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Posts posted by capuga

  1. Then everyone else is wrong. UncleButcher has the right of it - while New Spring is connected to the series (it's a prequel, after all) it is not a part of it, any more than the BWB is. And if we count the BWB as well, then WoT is at least 16 books - and why stop there? The RPG must surely be a part of the series! No, WoT is a series, currently intended to be fourteen books, beginning with EotW, concluding with AMoL. Those books are all part of the series, other related works are not.


    Something being a side story does not mean it isn't part of the series. Is New Spring required reading to understand the rest of the series? No. But so what? It provides background and details not mentioned in the main series. It's set in the same universe. It's listed on the series list in the front pages of every WoT book. As far as I'm concerned, as long as it's set in the WoTverse it's part of the series.


    Then why doesn't ToM say Book Fourteen of The Wheel of Time? Because it's only Book 13 of main series just like it says right on the cover.

  2. In ToM "To Make A Stand" during the invasion of Maradon it says...


    The Asha'man and Aes Sedai had worked to heal Ituralde's men, but only the worst cases could get attention.


    I didn't realize there were AS in the city. Is this a mistake?


    Did the group that usually surrounds Rand come with him? Or were some of the Asha'man ones that had bonded the AS that came to attack the Black Tower?

  3. It was a trap by Fain.



    How did he set such a thing up?


    He has some kind of power to create illusions. We see it again in Far Madding when Rand confronts him and sees the rogue Asha'men (who are already dead by this point) coming at him. Rand slashes the illusion which appears to hurt Fain. We don't have any concrete knowledge of how Fain does what he does. We see he has additional powers in ToM.

  4. Came across this quote earlier...


    Q: Why couldn't Moghedien escape the leash with the True Power?

    RJ: The a'dam would perceive any Power use and treat it accordingly.


    Been a while since I've read TGS but didn't Rand do just that to escape the bands?


    Yes it is. Which means that either RJ misspoke (or, more likely, was mis-quoted) or Brandon and Team Jordan missed that quote. Or I guess they could say that the Domination Band was slightly different than the female a'dam.

  5. i have noticed this a couple of times in the forum, but whats the deal with Bela?


    It's just a long running (and extremely played out) joke. Bela is the creator, Bela is the Dark One, Bela is the greatest fighter in the world, Bela will turn out to be the real Dragon reborn, etc. I'm not sure what started it but it's just meant to be an inside joke. Hopefully an inside joke that soon dies.

  6. I am new and I am sure that this has must've been answered somewhere, but I will ask here since I cannot find an answer.


    In Avienda's trip to Rhuidien in ToM, are her visions of a possible future or are they visions of the future? In other words, if Rand takes care of the DO at TG, are the visions certain to come true?




    We're not given a definite answer in the books, but the general concensious is that they are just a possible future that can now be avoided with Avi's knowledge and proper actions.

  7. Ok so it's chapter 18 As the Plow breaks the Earth. Rand's telling Berelain he'll give her any assurances she wants then he cuts off and we get:


    Colours swirled so strongly in his head that his tongue froze. Lews Therin cackled.


    We'll probably need the whole passage to get the context. It's likely that a discussion with Berelain involved her desire for Perrin which would be what caused the colors.

  8. lol. You guys must have missed this bit:


    "Rand al'Thor," Nynaeve shrieked, "that is the most outrageous thing I ever heard out of your mouth! The very idea of telling three women you love them! You're worse than a lecher! You apologize right now!" Lan had snatched his pipe from his mouth and was staring at Rand.


    Thanks for the reply. This is from WH:12, A lily in Winter? Isn't this the conversation they have before the bonding ceremony talking about love and marriage, Elayne says lets go to our rooms so as not to be bothered by Nynaeve and Lan as she feared Nynaeve would stop them? edit: from bonding with Rand.

    Indeed. But she knows of the relationship between the three of them. She would probably have figured out the bond thing a long time ago if the subject didn't repulse her so much. :biggrin:


    Also, Mat doesn't know about Min, unless someone happened to tell him, which I doubt. He was taken away right after Falme and likely doesn't remember much aside from the battle itself. Min wasn't at the Stone, and he had left the Tower before she got there. And then Rand sent him away in early LOC before Rand hooked up with Min in Caemlyn when the rebel embassy showed up, and when he took Mat to Salidar he of course had Aviendha with him, but not Min. So Mat and Min haven't even seen each other since Falme, which Mat probably doesn't remember, and before that, he only saw her at the Stag and Lion.


    But Mat has seen Rand and Min naked together in his ta'veren color swirling visions.

  9. I have another question spurred by a quote I found on the latest Taim discussion:


    TGS, 15 "A Place to Begin." The Moridin/Rand dream sequence. "I feel so tired," Moridin continued, closing his eyes. "Is that you, or is it me? I could throttle Semirhage for what she did."


    at first I thought the DO gave Rand the ability to channel the TP but is it more likely that Moridin let him, because he was pissed at Semirhage?


    My belief is that he channeled the True Power through his link with Moridin without the Dark One or Moridin knowing about it. That is why he say another face (Moridin's) just before channeling. However, this is still hotly debated and most of the comments I've read believe that Semi's escape and Rand's usage of the True Power were all a plan by the Shadow to turn Rand to the darkside.

  10. Hello, there is my simple question :


    In "The Path of Daggers", when Maighdin / Morgase has joined the camp of Perrin in Ghealdan : Why has nobody recognised her ?

    Annoura Sedai is from the grey ajah : she must known all the rulers of Randland, doesn't it ?


    Thanks ! :)


    Not every Gray will have met every ruler. Evidentally Annoura had not met Morgase.

    I thought about that to. Morgase went to the WT to train, and unless Annoura was completely absent from the WT, which maybe she was, she would recognize an important person like Morgase. Morgase, a celebrity, was a direct link to Andor for the WT.


    Morgase was only 16ish when she was in the White Tower. So if that's the only time that Annoura saw her, the difference twenty something years makes in her appearance would be enough for Annoura not to recognize her. Plus think of the situation - Morgase was believed dead. She was pretending to be a maid and wearing plain clothes. People see what they expect to see. In this case, they see a maid and not a Queen that is believed to be dead.

  11. Wow everyone sure biznitches enough dont they :rolleyes: Stick with it or not, you already came this far didnt cha :biggrin: . Read some recent David Eddings and see how you feel :dry: Anyway luv ya all and keep drinking the WOT tea! I know I will :wub:


    Oh man, that last David Eddings series (The Dreamers I think) was the worst series I have ever read. I had to force myself to finish it because I had already bought the whole series. I was surprised, because I really like his other works (thus, the reason I bought the series) but that one was just blow your brains out bad.

  12. Is Halima Be'lal? I believe she freed Mog.(she was seen in Mog.s tent right before Mog. escaped) and we know that Mog. was freed by someone using Saidin. There are other things that make me think this is a possibility. I believe that she showed up when Rand and Nyn. used the Choedan Kal and fought with Eban. I'm in the middle of CoT, so there may be things I have not read yet.


    Halima is Aran'gar who is Balthemal (sp?) - the Forsaken that was killed by the Green Man in tEotW - transmigrated into a new body. Apparently Balthemal was infamous for being a womanizing lecher, which is why one of the other Forsaken comment on the Dark One having a sense of humor by putting him into the body of a woman.


    Edit: Beat to it by yoniy0

  13. A thought just occurred to me::

    Suldam could probably use various techniques to change how the former Aes Sedia interprets sworn oaths.

    Though the process would probably take a long time; and even then there is not a guarantee of the damane changing.


    It seems that suldam have not even tried changing damane beliefs.


    One way to do this would be to convince them that because the sul'dam is in charge and the damane can only channel what the sul'dam says, it is actually the sul'dam being the weapon and not the damane. Not sure they could make the former Aes Sedai believe this but it could possibly circumvent the Oath if they could.

  14. question on damane: If AS who were captured and become Damane are forced to use the OP as a weapon, why doesn't it kill them or choke them up like when they come close to telling a lie? The oaths should prevent them from being useful damane, no?


    Somebody could look up the actual quote but the Seanchan do mention that the Aes Sedai captured as damane are useless as weapons. The one Yellow that was caught at Falme and is completely broken (Teslyn warned Mat against trying to rescue her in Ebou Dar) is upset that she can't be a more helpful damane but her sul'dam consules her and tells her she makes great Skylights. They are also useful for Healing.

  15. a couple of quick Wise Ones questions.

    1. how many are there? and how many of them can channel? Sevanna had at least 300 Wise Ones that could channel with her in Malden. and that's just Shaido. Rand has 11 clans. So he has over 3000 Wise Ones channelers? that's an army bigger than Asha'man and Aes Sedai put together. yet he hardly seems to use them.

    2. Sorilea is supposed to be over 300 years old yet she can barely channel. how is it that she slowed so much? we are told that the slowing effect depends on strength in the OP.


    Alivia is supposed to be far older than that (I can't remember off the top of my head) and she looks barely middle aged, so Sorilea being a wrinkled out walnut at 300 seems reasonable enough to me!

    I'm not talking about the looks here but of the fact that Sorilea lived as long as she did (and is still going strong). Alivia is extremely strong in the OP so no wonder that she slowed so much more than the other. Sorilea can barely channel, yet she lived over 300 years.


    Well the life span of a channeler who's not bound by the Oaths is supposed to be something like 600 years. So for her to make it to half of that as a weak channeler is not unbelievable.

  16. And BTW - I've noticed that in the real world most women cross their arms over their breasts, not below them. I think that the nonverbal message that is meant to be conveyed by the oft used phrase "Crossed her arms underneath her breasts" (meaning seriousness and/or steadfastness) would be better conveyed by describing these women crossing their arms over their breasts. A below the breast arm crossing seems, at least to me, to convey more relaxed, maybe slightly bored.


    Not sure about this. Actually try crossing your arms over your chest. Its a pretty ackward (sp?) position. Plus, if a women crosses them under their chest, it pushes them up a bit which is a much sexier pose. :biggrin:

  17. Any time during the series you see the words "pillow friend" it refers to a relationship that is often sexual in nature. It is usually used in reference to lesbian relationships.


    Here's a link to a good article that discusses the subject.


    Great article, many thinks.


    One particular passage stood out in my mind:

    He might have enjoyed the meal more if she had not lectured him on everything. Not sister-wives. That was left to Amys and Lian, lying on either side of Rhuarc and smiling at each other almost as much as at their husband.


    - The Shadow Rising, Cold Rocks Hold


    Clearly the relationship between Rand and Min/Elaine/Avhineda has its roots in Aiel custom, with Elaine and Avhienda becoming first sisters and accepting their having to share Rand with each other and Min. On it's surface and so far, when talking about the physical aspects of this rather strange relationship, it seems that Rand's sexual relationship with each of them is separate, in a physical sense, though certainly the sensations seem to be shared through their bond with him. But, does it seem likely at some point that all three will engage in physical intimacy with Rand at the same time? What is the endgame in this relationship - some kind of Mormon marriage where they all live together and enjoy Rand on their assigned nights or more of an Aiel anything goes situation where, in a sense, they are all married to each other, not just to Rand?


    I certainly know which way the male readers of the series would want it. :biggrin: Of course it would depend on how the 3 girls would feel about it, I'm not sure we've seen anything in their POVs to indicate one way or the other. But it would not be surprising considering the prevalence of girl/girl encounters in the series and the lack of a social stigma that is associated with it in their world. Kind of refreshing actually. It would be nice if the non-fiction world were as open-minded.

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