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Posts posted by WhiteWolf

  1. Jaydena has decided to step down as DL and so it means we need a new DL for the WT.


    Firstly, a BIG thank you to Jade for all her hard work, it was a pleasure to work with her :)


    But, now we need to move forwards and find a replacement. So if you feel you have what it takes to run one of the bigger Divisions at DM could you please email myself and Taymist,no PM's, with the following information






    How long have you been RPing? 


    How long have you been RPing at Dragonmount?


    Why do you want to be the White Tower Division Leader?


    What do you think you can bring to the White Tower and to the DR PSW as a whole?


    How would you deal with a problem member?


    In a conflict with another member, be it staff or one of your members?


    What would you say your strengths are?


    How much time can you dedicate weekly to the job?


    So we just need someone who can take the position who is a voracious writer, a good rp plotter, helpful, good communication, basic wiki skills and who will continue the excellent work that Jade and her staff started.

  2. Jaydena has decided to step down as DL and so it means we need a new DL for the WT.


    Firstly, a BIG thank you to Jade for all her hard work, it was a pleasure to work with her :)


    But, now we need to move forwards and find a replacement. So if you feel you have what it takes to run one of the bigger Divisions at DM could you please email myself and Taymist,no PM's, with the following information






    How long have you been RPing? 


    How long have you been RPing at Dragonmount?


    Why do you want to be the White Tower Division Leader?


    What do you think you can bring to the White Tower and to the DR PSW as a whole?


    How would you deal with a problem member?


    In a conflict with another member, be it staff or one of your members?


    What would you say your strengths are?


    How much time can you dedicate weekly to the job?


    So we just need someone who can take the position who is a voracious writer, a good rp plotter, helpful, good communication, basic wiki skills and who will continue the excellent work that Jade and her staff started.


  3. Thank you all for the most generous welcome :)


    Although, as has already been pointed out, it has been a while since i activly checked bios i think i can handle the stress ::) of the position 8)


    Thank you for your past work Quis, i will do my best to live up to your standards and those before you


    Cara Sedai


    Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah


    Bonded to Liitha

  4. 'Tis a sad day Winters when we have such blatent proof of Tay's uttter and total delusional state.


    Truth of the matter is that during a conversation Sunday night it came out that Tay's middle name is Frederick...or Fred for short.


    Now to cover up this slip of the tounge she then used a completely made up name and said it was mine......oh how far the once mighty have fallen to attempt sich an anorexic sleight of hand ;D

  5.     The morning after their day at the forge, Owen met Winter and Gabe and led them to the training area. This area was littered with strange looking devices and it was to one of these that Owen led Winter and Gabe. “The purpose of this device is to allow someone who has only cant knowledge of how to use a sword to practice in relative safety. I say relative because this will still hurt you if you get it wrong, and it is not unknown for bones to be broken, much to the delight of our Sages.” The smile that appeared on Owen’s face had a lot to do with the perpetual scolding he received from the Sages whenever one of his trainees suffered a training mishap. “But do not let that worry you for now. We will take this slowly at first and wait until your confidence is good before we carry on.”

        Owen called out to one of the Guardians who were helping to set up some archery targets. “Davon, would you be as good as to demonstrate to Winter and Gabe how this works?” Smiling at Owen, Davon picked up a practice sword in his right hand and a small round shield went on his left arm. “Watch closely you two; Davon will now demonstrate the correct way to use this.”

        The device that Davon fought consisted of two arms and a body mounted on a swivel attachment. The idea of this was to strike the arm holding the shield, and then the force of the blow would swing around the other arm, that held a ball and chain, and the person fighting would block the ball and chain with his own shield. Davon demonstrated this technique faultlessly, as befitted his rank of Guardian. After a few rounds Davon stepped back from the device and Owen thanked him for his efforts. Davon said his goodbyes, wishing Winter and Gabe good luck, before he went back to his previous task.

        “Well there you have it. Looks simple does it not? So how about one of you has a go and we can see how well you do. Remember, thrust with your sword, block with your shield. The one action leads to the second and you must get your shield up in time to block the ball and chain. It may only be made of wood, but even so it will leave you with a nasty bruise at best, if you do not quickly get your shield up in time. I will leave it to you to decide who goes first.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


    OOC This lesson will take up the rest of the day, so i would like a post from each of you, no less than 250 words. If you want to get hurt, then do so, but nothing major ok?


  6.     It did not take long for Owen to notice the improvement in Rahien’s archery. He action was much smoother, and his arrows hit the intended target more times than not. “Well Rahien i can see that you have been diligent in your practice and it has paid off. However, this is only the first stage, now we need to see what you can do against a real target.” Sensing the sudden rush of apprehension in the young man Owen smiled. “It is not the two-leg type of target Rahien. Tomorrow morning i will be leading a small group on a hunt. We need to restock our larders and a herd of Boar have been spotted a few miles south of here. I will meet you at the Rangers barracks an hour before day break. You will need to bring your own food and water and make sure all of your clothing is in dark colours.”

        Clapping Rahien on the back, Owen bid him good day and then started to make his way home. He had his own tasks to do before he could rest.

        The next day, the small group of hunters met up at the appointed time and Owen introduced Rahien to them. As well as two of the older Rangers, Swiftblaze and Quickshade, there were three Guardians. Once they had all made their greetings, Owen led them through the forest, away from the Stedding. The group followed many small game trails, and some larger trails that Owen said the Rangers had made. Each of the group took turns leading, and it was to Rahien’s surprise when Owen indicated he should take the lead for a while. “Do not worry Rahien; this part of the forest is as safe as any place outside the Stedding can be. Just keep us moving south and keep on the lookout for our quarry. Oh and one last thing, go at your own pace. We are all more experienced at this than you so we can easily keep up with you. For now concentrate on finding signs of where the Boars are.”

        When Rahien led, Owen always followed next in line. It was not that he did not trust Rahien, he was Wolfkin and that was enough for Owen. However, Rahien was nervous, and that could lead to missing important clues as to where the Boars where and so Owen kept a few paces behind Rahien offering hints whenever it looked like Rahien was uncertain of the direction.

        When the sun was high in the sky Owen ordered a halt and immediately the Rangers and Guardians set about making a small, easily concealed, fire. Rahien watched the bustle of movement and found a mug of hot tea thrust into his hands before it seemed there had been time to light a fire, never mind boil water. Before he could comment on this though, a large chunk of bread and cheese was passed to him and it was then that he realised how hungry he was. “Keep your own supplies for now Rahien; we will add them to the rest next time we stop.”

        Once the meal was finished, Owen explained to Rahien how it was important to never leave any traces of where a camp had been. “Always make sure you bury any rubbish you may have and that the fire pit is filled in and the turf replaced. If you get into this habit now, then it will serve you well later on.”

        Later on that afternoon, Swiftblaze was in the lead when the herd of Boar was spotted. Silently the group split up into pairs and started to outflank the Boars. When Owen and Rahien found a position that Owen liked they readied themselves and Owen told Rahien to pick his target and fire when ready.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


    OOC. Have as much fun with this as you want Rahien, just don’t get carried away with how many we kill. We will have to get them back to the Stedding by ourselves. Oh and we will be staying out in the forest over night. So cover as much of that as you want. If you are up to it you can even have us arriving back in the Stedding the next day, your call


  7.     It happened so quickly, than Owen had no advanced warning and no time to react.  First the sound of angry words spitting forth all full of venom and pus, then the gargled scream from Rhya.

        Without conscious thought Owen moved, and in moving suddenly appeared at the side of Rhya’s assailant. Owen did not waste any time with words, instead he gripped the man’s hands and prised the fingers from around Rhya’s neck. Once he had broken the grip Owen seemed to flick his hand and the man suddenly flew across the room and ended up in a crumpled heap against the wall, looking like the pile of garbage he truly was.

        Without waiting, Owen strode over to Rhya and bent down to pick her up. Sliding his arms around her he effortlessly stood up, Rhya cradled in his arms.

        And again there was an almost imperceptible flicker and the world around them changed.  Owen and Rhya were stood facing a stone wall, but when Owen turned around, it was not a wall but the back of a cave. Owen walked over to the cave opening and set Rhya on her feet near to the fire that was burning in the night.

        Owen was sat on a large rock holding a mug of tea, his gaze alternating between Rhya’s huddled form and the brilliant night sky. Eventually she would talk, would offer some explanation as to what had happened.

        But not yet and Owen was not going to rush her. He had reproached himself for leaving her with that man, even though she had asked him to. He knew better and it was only through sheer chance that Rhya had not been hurt. “ Some hurts here do not show in the waking world, and they are usually the hardest to recover from.”




    The WhiteWolf


    Range Leader


  8.     Clapping Rahien on his back and nearly knocking the young man over, Owen congratulated him on his improvement and suggested that they finish the lesson there. “What I would like you to do for the next seven days is continue to practice what you have learnt here today, against both static and moving targets. I want you to vary the distances for the targets and also to build up the frequency of your shooting. When the seven days is up I will return to judge your improvement and we can then move onto something slightly more challenging. However, before we finish for the day, or should i say before you finish for the day, you need to collect all of the arrows you have fired. Don't forget before returning them to the quivers to check the fletching to make sure there is no damage. If there is i trust you can repair them? If not i will be in my office for a while so come and see me and i will show you how. Otherwise i will see you in seven days to check on your progress. "Good night Rahien." Owen offered his hand and after a moment Rahien took it and they, briefly, shook hands.


        Over the next seven days Owen left Rahien to his own devices, mostly. Rahien was starting to think Owen was omnipotent or something close. Owen always seemed to show up when Rahien had made an error, and Owen was there with some ready advice or some witticism.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


  9. That is different to making one that has better range.penetrating power than a "normal" Ranger Longbow.


    I have no problem with you improving the strength of a bow with regard to the breaking point

  10. As it is a Ranger Longbow is more powerful than any other bow in Randland, making one that was even more powerful, even if that is only by a little. Could be said to be overkill, so i would not allow that...making the bow is fine but not increasing the strength of that bow. Stamina of the archer would be a better thing to work on.

  11. It is not part of Ranger Training as such, no. It is something that can be under taken after a Ranger is trained.It is not part of the req's to become a Ranger. It is a req that will earn a Ranger an advancement in WS. Sounds easy?


    Well yes and no. It cannot be a simple throw away post, i would expect a minimu of 500 words and that is the very least i would accept i would hope to see a lot more than that.


    As to the Ranger Longbow?


    It is a very different beast to a normal Longbow, has far greater range, has a very heavy pull and can fire the heaveiest broad point arrows twice as far as a normal bow.......been around since the danw of time dude 8)


    As to how to make one?








    This last one is not about making bows but has some interesting photos and general info









  12.     Rhya is happy? Well i would never have guessed but it is always good to have confirmation. Seeing the obvious joy on her face, and knowing it was nothing to do with Shadow’s unexpected presence, Owen smiled to himself, and knew that not all the warmth he was feeling came from the water.

        “I would suggest that is between you and Shadow Rhya. But i doubt he jumped in here without knowing how to get himself out. Wolves are many things, and young adult wolves often do unexplainable things, but i do not think Shadow is like that. He is too much like his sister. Talking of which i wonder where she is?” Owen was not concerned about the lack of Ice’s presence, she was often absent for long periods of time. However it was unusual for her not to be here with her brother. “No doubt she has found an interesting scent and is running it down as we sit here; she will be back when she is ready.”

        Owen watched as Shadow and Rhya played in the water, it was obvious that a real bond had grown between them and Owen hoped it stayed like that for a long time. Ice and Shadow had been with him for a long time now, and he did not know how he would cope if either of them were ever killed. It would be just as hard for Rhya if anything happened to Shadow now they had bonded.

        “If you are finished cavorting with Shadow Rhya i think it is time we made our way home. Or would you prefer to stay here all night and make our way back in the daylight?”

        Before Rhya had a chance to respond Owen glanced up at the night sky, his eyes registering something, but he was at first unable to make out exactly what it was. Then something landed on his cheek and he realised right away that it had started to snow. “Will this bloody weather ever change? Come on Rhya the last thing we need is to get caught out here in a snow storm and with the way the weather has been recently i think it a fair chance that this snow will not be a light sprinkling.” With that Owen swam over to the bank and boosted himself out of the water. Turning around he knelt down and offered his hand to help Rhya out. At the same time Shadow swam over to the far bank and managed to scramble out of the water, although in the most inelegant manner.

        Owen pulled Rhya out of the water and she just seemed to fall into his waiting arms. The next thing Rhya registered was the feel of a cold wet nose on her thigh. She tried to push Shadow away, but he kept up his insistence until Owen and Rhya had to break apart. “I think he is trying to tell us this is no time to be standing here wet and naked.  Not when we have a warm house where this would be much more to our liking.” Grinning at Rhya Owen looked around to get his bearings and then disentangled himself from Rhya’s arms and started to collect his clothing.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


  13.     Lunch was a simple affair, and it was soon over and time for Rahien’s training to begin again. “This afternoon we will concentrate on hitting moving targets. Obviously they will not be as wily as human or animal targets, but they will allow you to learn the basics, or even hone your existing skills. So far you have shown good improvement, but you will need to continue to improve if you are to become well versed with your chosen weapon. “ Owen had seen Rahien eyeing Owen’s bow during their lunch and Owen saw no harm in demonstrating this marvellous weapon. “But first let me show you what my friend here can do. This is a Ranger’s Longbow, and is significantly stronger than the Longbow you are used to. The pull is a lot heavier and that means both range and killing power are greater.  Come on i will show you what i mean.”

        Owen led Rahien back to where the targets where. “Obviously because these targets are only straw bundles it is easy to penetrate them, so this is not really a proper demonstration of this bows power, but for now it will suffice.” Removing an arrow from his quiver, Owen smoothly brought both arrow and bow up and without conscious thought or excessive movement let fly. The arrow ran straight and true, penetrating the first target, at 50 paces, with ease. The second target, at 100 paces, was dealt with in the same manner, as was the one at 150 paces. “As you can see, the range is greater and because of the increased power it is harder for an arrow fired from this bow to be knocked off target.” Seeing the hunger in Rahien’s eyes Owen had to smile. How well he knew that feeling of desire. When it came down to it this Longbow was one of the finest weapons Owen had even come across and its design was unique to the Wolfkin.

        “The only way to get one of these is to join the Rangers. Because of the intensive training needed to safely work with one of these bows, they are reserved for those who can meet the exacting standards of the Rangers.” Owen handed the bow over to Rahien and let him study it for a while.

        “Now, the rest of this afternoon will be taken up with the moving targets as i said earlier. “Owen and Rahien moved to where a large oak tree stood with straw head hanging from it lower branches attached to a stout hemp rope. “The idea of this is to allow us to gauge how much lead time we need to give a target when it is moving. Obviously the further away the target is, the more lead time you will need to give it. You will need to gauge the speed and strength of the wind. Use your eyes, scan the trees. How much are the branches moving? If there are no trees around then look for how the wind is affecting the grass, or how difficult it is for birds to fly into the wind.  Or you could lick your finger and hold it up. This will not really help with the power of the wind, but it will allow you to know which direction it is blowing from. Another way of telling wind speed and direction is to look up.”

        “Look up Owen, at what?”

        “At the clouds Rahien. On a calm day they hardly move, on a windy day they can hurry across the sky as if the Dark One himself is after them. Another way would be to use any smoke you could see. Smoke from houses, from camp fires. All of this can be used to help make your first shot hit the target you are aiming for. So with all of this in mind, prepare yourself. Oh and one last thing Rahien. Try not to hit a person, they take a dim view of being peppered with arrows.” Rahien looked shocked at first, but then his expression changed as Owen smiled.  “Take your time Rahien, there is no rush here. Just focus on the target, concentrate on your surroundings and let fly when ready.”

        Owen stood off to one side and signalled to one of the Guardians whose task it was today to keep the targets moving. He would swing the targets slowly at first, but if, and when, Rahien showed signs of improvement the targets would be swung faster.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader[/i]

    OOC Fairly simple rp Rahien. Again respond to what Owen has said and then spend the afternoon working on the moving targets.


  14.     Once both John and Gabe had chosen their weapons, thankfully neither of them had picked either a bastard sword or a hand and a half sword. Those weapons were for much more experienced people and could be just as dangerous to the wielder as to their intended foes. “So you now both have your weapons, keep them with you at all times. If i see you walking around without them i will not be pleased.” This was Owen’s standard opening speech, and there was no malice in the words, just good honest advice. “Make sure it is the first thing you reach for in the morning, and the last thing you put aside at night.  Never be more than a pace or two away from it. You are safe here in the Stedding, but outside the Stedding there are two-legs that would take any opportunity they can to turn us over to the Whitecloaks, or worse. Now come with me please.”

        Owen led them out of the Armoury and through the barracks until they were outside. Instead of taking them to the practice grounds Owen turned towards the center of the Stedding. “Now that you have your weapons you will need to know how to look after them. For instance, if you happen to kill a Trolloc, did you know their blood can etch a blade and weaken if it is not wiped off as soon as possible? “ Owen looked at both Gabe and John and it was obvious neither of them knew of this, which was no surprise considering their backgrounds. “Another thing you have to know is how to sharpen your weapons, whether that is with a whet stone or using a grinding wheel. “

      As Owen continued to lead them closer to the center of the Stedding he was greeted by the few Wolfkin that were out and about. Owen introduced his two companions and explained that he was taking them to the forge to learn how to take care of their weapons. Some smiled and wished them luck; others however knew what was in front of Gabe and John and shook their heads in amusement. Eventually the three of them reached the stables, but Owen did not enter. Instead he took them around the side to where the forge was. The smith was hard at work making horse shoes and after a few words with Owen went back to his work.

        “Now as i said there are two main methods to sharpening a bladed weapon. When we are away from the Stedding we have to use one of these.” Owen reached into his belt pouch and pulled out a small flat stone. “This is called a whet stone and you use this to maintain the cutting edge of the sword. It can also be used to remove nicks and chips from the blade, small ones that is.” Owen handed the whet stone to John and pulled a second one out of his pouch for Gabe. “They are now yours, keep them with you at all times. To be caught out in the wilds with a blunt or damaged blade would not be wise.”

        Owen then proceeded to demonstrate how to use the whetstone. There was a pile of damaged and blunt weapons on the floor and it was one of these that Owen used. “Slow, smooth strokes, up the blade, never down. Always up. Keep the whet stone flat, never angle it or use it on the actual edge of the blade, always along it.” As he was speaking Owen demonstrated his actions. “Now what i want you to do John is work your way through this pile of swords here, removing as many of the nicks as you can. Do not worry if you cannot get them all out, just do your best. Oh and one final thing, i do not expect you to finish that pile, all i want you to do here this morning is to learn how to sharpen and repair these blades. Any questions?”

        John looked hesitant at first, and then spoke.” Owen, if we have a smith, why do we need to repair these weapons, can we not just ask him to do it?”

        “Yes you could John, but what happens if you are not in the Stedding and your weapon is damaged? Your ability to fix it could be all that stands between you and death. Hopefully that will never happen, but it is best to be prepared.” With that Owen and Gabe left John to it and Owen showed Gabe where the large grinding wheel was. “Now this is used to remove larger nicks and also to sharpen new blades that have just been forged. This is more difficult than using a whet stone, but again is a skill that could one day save your life. We will spend the rest of the morning working with this grinding wheel, but firstly let me show you how it works. Go and sit on that stool over there.” Owen pointed to a three legged stool with a strange crank attachment just in front of it.” Sit down there Gabe and put your feet on those blocks of wood in front of you. Now push with your right foot, as it comes round, and then push with your left foot and so on.”

        Gabe did as he was told and soon got into the rhythm that was required to turn the wheel smoothly. When the wheel was going at a decent speed Owen took one of the damaged swords and started to work on the edge, talking to Gabe all the time, explaining what he was doing. Half way through this demonstration another member of the Wolfkin entered and offered to take over from Gabe so he could watch Owen more closely. The work went smoothly, with Owen talking to Gabe all the time, eventually though, it was Gabe’s turn and he and Owen switched places. “Just remember what i have shown you Gabe, take your time, and if in doubt ask.”




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


    OOC: Ok guys, a bit boring i know, but essential. So just rp your responses to what Owen has asked you to do. At the midday meal you will change places. So John spends the afternoon using the grinding wheel and Gabe using the whet stone. One post from each of you will complete this part and then we can move on to some actual stabbing*bg*


  15.     The ride through the city had been a bit of a nightmare. The streets narrow or wide were choked with snow drifts, and more snow was falling adding to the chaos. Not even the sight of Cara’s Serpent ring could make things move any faster and it was nearly mid morning before the two women crossed over one of the bridges and started to trot their horses through the outlying villages. Once they had left civilisation behind they alternated trotting and walking their horses. For now their destination was a small Inn a few hours ride from Tar Valon. However that was a few hours ride under normal conditions. With the amount of snowfall last night, a couple of hours could soon turn into five or six. However both women were dressed for the elements, with good wool clothing covered by heavy cloaks. Cara had the hood of her cloak pulled up, but Liitha rode with hers down, her eyes continually scanning the landscape for any sign of threat. Not that it was likely in this weather. Anyone lurking about stood the real threat of frostbite, or worse.

        Crossing over a wooden bridge, Cara noticed how sluggish the water looked and mentioned this to Liitha. “It looks like this cold is starting to freeze even the rivers. Are you sure you can manage this cold Cara?”

        Cara felt the stab of worry and concern, from Liitha, through their bond. Cara smiled at Liitha to reassure her and allay her concerns. “I am not as weak as you would like me to be Liitha Gaiden.” There were many times when Cara wanted to stick her tongue out at Liitha, and this was one of them. Liitha had a way of making Cara feel like a five year old child who needs constant watching. Well Cara knew how to turn the tables on Liitha and if she continued to worry at her like this she would.

        It was just growing dark when they crested a small rise in the road and could see the lights of the Inn in front of them, roughly a mile or so away.  “I hope they have a warm room and a warm bathtub, my back needs washing and i know just the person to do that.” Cara peered out from under her hood and smiled at Liitha. “It is so good to be away from the city and those stuffy rooms.”

        “Our rooms are not stuffy Cara.”

        “They are Liitha is you had spent as much time in them as i have recently. Now come on, i want my bath, a good meal and then a warm bed with you to cuddle up to.” 

        “I think i could find that acceptable Cara Sedai” It was Liitha’s turn to smile at Cara and Cara felt Liitha’s love bloom through their bond, warming her from the inside out.



    Cara Sedai


    Brown Ajah


    Bonded to Liitha


  16.     Owen watched as Rahien made his way through the racks of bows, occasionally stopping and lifting a bow from the rack, study it, and then replace it. Eventually Rahien stopped in front of a bow and slowly removed it from the rack. Holding it, almost with reverence, he spent a lot longer studying this one than he had the others. Eventually a small smile played across his face. Quickly he collected a packet containing bow strings and then he removed one and strung the bow. Making his way back to where Owen stood, Rahien picked up a quiver of arrows. “That looks like it was made for you Rahien, good choice.” Smiling Owen turned and made his way up the stairs and out to the large field that was on the far side of the Barracks.

        As they walked Owen explained what he wanted from Rahien. “Although you may be good at hunting animals you have a luxury there that you will not have when you face a human opponent. The animal you hunt does not fire back, whereas a two-leg undoubtedly would. “ Owen paused for a moment. He knew that contemplating shooting another person was never something that was easy. ”it is a sad but necessary fact i am afraid. But with the new found friends we have, it may never come to that, so let’s not dwell on it for now. Come on, this walking is fine for those who want to spend all day doing nothing.” With a grin Owen started running up the path, Rahien quickly caught up to him and the two of them continued their run all the way to where Owen had set out some archer targets. They were supposed to look like a human form, but in reality they were two sacks filled with straw, one larger than the other.

        Owen came to a halt 50 paces from the first target. “Now i want you to put two arrows into the target as quickly as you can. Don’t try and get your breath back, just pull and shoot. Now!”  Owen watched as Rahien fumbled for an arrow and then line up on the target.  His first shot was wide of the target, harmlessly disappearing into the grass behind the target. The second shot was better but would only have resulted in a flesh wound. “A good effort Rahien, it is never easy to aim accurately after a run with no rest. But i also noticed a couple of things that would help.” Owen asked Rahien to pick up his bow and prepare to shoot. “When you fired your first arrow you let your elbow to low. Raise it until it is like this. “ Owen held his own bow up and demonstrated what he meant. “The second thing is to breathe out just as you fire. When you can combine these with the skills you have already you have the makings of basic skills necessary to justify a good bow like that one.”

        Owen had Rahien fire off four more arrows, each one closer to a kill shot. On the fifth shot a gust of wind knocked it off course and it flew wide of the target. Owen walked over to where Rahien stood. “You were showing signs of improvement there Rahien; do you know why you missed that last shot?”

        Rahien was quiet for a moment. “Well the wind took hold of it.”

        “Yes it did, and if you knew that why did you not adjust your shot?” Rahien looked non plussed at this. “When we shoot, we need to use all our senses to make sure we hit our target the first shot. You must become one with your environment.  You must be aware of the wind, how much moisture there is in the air, even how hot or cold it is. All of these will have an effect on where your arrow goes. We have to learn to compensate for this.” Now let’s try again.”




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


    OOC: Rahien, rp your responses etc to the above.. Spend about an hour shooting at the 50 pace target then do the same with the next target at a hundred paces. After that we will break for some lunch.....all very civilised don’t cha know*ggls*


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