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Posts posted by Thorgan

  1. lol, 10 million trollocs.

    The shadow probably has an advantage (mostly because of the ashaman) but if that were the case they could just stroll down southward.

    They could have done that if there were the same number of trollocs and human soldiers for that matter.


    I'm pretty sure LTT didn't have a giant army when he sealed the DO.

    And if he gets enough aes sedai he can still make a giant circle and do whatever.

  2. Are there any theories about Ishamaels plan for the last battle?

    Clearly he plannes something since the first book but I can't really come up with anything other then the fact that he needs Rand to actually fight the last battle for it to work.


    I'm sure you guys figured something out, certainly that chapter where Moridin plays this board game has a lot of forshadowing.


    edit: Just read the one on theoryland, kind of meh though.

  3. When Alanna and Verin are in the two rivers Alanna sometimes goes somewhere... to do something...

    Verin tells Perrin about that when she tells him he shouldn't trust Alanna.


    Also when someone was injured (think it was Perrin) Alanna wasn't around for a wile.


    Any clue what she's doing?




    Later when Elayne and Nyn are in Salidar they use the need-trick in the world of dreams to find the bowl of winds.

    But before they do they go to one of the store rooms of the white tower.

    What Terangreal is in the store room? Would it also be something to fix the weather?

  4. Actually I think Robert Jordan forgot about one thing when writing about Aes Sedai damane.


    Aes Sedai can speak oaths that are binding to themselves. So if an Aes Sedai sais "I will not channel wile I'm wearing an a'dam" she can not. No matter how much she is tortured.


    Of course it's not that simple but that one Aes Sedai that tried to starve herself to death (I don't remember the name) could've used that trick.

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