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Donald Bruce Cowin

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Image Comments posted by Donald Bruce Cowin

  1. You got skills, I'll give you that...Anatomy, perspective,hands, and face, all very good. The coloring and shadowing are good, too. And you say you did it on the iPod Touch? Ha, color me impressed. How are you with landscapes and more detailed articles of clothing? I would be interested to see similar images of Mat and Perrin, and maybe some examples of Ebou Dari, Domani, Aiel, Tinker, or Seafolk fashions. I don't want you to jump on this, because there is no money involved, just your time, but I'm trying to put something together. I don't want to go into great detail, because its all pie in the sky, and even if I were ready now, I'd still need a team of artists, because as good as I suspect you are, you are only one person. If you want to do this, please work at your leisure, there's no rush. Throw in a Fade and a Trolloc for me, drawing monsters is a bit different than drawing people. I like the fact that there is realism in your work, I want believability. Well, that's all for now, but I'll say it again, "Its really nice work, you should be proud".

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