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Posts posted by alannalynn

  1. :/ Well, I have uber sensitive skin, and was sitting in direct sunlight for an hour and a half earlier at a baseball game, so.. yeah. She luckily is already tanned, but for me, the right half of my body is red, the left side WHITE. Gao!

  2. *has a mind to poke 13 when he gets back online for disliking Family Guy*


    Thing is, I know it's stupid, but it's HILARIOUS. It's mindless humor, and, believe it or not, I actually learn stuff from it. They'll sometimes randomly throw in an actual fact which makes you go "What?!" and you'll have to run to the computer to research it. lol. Yes, sometimes they push the line of stupidity, but I absolutely adore Seth Green so would never fault him for anything. (Or Seth McFarley, but Green is my man) :P

  3. I don't even know if my grandma has a computer with internet... or if she'll let me online. haha. She's amazingly spry and active for a great grandmother of very old age...

  4. Okay, I should get offline. Mes parents sont éveillé, they're awake. lol And complaining that I haven't washed the dishes, or clothes... or done the addresses on the grad invites. *sigh* I'll try to get back on later.

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