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News item Comments posted by ashaman73

  1. Looking very forward to reading TWOT companion when it comes out!


    More than that though, I would love to see a new story set within TWOT! I know already that Harriet is against this and it is probably not gonna happen, though there is still some stuff to make a good story about! A Memory of Light completes the main series for the most part, though the story is still incomplete in a way. What about Machin Shin and the corruption of the ways? What of Egwenes alliance made with the Aiel and the Sea Folk in TOM? Will the next amyrlin honor that alliance? And of course there is the Seanchan! There is enough to make a great story even if Brandon Sanderson is not the author to write it, though he still did a great job tying up the main story! If those issues listed above were addressed in a new TWOT stoy I would be happy! And I think that would tie up the main story as far as I can tell. Not to mention that it would probably make alot of other people happy! 


    I know none of this is probably not gonna happen, though I just want to put my thoughts out there, because there is definitely room for another great TWOT story!

  2. I am looking forward to seeing TWOT companion, and it looks like it will be an interesting book to read! Too bad we have to wait another year for it, though I can live with that!


    I know I have said this before, and I will say it again! I hope TWOT companion is just slightly more detailed than The World of Robert Jordans The Wheel of Time! I want to see descriptions about the gholams and the true power! Those are the only two things I can think of that were left out of The World of Robert Jordans, even though I thought it was a pretty sweet book!


    It will probably be five years or longer before we ever see TWOT movie! I just hope that Universal or whoever does the movie does'nt screw it up!


    Some people may or may not know about this-but for anybody who loves George RR Martins series, there is a book supposed to come out by him in October called The World of Ice and Fire or something like that! It is supposed to be an illustrated guide to his series-A Song of Ice and Fire! I personally enjoy RJ series more, yet I imagine Martins fans will probably want to get this book! 

    Wishing everybody the best! Peace!

  3. I like the name TWOT companion! I just hope its free of small errors as opposed to The World of Robert Jordans! I am talking about one small part where it lists all the amyrlins. It lists all of them from the trolloc wars to the new era, though when it gives the lists and sorts them all by ajah it leaves out the numbers for the brown ajah. I dont really mind typo errors! For any major saga like TWOT, you got to cut the author some slack, and give him or her credit for what they are doing right! Other than that small above mentioned error, I loved The World of Robert Jordans The Wheel of TIme, and I thought it was a pretty good book!

    I also hope TWOT companion is just a tiny bit more detailed than The World of Robert Jordans! What I mean is I would not only like to see descriptions about shadowspawn, it would also be cool to see descriptions about the true power and gholams! I know there is only partial info and references about them in the series, though I still think it would be great if they were included in TWOT companion!

    I know we probably will not see another wheel of time story or outrigger novel, though when this book comes out, I can add it to my collection and I am looking forward to that!

    Wishing everybody the best!


  4. Thats really too bad that we will not see any more novels set in TWOT universe, other than TWOT encyclapedia! I know Harriet has said that this is probably not gonna happen, though there is so much more to write and read about in TWOT story! Besides that Harriet and maybe Brandon Sanderson or whoever wrote the new novels could make money off the stories! I would love to read a new story about all the old characters struggling against the seanchan, and any other stories such as outrigger novels set within TWOT story! I know Harriet and Brandon are against that happening, and so are a number of fans. Still, I had to put my thoughts out there! Wishing everybody a hopefully cool summer!!

  5. I know I am responding a little late to this post but I am gonna go ahead and give my thoughts anyway! I love The World of Robert Jordans The Wheel of Time book, though there are only two things left out of it that I would like to see in The Wheel of Time Encyclopedia, and those are descriptions of the gholam and the true power! I know they are talked about in some of the books, but I would still like to see them in the TWOTE! Also I am just curious: is there any info or news about TWOT being made into movies? The last news I heard about that was BS said he could not say too much about that. But if there is any news about TWOT movies I would love to hear about it! Wishing everybody a happy Easter in advance!

  6. Thanks to everybody who shared the info about the LA book signing report event! I found the information very informative as well as entertaining! I would like to give my thoughts and questions about TWOT trivia concerning one possible character who it seemed like was left out of AMOL sort of.

        First off, I loved AMOL and if it turns out my my trivia question is WRONG, I apologize in advance and so be it...yada yada yada! Now onto the trivia question! To the best of my knowledge I only have three questions or concerns about AMOL! 1. trivia question: concerning the fact that I do not remember Shadar Haran the shadowspawn mryddral playing a significant role in AMOL, though I do remember reading hints of him in AMOL sort of! 2. Very little world rebuilding: though the overall ending of AMOL was satisfying for the most part! But in comparison to The Return of the King in TLOTR series by J.R.R. Tolkien the world rebuilding in AMOL did not seem quite as detailed. Even still though I prefer TWOT over TLOTR series, though I think both share similarities and are pretty decent! 3. No glossary: in AMOL, though I know it has already been covered by BS on his website. The day I first got the book it seemed like a radical change though that is something that I can accept and live with!

       Overall I thought AMOL was an excellent book for the most part and I look forward to hearing info and news about TWOT encyclapedia mabye twot movie? Thanks to everyone about the trivia who made this possible and best wishes to all for a hopefull happy Easter holiday!


  7. This news is exciting and I look forward to reading some of it! There is only one thing I am concerned about AMOL! About five or six months ago you could go on dragonmount or amazon and read the synopsis or the book description on the dust jacket of AMOL. My question and concern is what happened to the synopsis? Is TOR going to leave this off the cover? I think it would make the book better if they left it on the cover. If dragonmount could shed some light on this I would like to know about it! And please do not screw up AMOL TOR!!

  8. Seasons greetings to everyone! First off I enjoyed listening to the audiobook of chapter two of AMOL and it definitely did not disappoint me! However, cocerning the art topic "screw you all" I love TWOT...Everybody knows that the person who made that topic is not getting reimbursed finanacially, then they are the one who are getting ripped off and NOT us the customers!! Whatever the case the artist has a passion for TWOT series!!

    Since AMOL is supposed to be the last book in the series it is bound to stir up a lot of passions for everyone who loves this series!! However I do not want to try to predict events for AMOL because then I would set MYSELF up to be disappointed and I do not want that!!

    About the book rewiew of AMOL, I know that Jason who runs dragonmount website normally puts out a book a book review-I have read Winters Heart etc. and then does a positive book review without REVEALING all the plot threads and I enjoy those book reviews immensely! I guess Jason figures that the topic Dear Robert Jordan or whatever it is called is a glowing tribute to RJ and BS!! Whatever the case I can live with it!! Besides it is the book AMOL I look forward to reading whenever it comes out!

    Thank you to everybody who makes TOWT series possible and shares TWOT information-including dragonmount! Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!!

  9. Thank you Jason for sharing some of your thoughts and passions about RJ and AMOL! In a sense TWOT series is kind of like my bible for me personally! I know I am not alone when I say that I have reread the series numerous times and I still do not get tired of this series. I recently talked to two relatives of mine who also enjoy the series, yet they both said they do not read the glossaries in the books! I am sure that there are a number of people who read TWOT books purely for the story and do not bother with the glossaries. Myself I love the glossaries and find that sometimes they give some information and insight about certain things not always mentioned in the books. And sometimes it is the other way around. Occasionally you find tidbits of information mentioned in the books yet not in the glossaries. Nevertheless I still enjoy the glossaries and the story as well!

    One thing I was curious about is whether there will be an actual book review of AMOL by Jason and dragonmount? I am sure there will be one eventually and I know these things take time. Or mabye I am wrong and the recent news article on dragonmount "Dear Robert Jordan" is the book review itself! Any information at all would be appreciated!

    Thanks and wishing happy holidays to everyone!

  10. I can understand how people want to theorize about TWOT characters and the upcoming release of AMOL! Yet at the same time I dont want the main story of AMOL to be spoiled with too many revelations! I am looking forward to reading AMOL yet I want it be a suprize so to speak!

    I know this is not going to happen overnight, yet one thing I am eagerly wainting for is a book review of AMOL by dragonmount as long as it does not give away anything specific though I know it is hard to do a book review without talking about the book! I will be content with whatever happens with the future of TWOT and there are other things to as well!

    Wishing everyone happy holidays and a hopefully cool Fall season!

  11. This is all great and everything, yet what I would really like to hear more about is what is the synopsis or the text on the U.S. edition of AMOL going to say on the dust jacket? I know dragonmount has said that probably it wil be the same as on the orbit edition, and I have to admit that I like the text on the orbit edition!! Any information at all would be appreciated!

  12. Like a lot of people I am very excited about A Memory of Light and look forward to reading the book when it comes out in 2013! However, I do have a positive complaint and I will express myself one more time on dragonmount and then I will not say it again at least on this above named website! I do not want to try and predict events in AMOL like I have seen on some other websites though I guess alot of people are really stoked up about AMOL, and so am I for that matter! My major complaint is that TOR seems to want to make AMOL into a OVERBOARD money marketing campaign!!

    I know AMOL is supposed to be the last main volume of TWOT series and I can understand and even relate to a certain extent about the fact that we have seen the artwork, which looks pretty decent-like how Tor puts on the dustjacket-THE FINAL VOLUME OF THE WHEEL OF TIME-in the UPPER right corner of the cover. Well ok they WANT to make the book look special in turn it seems kind of corny compared to the previous books in TWOT series like e.g. LOC is book six of TWOT which is what it says on all TWOT books etc.-or most of them anyway!

    Customers put the money in book publishers pockets, not the other way around! Still I could live with and accept these changes if I absolutely had to! And to me it is the story-not so much the text or even minor errors-that I look forward to the most whenever AMOL comes out!

    Wishing everyone a happy and hopefull cool summer! Thanks for the updates everybody!!

  13. First off, I think the cover art looks great! But I have a few qualms about the text on the cover. What is "the final volme of TWOT" doing in the upper right corner of the book? It makes the book look kind of odd. Secondly why does it say the final volume of TWOT? Why not just put book fourteen of TWOT, though that is a minor issue and is something I could live with. Finally where is the synopsis on the inside of the dust jacket? Again I think the cover art looks great but the first qualm is my major complaint! I am sure we will see what the synopsis is like eventually. Thanks for the info dragonmount!

  14. This is good news about the release date and all! I dont really mind waiting until whenever the book comes out! We have waited this long, so 2013 is not gonna hurt anything! Yet what I am concerned about the most is the fact that ALMOST everybody-tor for example-wants to make AMOL absolutely PERFECT! I know they want it to be a good book. Yet BS has stated that he wants to do about six or so revisions for AMOL. I know that BS, Harriet, and TOR wants it to be a perfect book yet at the same time no human being is perfect and that is a simple fact of life! I want it to be a great book as well. No matter what happens I will be content with whatever happens with AMOL and in the meantime there are plenty of other books to choose from! Thanks for the info dragonmount! Wishing everybody a happy spring!

  15. Hi guys. Mabye there will be some interesting tidbits revealed from BS about the TWOT books. There was something I was curious about though. I was checking out the newsletter on BS website a little while ago and they mentioned something about how the drafts with the percentage bars like AMOL second draft 40% is almost the same thing as the revisions that BS wants to do for AMOL. So I have two questions: My first one is is this true that the drafts and revisions are basically the same thing? And secondly does anybody know many revisions he is gonna do? I thought I heard something a while back about there being mabye six revisons but I could be wrong. Any feedback at all would be appreciated! Thanks for the news dragonmount!

  16. This news about the new book covers is slightly interesting and I imagine there will be a few people that will buy them. I agree with a prior comment when I say that I hope tor will stick to the artwork and outline, etc. left by DKS for traditions sake for the next book AMOL! Going back to the new book covers I think it would be kind of cool if tor released TWOT books 4-14? in trade papebacks like they did for TWOT books 1-3. Wishing everone the best! Thanks for the update dragonmount!

  17. This is all good and everthing yet the type of news I really want to hear about has to do with AMOL. When will we see the artwork on the dustjacket of AMOL as well as the synopsis for AMOL? Does it look like the book will be released in the fall of 2012 or will we have to wait till the summer of 2013? Any news at all would be appreciated! Wishing everyone a happy new year! Keep up the good work dragonmount!

  18. Hi Dragonmount! It is good to hear some news that is not always TWOT centered and yet my main reason for visiting dragonmount is because I enjoy hearing news about TWOT series and all the books in it! I know BS is a very busy person and that AMOL is slow going and it will probably be a year or more before we see it. I will definitely hope for the best and look forward to reading it when it is published. So please dragonmount share with us any TWOT news you have whether it has to do with TOM being published in paperback or an interview with BS about TWOT series (one that everybody can share in) tell us about it because we definitelty want to hear about it! Wishing everybody a great summertime and all the best!!

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