost the first touching, so that isn't new


    He also feels the taint "seeping into his bones" when he draws close to his maximum.


    The True Power is exponentially more "addictive" 


    Here's what I think...I think that when the True Power balefire touches Rand's One Power balefire, it opens Rand up to be able to touch and use the True Power. With that assumption in mind, and Rand having to go THROUGH the taint every time he want to use the One Power, the DO is using the taint to make it EXTREMELY less palatable to use the One Power and is steering Rand toward using the True Power...which is precisely what ends up happening (to LTT's shock and horror). 


    The DO is TRYING to MAKE Rand use the True Power by making it very uncomfortable to use the One Power...negative re-enforcement. 

  2. Alright...here it is.  Nakomi is the Creator.  Why wouldn't the Creator come down and save his "Dragon" from dieing? Can anyone else transmutate souls other than the Dark One? Out of ALL the books, the only one that has been able to transmutate was the DO...so why wouldn't The Creator come back (as an Aiel, of course...because the original Aeil were uber-peace loving, gentle, and nuturing) and give Rand a new life?  Plus, the DO was always set forth as a male, right? Isn't the Creator supposed to be the oposite of the DO? Brings me back to something that I remember reading a long time ago...only women can create, men can only destroy.  Doesn't that sound EXACTLY like the difference between the Creator and the DO?  That would lend more truth to Nakomi (Aiel, Woman and able to transmutate sould) being The Creator.


    I think that BS has given the hint...and it's so straight-forward that everyone is looking for the hidden meaning instead of exactly what he meant.  He can't come right out and say that its The Creator...but he CAN say that there is a hint in AMoL as to who she is.  To me, that hint is the transmutation. 


    Its a simple fact of applying Occams Razor to the issue - the simplest answer is usually the right answer.


    Maybe the question to ask is why wouldn't she be considered The Creator?

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