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News item Comments posted by Naggash

  1. I'm actually pretty sure any attempt at real-people material (tv show or movie) will be disastrous.


    I'd rather have it animated so that everything can be made perfectly, not to mention the Power, the gigantic battles and the gigantic battles with the Power meddling.


    Game of Thrones works because the "supernatural" is very subtle. I'd like to see how they manage to compose a One Power fight with special effects and how much it would cost.

  2. I like to think my four favorite lovers will find their wey together from time to time. Maybe, though doubtedly, he could even pay Mat and Nynaeve a visit since, I think, they've been his greatest friends and supporters and I refuse to believe they would betray the secret.

    Then again this could also aply to his father, and we know he won't be paying everyone a visit.


    Paw. I like to think that at least he will be able to be with his girls if nothing else.

  3. Ok. A-W-S-O-M-E. Let's see it again...




    Yes, I'm kind of a big Mistborn fan. tWoT is the top of my "awsome fantasy" list, but Mistborn is also pretty damn high, along with 'Geralt de Rivia' (Andrzej Sapkowski) and King Killer Chronicles (Patrick Rothfuss). I strongly recommend the three of them to all of you.

  4. I love the last one :)


    If the "i-take-suggestions" offer is still open, I'd like an AoL recap.


    Not the most original ideia I've had but it's what I would like xD I know it could take a few weeks to make a full recap but in my opinion it'd be worth it.


    Specificaly I have yet to see a good Nomeshta artwork ^^


    Thanks for your hard work :)

  5. I personally don't enjoy too much digital art, but it's nice to see some about the WoT.

    I specially like the keys to the Choedan Kal in the last picture. I didn't imagine them exactly that way but if, for example, a movie was made, this design is one I would appreciate to see in it.


    Thanks for the work.

  6. I think Blank got it right.


    Think of the taint as poison stacking inside a person. Nynaeve dicovered a way to remove that poison, therefor nullifying its effect on the person. In this case, madness.


    I, too, don't think she would be able to heal natural madness.


    Also, Mashiara, what you say about "healing" not being capitalized in the prologue is pretty interesting.

    May it be a clue to what 'blank' just pointed out? That you can remove the taint with the Powers, but not truly heal madness?


    That also would explain why LTT is still mad in Rand's head. He may be taintless but no one could go through what he did and keep completely sane. A point supporting this is that taint-madness always seems to cause weird effects on people (looming shadows, seeing Myrdraal everywhere, etc...) while LTT doesn't show any of this. He just seems a perturbed man with a suicide desire for what he has done.


    I think we might got it right now.

  7. Mashiara Sedai I may be wrong, but I think the answer to that is: she didn't.

    From my pov what Nynaeve did was not healing (not a healing wave like those pre-Salidar, and not like those post-Salidar) but something quite different.


    I don't have the books here so I can't quote, and I certainly don't remember that scene accurately enough to be sure of anything, but I can tell that that's what I thought when reading it, that she wasn't really healing. She discovers yet something new even the Forsaken and zen-Rand didn't know about. Or maybe it was healing after a fashion, but what is healing?


    I mean, post-Salidar the word "healing" doesn't hold too much meaning. Before, "healing" was a wave, a wave called "healing" that healed nothing or everything at the same time. But after Nynaeve's 5-power-heal the word "healing" becomes quite abstract, because it's not a specific wave. It varies depending on what you want to heal and maybe even on how bad it is (at least that's how I understood it). So what is "healing"? We really just call "healing" to any particular wave that heals something on someone, but that is quite a wide range of waves. Erasing compulsion is healing too, but not really like healing a wound in the chest.


    I think I made my point by now. Tsk. As always it's hard to explain myself in a foreign language but I hope you understand.

  8. I think Ishamael was imprisioned, if only barely, and that his physical appereance in 'Dragonmoun' was an inconsistency.


    I'm the first one to say that RJ is a writting master, but it's impossible to write a 18-book-series without some errors.

    Maybe he realized afterwards that if Ishamael had been free our young friends would have never been able to escape. But then, if he hadn't been free he wouldn't have been able to heal LTT and 'Dragonmount' would have been dramatically changeed. And as you say, it's a wonderful chapter, so no reason to spoil that.

    Or maybe it's just a silly mistake.


    Also, Ishamael doesn't say that he isn't healing LTT. He is. He's just giving the reader the first clue about the True Power. He is implying that he will heal him with the True Power, which is a very different process, maybe with not all the same results, but healing nontheless.


    Regarding the taint I think the Hundred Companions were instantly full-tainted because they were touching the DO (after a way) when he struck back, not because of physical proximity.


    As for the 'Dragon' title, I hadn't even thought about it. I never realized what that statement ("they named you Dragon, but unlike you I embrace the name") implied. That's a good catch, great work.

    My first impresion is that it may be meaningless. Just a piece of narrative made to impress. But as you say, there can be a lot to it that we just don't realize.


    Keep the hard work :)

  9. One thing occured to me though, while reading Ravens; why does the DO send a lot of ravens to Two Rivers and waits then 6 years or something before he sends a DF there to check? That is something I would like to know :) 


    Mmmmm, I always guessed that sending Trollocs so early in the weakening of the Prision was too titanic a task even for the DO.

    And I don't think he was certain of Rand being the Dragon. Suspicious maybe, but not certain.

  10. I started reading the series 6 years ago, when I was 15. Since then I've read all the books (except for the last trio) 6 times (not 1 a year, just when i feel like it). tGS 3 or 4 times. ToM 2 times. aMoL 1 time. This last trio I read even when it hadn't been translated to spanish. I pre-ordered all three in amazon and read them in english, that big was my eagerness to continue the series.


    It wasn't long after my first read that I stumbled upon this site. I was quite active for some time, but in the end studies and other hobbies got in the way and I had to stop. But I visit this site almost everyday to see what's new, forums included. I'm a Myrdraal lurking in the shadows :P


    For that, I thank you all. This is an amazing website, dedicated to an amazing series. Keep the hard job and happy birthday.

  11. I think you're wrong in this one.

    To understand the end of tWoT you have to understand how strongly the whole series is influenced by philosophy and metaphysics. In the end, through the story, what RJ is doing is showing us how he sees the world.


    The leiv motiv of the series is dualism. "Taijitu" in its essence. Dark and light. Good and evil. Male and female. Balance over all things to make the world work. It's the most important principle in the books.

    As such, we have to understand that "The DO was not the enemy, and had never been" (paraphrasing).

    The DO is just part of the creation, as the Creator is. Both are needed. Both are equally important to maintain balance.

    The DO itself isn't the enemy; the problem arises when human greed and arrogance made the Age of Legens' Aes Sedai tear a hole in the fabric of the Pattern, allowing him more direct influence over the world, breaking the balance Creator-DO.

    But the Creator is outside of the Pattern too, and stepping in would be just as bad as the liberation of the DO, so he needs his champion.


    This understood is simple to realize that killing the DO is breaking the balance and creating a twisted world.

    The DO isn't just an alien entity that you can dispose of. The DO isn't even the source of evil. The DO is created by evil. The negative attitudes, feelings and emotions are what creates and nourish the DO. Killing the DO would mean killing free will. It would mean killing that side of every living creature.


    Verin can't understand what his objectives or desires are because he has none. He is the abstraction of human caos, and so he only seeks caos. You could think of him as a force of nature more than an entity. All he does is in pursue of fullfiling his nature. Caos and nothing more. That's why he scarcely makes sense.


    I apologize if I'm difficult to read. This isn't my mother tongue and I find this matters difficult to explain xD

  12. The problem I see about adapting tWoT into films or tv series is the length. They would summarize way too much, and 60% of WoT's value (imo) comes from how well explained and how detailed everything is, and how amazingly everything gets tied together (random example: hints in first part of book one, well interpreted can reveal what happens in book 10 with neat precision).

    That wouldn't work well made into a summarized show.


    I would love to see tWoT in the big screen, but not if that means lowering the quality of the series.


    That said, I think this fans made an amazing effort and it really came out pretty neatly.

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