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Posts posted by Rhand

  1. 32 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    I agree on most of your points, but this one can be answered easily: both rand and lanfear were understandably very distracted at the moment.


    Anyway, channeling would have alerted lanfear. Moiraine had better chances without the power


    You would think after almost being killed by a Myrddraal, Rand would've been a bit more attentive. Lanfear on top of that is not really a lovesick girl finally getting who she wants, she's an evil supervilain who carefully orchestrated the whole situation.


    I agree it's an easy answer, but to me, keeping in mind their characters, it's not a very sensical one.

  2. Some good things and some really bad things.   


    Liked the White Tower events, again, they're really nailing that.   


    Happy to see Hopper and have Perrin getting more exposure as a wolfbrother.   


    Really annoyed with how Lan is being handled and how much references we have to hear about Alanna sleeping with her warders. Also a bit put off by Alanna and the warders going through Lan's personal things where they found the prophecy.


    Really annoyed with the lack of screentime for my boy Mat.   


    The Rand v Selene interaction was going really well until she suddenly started channeling and revealing she was a Forsaken. Would have been much better to let the viewer know, through the prophecy and the scene with Ishy, but leave Rand in the dark (hehe) for a bit longer.   


    The ending was terrible. Really, how often are we going to see characters appear behind someone else out of fricking nowhere and "killing" them. The doors were closed when Rand and Selene were inside, Moiraine had to open them and when they left in the end, they were closed again. So not only did Moiraine, silently, open those heavy wooden doors, she also closed them, silently. Then she snuck across the room in her heavy dress, silently, and she drew Rand's sword, silently. Terrible B-action movie material.   


    This ain't even a book scene. They completely fabricated this out of thin air, to again show how "badass" Moiraine is and cucking Rand again. When are they finally gonna start showing some badass Rand moments.

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