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Posts posted by 706Somtaaw

  1. I'll jump in, but it's unlikely Dash would be involved in the actual capture. He's far too senior to just happen to be out in the fields.


    Any Dedicated or Soldier looking here, that has taken Basic courses in Air can capture though.


    Hmm.. there are outposts scattered in fields and the woods surrounding the Farm, those were built ages ago WELL before our wall but are still manned by NPC's, and have wards that signal anyone entering or leaving the area.


    That's it from me... but I'll likely be the one your brought to after being brought back,





  2. Well I suppose I technically am an Archer, seeing as I retook control of Dash's crossbow wielding brother Lan... who's a Sarge.


    And seeing as the rules on char limits were boosted, I might 'eventually' make it official but for now he's simply a training NPC who teaches basic to mid level stuff if needed.


    Althought I'm pretty sure he's the only crossbow user around,

  3. Dashiva moved about his kitchen, finishing up the upcoming meal. He was still tired from forcing himself to do through the mornings exercises, but he'd finally started again and was a lot happier.


    Being confined to his bed, with little to do had nearly driven him insane, where even the Taint hadn't quite done that to him yet. A koras-lap, and a hundred push ups and sit ups had exerted him more fully than he cared to admit, but he was sure with time and healthy eating he'd be back to his old routine.


    Splitting his attention, he wove Fire over the tops of the pots, pans and various dishes to keep them warm, even as he let the ones below dissipate to stop cooking the food.


    Glancing around the kitchen, he wove a nasty litle ward around the wine cabinet and inverted it. Soldiers and Dedicated still weren't permitted liquor, and Asha'men and higher knew to ask him, but he couldn't stop anyone sneaking into the kitchen.


    After a slow walk around to be sure everything was ready, he stepped out of the kitchen into the Inn's common room, meaning to get a quick feel before he went into his office next to the kitchen to do more work.


    Noting the room was almost empty, and that he may have overcooked, likely due to his own ravening hunger he saw Racelle sitting with a few others. Slowly walking over, he gave her a small smile and returned the salute of the Dedicated sitting, before impaling the third man with a measuring gaze for a few hearbeats.


    "Hello there," he said after a moment. "You must be new to the Black Tower. I am Dashiva, Storm Leader and the local cook."


    "If you have any dishes you like a lot, leave the name of it and where it's from so I can try to make it," he added after a moment, having lost his train of thought and then leaned against a nearby pillar after giving it a measuring look, even though he had personal built a good portion of the Inn, and used saidin to reinforce almost everything.

  4. Drenn, Drenn, Drenn *shakes head sadly* Dash learned from the very best at PT, Covai can probably tell you all sorts of stories about dear old Koras, eh?


    *shrugs* I'm probably coming back, for a time anyways. I need something to do, when I went on LOA here all I did was step up my other gaming to keep from going nuts, but you can only play so much Runescape before thinking 'why in the hell did I leave DM?'



  5. *ahem* I beg to differ on Civvie's having to be cousin's, or siblings. There are/were a large number of civvies over the years that were not related to anyone at the Tower beforehand.


    If you want to 'wander' onto the Farm territory and brought in to protect the exact location of the Farm, that's one possibility.


    Another is, Dash leaves the Tower to pick up supplies for the Inn as he's the resident cook, and the hardest physical trainer (in the event Kor doesn't come back), and is one of the highest ranks currently at the BT. Anyways, getting sidetracked here... you could be suspicious of him buying supplies and sneak into his wagon only to fall asleep.


    One of our currently active Civvie's used that, and you wake up/are found in the wagon while inside the BT grounds, and again not permitted to leave.

  6. *watches Shan apprciatively until theme song ends, and rolls out my personal DJ equipment, quickly setting up the 10 foot speakers and wiring by channeling*


    All right, the DJ has arrived. You tell me what you want played, and it'll played, but for now one of my personal favourites, Confusion, a nice 11 minute track of some good techno. :D

  7. *snorts and shakes a throwing knife from sleeve to trim fingernails* Just remember who taught you to use those knives of yours Covai.


    *grins* Dash isn't scared of Covai, in a stand up fight I'm sure Dash would win, it's just in your World of Dreams you'd win :P


    As for you Chrissy, *snorts* I'm sure you'll be chasing everyone here, taken or not, which is why I'm sure Dash will take one look and not leave his office :lol:



  8. Dashiva watched Racelle start unpacking her dresses and place them on the shelves in his room that he shared with her.


    Shaking his head, he chose to keep his voice quiet, and soft. Yelling only accomplished so much, but he'd learned long ago in the Blight Scouts that a soft, quiet and icy voice accomplished far more.


    "you said you'd make no attempts to escape, not not even a month has passed before you're in the stable with your horse," he told her flatly. "Your access there was limited because of your escape attempt and your supposed to have an escort."

  9. Dashiva stood and started walking towards the stairwell to go to his office, and shook his arm to pull it away from Racelle. Walking down the hall, he refused to admit he was barely strong enough to walk around on his own even now weeks after that bloody trip to his home town.


    Setting his foot on the first step, his jaw tightened as he pushed himself up and slowly took the stairs. Racelle took his hand and he shook it to try waving her off again, but this time she didn't let go and despite all his best efforts he clenched her hand tightly and leaning hard against the railing he'd istalled when he'd built his home.


    He got to the top and walked a little slower into his office without bothering to try shaking off Racelle's supporting hand and dropped into his chair a little more heavily than he really wanted to.


    "You're not pacing yourself." Flinching slightly, he looked back at Dalinar levelly. "Next time you get yourself that sick, I'll have a new Soldier Heal you back to health... Unless you're very lucky, you probably won't be able to move for a week afterwards." His gaze hardened and froze before he pushed away the anger. Dalinar knew how much he liked exercising, and must know he felt like he was in a jail.


    "But that's another matter. Racelle is posing a problem. Potentially a threat. Along with that other woman found with her. What is being done about it?"


    Flicking his eyes over Racelle, he looked back to Dalinar. "The other woman's weapons have been confiscated, and their access to both their mounts and stable are very restricted," he said flatly. Glancing at Racelle again, he added "Racelle here has sworn an oath that would tie anyone but a Darkfriend if it wasn't a complete lie... I have Rion watching the other woman too."


    Shrugging, he looked at Dalinar. "There isn't too much I can do to them, short of throwing them in a cell, unless your implying I should..." he trailed off and shrugged. Personally he didn't think he needed to go that far, but if Dalinar gave the order he doubted he would hesitate more than a few heartbeats.


    Something which would be quick and as painless as possible would be his gift, not like what he'd done to those Aiel at Dumai's Wells.

  10. Dashiva walked out of his office in his home, and made his way around the Farm. He knew Racelle had left, and even though she'd sworn a pretty good oath about not trying to escape he didn't completely trust her.


    He searched a few places, poked his head into the Inn, and then headed to the stable. He didn't even need to go further than the doorway to see Racelle with her horse, and leaned against the door.


    she turned after a few minutes, and he jerked his head towards the outside. "Out of the stable, let's go," he said quietly.

  11. I'd kiss you over your insistance on OOC compatibility, but I don't know how you'd react to that so I wont... yet :wink:


    Your Green sounds very much like a female version of Dash, right down to the Shielding Talent.


    Hmm, Torlong was once one of Dash's apparently many mentors. *thinks and starts muttering* Zby, Koras, Torlong, Covai I'm sure there were more *blinks and looks around*


    Oops, anyways, well your Sedai's tendancy for wearing low cut dresses probably wouldn't make Dash look her over more than once, being Shienaran and those public bathhalls and all.


    May try catching you on MSN, poke over some bits and pieces.

  12. *hangs head* My own ex mentee and oldest friend ganging up against me.


    *grins* He's mellowed out since he got his Civvie girlfriend... slightly. But he's still open to having an AS, whether she tries to seduce him or not is open to debate.


    Personal, I'm looking at the barrel of gunpowder that is Dash's home and almost hoping for a seductive AS just to see how big a bang happens, but that's me. *wanders off muttering about the pink elephents and their monkey allies ganging up to attack*

  13. Well, I'll lightly stick Dash in here as a possible Bonder.


    He's over 6 foot, weighing in at around 250-300 pounds, is close to 30, is pretty hard core at physical training and holds the other Shielding Talent here.


    Dash is also the second ranking member of the Black Tower, and has since mellowed out from his soldier days. (psst, talk to Covai if you want all the stories :wink: )


    Nowadays, he does a lot of paperwork and day-to-day things in the Farm, and goes out to keep in shape. He also does the cooking in the Tower Inn, and used to do the serving himself but now uses the Civilians here as needed plus other low ranks to serve food.


    Pretty easy going, Dash also has a spine of steel and can be stubborn when you get his back up. He's spent years in the corps d'elite Shienaran Blight Scouts doing deep Blight scouting raids and is good at tracking.


    He disappeared from Shienar when his ability to channel revealed itself, and eventually made his way to the Farm.


    He is a very loyal friend, and would spend his life to save those he considers friends. He's also intense and demanding when he needs to be, but if there's no need he's relaxed and easy going.

  14. I see no problems with that, again I had to make it clear to the children here :wink:


    That they shouldn't be crawling over each other to get an Aes Sedai bonded to them. With that out of the way, a general get to know you thread is completely acceptable.

  15. Speaking as ADL and staff member, any Ashies who may be Bonding have not been chosen.


    If your interested, post below and ben will choose out those Asha'men and I use that term referring to everyone, not simply those with the Ashy rank.


    Sorry to rain on your thunder there Shan, but she's also right you have to be able to work with potential Bond mates well ICly and OOCly.



  16. This track is usually rolling through my head, whether I'm listening to any music or not. But then, any Linkin Park track I've ever listened to rolls through my head... this is just one of the more commmon repeats.




    I have a dream of a scene between the green hills

    Clouds pull away and the sunlight's revealed

    People don't talk about keeping it real

    It's understood that they actually will

    And intoxicated and stimulated emcees

    Staring in the trees, paranoid, are gone in the breeze

    Watch them flee, hip-hop hits

    Take a walk with me and what you'll see

    Is a land where the sand is made up of crushed up wax

    And the sky beyond you is krylon blue

    And everybody speaks in a dialect of rhyme

    And emcees have left materialism behind them

    Meanwhile I just grip my mic

    And hope me and my team make it through alright

    Because say what you will, and say what you might

    But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night



    Because this is dedicated to the kids

    Dedicated to wherever music lives

    Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same

    And dedicated to the people advancin' the game

    What's real is the kids who know that something's wrong

    What's real is the kids who think they don't belong

    What's real is the kids who have nowhere to run

    Who are hiding in the shadows waiting for the sun


    I've seen a lot of shit, I've talked to a bum

    Out on sunset strip, he asked me "How would you feel

    If everybody acted like you didn't exist

    You'd lose your grip, probably eventually flip."

    So let it be known, the only reason that we do this

    Is so you can pick it up and just bang your head to it

    While emcees fight to see who can be the commonest

    Be floatin overhead like a space odyssey monolith

    Over seeing the game, over being part of the same ol' thing

    It's all gonna change in a hurricane of darkness and pain

    And acidic rain and promises that you won't do it again

    Meanwhile I just grip my mic

    And hope me and my team make it through alright

    Because say what you will, and say what you might

    But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night




    Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside

    This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide

    Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside

    This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide




    This is dedicated to the kids

    Dedicated to wherever music lives

    Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same

    And dedicated to the people advancin' the game

    What's real, everybody who doesn't feel safe

    What's real, everybody who knows they're out of place

    What's real, anybody with nowhere to run

    Who hides in the shadows waiting for the sun

  17. Dashiva woke the morning after the failed escape attempt, and found his arm was once more around Racelle. Slowly pulling his arm back, he rolled over and started to get up. He had managed on his own the day before, and he was determined to get back to his old routine.


    He felt some surprise, and then wariness when he realised Racelle was also awake and already helping him get up. He wondered if she thought that pretending nothing had happened would make him forget the day before faster.


    Going down the stairs to his home's kitchen he sat down, fully intending on using saidin to cook, except that Racelle was already bustling around his kitchen starting to cook. He blinked once more in surprise, and shook his head as he started viewing her as the beautiful young woman she was to focus himself. Despite the oath she'd taken last night, he didn't entirely trust her and if he viewed her as a young woman, and a beautiful one at that he'd let his guard down again.


    Looking down at the table, he looked at the food on the plate Racelle served him, and heard her sitting down across from him. He ate slowly, wrapped in thought, some were work he should be out doing already, others he should have done long ago except being sick had halted them. He tried not to think about the other's.


    He ate quickly and quietly, looking up at a knock on his door. He went back to his food and looked up again at close footsteps, glancing at Racelle and then at Dalinar. He paled slightly, and scowled a moment at Racelle before straightening in his chair and touching fist to chest.


    He figured he was going to be told not to leave his home again until fully recovered, but that was something he already planned on ignoring. He'd managed to chase Racelle and Jocelyn well past the walls, so he would return to his morning and evening exercises.


    Instead of saying that, he nodded. "Morning Dalinar, have you eaten yet? I'm sure Racelle could cook you something to your taste, if she doesn't try to strangle me first." he said, trying not to make the joke sound flat.

  18. Dashiva blinked when he realised that Rion and Jocelyn had stopped and looked around. He blinked again in surprise as he realised they were well out of the city and it was growing dark.


    Glancing at Rion and Jocelyn, both loaded with packages he nodded and braced himself on his saddle as he formed the Void.


    Reaching slowly for saidin, he was relieved that he didn't feel like emptying his stomach and quickly drew a little more than really needed for the Gateway.


    Weaving a small ward around the group and tying it loosely so it would disipate shortly after he'd left, he smiled slightly. Anyone who may have been following or watching them would have seen them suddenly disappear.


    Weaving the Gateway quickly back to the Farm, he motioned to Rion to pass through, wheeling his mount around to look for anyone running towards them.


    OOC: Dash'll follow through after you two pass through.

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