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Status Updates posted by alannalynn

  1. To study or not to study, that is the question.... >.>

  2. Paper done, needs revision and 9 more words, and a works cited page. Time to do dishes and study for Pol. Sci. final tomorrow. *sigh*

  3. Thesis thesis, where art thou?

  4. Soooo opposed to doing anything today. Damn paper... and finals. Mmmm waffles.

  5. Definitely should sleep before the sun decides to come out... eventually. *glares at cloudy sky* Ehhh.

  6. There's something about that Avacodo Ranch sauce that makes me all happy inside. I <3 Taco Bell.

  7. I don't know what to think about that yet...

  8. Ehhh Coffee #2 gone, eating chicken noodle soup, reading Book1 of Plato's Republic, work in une heure. <3

  9. Dear coffee: i love you.

  10. If you're going to IM me being a creeper and calling me baby, I'm gonna tell you I'm 40, like feet, and want to cut yours off. Learn to type proper grammar and go stalk someone in real life, thank you very much. *block* ^.^

  11. *bouncing off the walls*

  12. looks like a zombie, but is hyped up on amp. Bring on the night!

  13. Alanna, you HAVE to go to bed, like... Now. But I don't WANT tooo, I have stuff to do!!! Like avoiding your homework/studying? Well... yess, I suppose you have a point. (It's only dangerous when you respond to yourself) Nighty night <3

  14. Paper topic approved oh yes!

  15. Should be getting her butt to bed.

  16. is reading up on her Machiavelli and is SO EXCITED.

  17. Ehhhhh morning... But it's the last week of classes OMG! ^.^

  18. Rather bored and awake.

  19. Whole left side of state street? I think so!

  20. hates that weekends are bad for mafia. *sigh*

  21. South Carolina 17 days, Birthday 28 days!

  22. Working 5 to 1, needing to do hw...

  23. Snow snow snow... at least I got off work at a decent time :)

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