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Posts posted by Thorgan

  1. I would love an update to the series to make it better. It always seemed silly to me that there are pracitcally never big changes made to a fantasy book after it is published.


    There are a few flaws in WoT that almost everybody can agree on. For example Mat's humour inconsistencies. Why would anyone not want to fix that? It could be done quite easily.

  2. What happened to all the Trakands? We've only seen Morgase and Elayne.


    About the bubbles of evil. It seems odd to me that when they first are introduced we get a hole lot of them (by hearing odd rumors). But then for quite a wile they don't shot up at all. Is there a reason for that?


    Are there any darkfriends among the andoren nobels?


    Did Moridin ever talk to Demandred? If yes, when?

    Great theory: Demandred really is Moridin! *gasp*

  3. I hate how stupidity is used as a plot device. A lot of books and movies use this, but it's still retarded.


    The children of the light for example. Especially Dain Bornhald. I guess Byar would make sense if he's a dark friend.

    Also Aes Sedai are in some ways very intelligent and otherwise really dumb. "Black ajah doesn't exist let's never talk about it". Especially Elaida.


    Rand gets told many times that he is LTT. Yet he denies it and never considers that he actually is LTT reborn.

  4. Of course I meant Tamra, my bad.


    As for Tamra Ospenya herself, the interrogation that led to her death, could have had something to do with the Black Ajah needing to find out more about her Keeper's (Gitara) foretellings. Especially pertaining to the Dragon being reborn. Siuan suspects that Gitara had earlier foretellings about the Dragon Reborn known to Tamra based on certain events and Tamra's actions and reactions to those events. It would not be too much of a stretch IMO that others would of picked up on this as well.

    That makes sense :O

  5. Why do people always judge how 'good' a character is based on how good their personality is?


    Sure Faile is selfish and immature but that really doesn't make a bad character.


    Character development makes sense to me. And now there are so many relationships around you can't have all of them normal.


    + It's better then yet another aes sedai romance.

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