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Posts posted by Zylazlo-

  1. Nosae was used to lurking around in the dark places where no one else was present, but these corridors were definitely the worst of the spaces he had treaded through. But all in all it didn’t bother him, his mind was elsewhere, in a future elsewhere. The power he would acquire here in the fortress would help him reach this future, he could almost taste it. But before he could accomplish his destiny of power and ruling at the top of the stairway he had to learn about each stair.


    Here he was heading to the deepest depths of the fortress, to the basement where he’d learn about the lowest step in the stairway of darkness, Shadowspawn. The idea didn’t seem very enticing to him, but sometime you had to buck up and do what had to be done, this was definitely one of those times. Learning of pig-men probably did have its benefits though, he could probably use them for One Power target practice. Oh yes, this class was definitely going to have its advantages.


    When he’d learned about these half-breeds and lower life forms and how to control them, then he’d show the world that he wasn’t worthless, that he wasn’t a slave to anybody no matter how he had lived his childhood, he’d be respected and feared even if he had to wipe out half of the unenlightened non-channelers. He silently vowed to never return to a life of servitude to anyone but the Dark Lord himself and to learn of the shadow in the shadows.


    And he had learned indeed. Practicing in an environment where channeling wasn’t considered an offence against humanity was truly benefiting him in great ways. He had much to learn yet, but he had learned more than he knew, and that was enough for now.


    But now this ever increasing labyrinth was irritating to no ends. Was this bloody place made with the intention of making people go mad? No wonder everyone fears the Shadow, they even torture their followers by constructing buildings. And moreover, he feared a punishment from whomever the teacher was, he didn’t know where he could fit another scar on his body, but a Shadow Follower was sure to know where. And since he was pretty sure there was no way to imitate sight was the One Power, he couldn’t afford to lose another eye, and using two eye patches would just be ridiculous.


    But nonetheless he did arrive on time, to hear M’bela’s introduction. The woman seemed powerful in a way, and standing close to those two corpses, which Nosae could only fathom to be trollocs, only proved she wasn’t bothered by much. He mentally reminded himself to not cross the woman, he had a feeling it could end lethally instead of just blinding.


    After only a female student spoke of the trolloc, in which she easily summarized what Nosae himself knew of trollocs, he realized how very little he did know of trollocs. Maybe this class would help in many ways. And with that he impatiently waited for someone else to speak.


    OOC: Yay! Finally on the way to greatness and destruction!

  2. So here Tyosh was riding down the streets on a strange horse, in a strange city accompanied a strange woman with a mohawk. He definitely hadn’t woken up yesterday thinking he’d be escorting a lady who probably saw him as a runt she could run through with ease and judging by the look of how she handled herself, Tyosh guessed she almost certainly could, while taking minimal damage. Not to mention the fact that he was being awaited at an inn by a 12ft ogier, two apparent darkfriend slayers and a man who might be able to split a hair with his bow. Today definitely was a day where interesting threads in the pattern were crossing.


    And so they rode on, the sound of the hooves on the road was actually soothing and the brisk cool morning air mixed with the curative properties of the willowbark made his head as clear as tranquil pond. In fact, he was pleased he got to retrieve Rosheen. He hadn’t been able to see the sights of Caemlyn, what with the drinking with Dilora and Thorfinn. Having been lost and running around in circles, he’d really gotten a feel for the city, he planned on coming back someday, maybe even visiting the infamous Inner City.


    Besides seeming as dangerous as a pack of lit fireworks, Rosheen appeared a nice enough person. Someone who showed concern for their trainee couldn’t be all that bad and knowing a little something about someone you were traveling with was just common sense. Tyosh decided he liked this person and was glad to be traveling with the weapon named Rosheen.


    “In reality, I don’t know the finer points of the problem with Nerome. All I know is that this morning, he and a companion of mine named Dilora, arrived at the inn after fighting darkfriends covered in blood and making preparations for a quick journey back up to Tar Valon.”, narrated Tyosh. She listened and took everything in stride with no apparent change in demeanor. He realized it wasn’t much of a story really and that as soon as he got back everyone had some ‘splaining to do! Tyosh went right on speaking,“And myself? Well, there’s not much to say. I’m an herbalist and a hunter who travels around trying to make a living. Besides that, there’s not much to say, let’s listen to your story. I’m sure yours is a tale worth listening to”

  3. OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get a post out, y'know yesterday... was yesterday. :P


    And so Tyosh made haste to his destination, The Light’s Abode. He had no idea where it was, but he was hoping he’d find it quickly. He wanted to break into a run, but he was afraid he might miss the Inn altogether if he did. He had absolutely no indication of the bloody thing at all, it was close by and all but by the Light couldn’t the young man just give him some directions and maybe a description of the bloody place? This hurrying around a city he’d only been in for a day was anything but pleasant.


    But besides being utterly lost, there was another problem he had noticed, everyone seemed to notice him as well. There were all types of stares towards his person, there were people that openly stared at the blood stained coat he held tightly in his right hand. The boy Warder couldn’t have just given him a nice little note instead of a coat that screamed violence and gore. People seemed to be afraid of him because it. Light! They must think I was the one who bloodied it and am keeping it as some crazy trophy. As long as the watch didn’t apprehend him, which was another good reason to hurry before they did, he didn’t really mind the fear, for one thing it kept the pesky peddlers away.


    But there were other stares, dark stares, stares that would’ve killed if they could him into a lonely alley. Whoever the two had attacked last night had friends, lots of friends. He was an alright fighter, but against 3 or 4 darkfriends he’d surely fall and that was the last thing he wanted right now. So he kept to open and crowded streets and avoided asking for directions altogether, you never knew if there was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, like his uncle used to say.


    He wanted to get out of Caemlyn as fast as he could but it was as if this bloody inn didn’t even exist. Dilora’s night companion didn’t seem like much of a liar, but Tyosh all the stares and being lost was getting to him. Oh bloody hell that’s it I’ll have to go back to our inn and get indications, if we stay much longer here I fear for what’ll happen.


    This time he did dash, seeing as how he wouldn’t have found the- and as if the Creator had been playing a practical joke on him, there appeared The Light’s Abode in all its glory.


    He speedily entered without taking care of how many people he pushed out of his way. Inside he quickly scanned the room with the same precision, he’d use for hunting white rabbits in the snow. And there she was, the tall woman carrying a mohawk, Rosheen Tahn Sakhr. She sat at a table apparently waiting for someone, maybe the owner of the cloak?


    “Excuse me, Rosheen? I’m here to deliver a message”, he handed Rosheen the stained cloak, at this point Tyosh began to worry, the woman seemed capable of protecting herself and there was no real guarantee that Tyosh hadn’t just beaten the lad and taken his cloak and was now leading Rosheen into an ambush, he just prayed silently that she knew it had nothing to do with that and kept on delivering his message.


    “Him and my companions are going to wait for us on the outskirts of Caemlyn, so we should really be going as soon as possible, there might be people around who wouldn’t appreciate us staying.” At this last part he gave her a suggestive glance at the enemies her friend would have to face upon staying in Caemlyn much longer, and not only him, but Forge, Dilora, Thorfinn and even himself.

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