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Aiel Heart

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Posts posted by Aiel Heart




    At least some good came out of that "pilot"



    Hello, I'm a reader from Ecuador. I knew about this saga because of a friend of mine. Now I'm finishing The Dragon Reborn. BTW, reading in pdf, I haven't found the real ones in my country.


    My fav characters by now are Nynaeve, Lan, Loial, Perrin and Faile :D Mat is like a big headache!

    Oooooo Ecuador.... Reading PDF versions of such a long story must be so exhausting for your eyes!!!


    Haha I agree about Matt in the early books. Don't worry; he grows up a bit. He became one of my favorite characters and I couldn't stand him at first!


    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but not new to Dragonmount or the books of which i've read some 27 times the whole series except the last book I read it once. I was so disappointed about the ending of that wonderful series but I am going to try to re read it all again. I wish they would re write the ending to better tell the whole story and close a lot of the things out instead of just leaving it all open to imagination. I love this series just didn't like the ending. I wish they would make movies based on all these wonderful books. I sure miss Mr. Jordan and his writing. His style was Tolkiennish to me and I love Tolkien. I hope you all a blessed day and will try to watch that movie on FX tonight to see what they have come up with. laymarion

    Like everything tied up with a bow, huh? A little more closure for such a long saga... Maybe the Companion will give us what we want!


    Hi all, long time fan of the series since I picked up a copy of Eye of the World in a second hand bookstore about 12 years ago, and since then read and re-read all of the series before the releases of each new book. Was delighted when Brandon Sanderson was asked to finish the series as there were only so many authors who could do the final book (well... what became three books) justice!

    Saw FB posts re. the TV show on late last night and it piqued my interest (though without a TV subscription I shall have to wait to watch it at a friends) and led me to this lovely forum.

    There's also a version of it on youtube--I know the link were floating around the FB groups I'm in and it's also in this thread if you're interested. I had a friend (who knows nothing from the series apart from what I've babbled to him) watch it with me just for moral support :P 


    Registered a while ago but haven't really posted much.


    Of course I just popped back in because of the news regarding the sacreligious pilot...


    Now, I'll probably go back and re-read the series, see what I think of the ending after having a bit of a break from WoT for a year or so. I've been mostly writing with my spare time, so another run through WoT will freshen me up and maybe give me some inspiration to forge on with what will hopefully be the next great fantasy series (haha, yeah right!)


    I'm from Australia, just west of Sydney. G'Day to any other Aussies here!

    I need to apologize to you and all of the other DMers from Australia--my brain just went "AH another Weasley!" XD there's a few other DM Aussies around here (I'm friends with a few of them which probably why my brain was comfortable saying that) 


    Hi!! Ive visited the site a few times and decided to finally join. Ive only read the first five books so far but love the series. I currently rotate reading between three separate series and authors so im sure I have a few more years of reading this. I live in the Michigan love to read and write and hope someday to share these books with my three boys.

    Welcome to the site! Beware of spoilers! Do you live in the glove or UP?


    Hi all! My name is Josh and it seems as if I read the series so long ago! I like to reread it every one or two years though, from start to finish. I think that Perrin is my favourite character, though Lan is definitely up there.

    I haven't really been through the forums yet or anything but I'm hoping there's some amazing RP opportunities here! I look forward to interacting with all of you!

    What about Perrin do you like? Do you prefer early Perrin or late Perrin.

    We do indeed have RP Groups. Go to the main forum page and scroll down a ways and you'll find the RP section!

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