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Posts posted by Manscher

  1. Peoples inability to speak things through properly with each other. Everybody holding secrets, either to trying to gain them an upper hand through some scheming or simply because they are to afraid of the truth(Perrin and Mat).


    So many issues, so many problems would've been solved so easily throughout the book, if people just sat down properly and spoke, without the intention of manipulating and scheming.

  2. When Rand uses the Portal Stone in "What Might Be" from The Great Hunt, he sees various versions of his life. In one of them he is not aware that he's able to channel, yet he still suffers the effect from the taint, the decay and the rage outbursts, no voice though. In the second life he knows he can channel, and uses it at times, and again the taint-induced rage is present but no voice or memories of being Lews Therin.


    I'd assume most male sparkers just go unnoticed like Rand did in his first life vision, and some might actually realize that they can channel and learn to start using it. Judging from the huge amount of male channelers that suddenly show up at The Black Tower, there ought to be a small percentage of those capable of learning enough. You know what they say, if you put enough monkeys to write on a type writer, eventually one of them will write a Shakespeare novel.

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