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Posts posted by Panchi

  1. If you ever think you have too many books, you can send me some. I sadly have too few books (moved cities and the city I live in most of the time is too isolated to have any kind of good delivery and the few bookstores here have really little apart from engineering books).


    My current bookshelf is either textbooks or too cringy love stories (gifted by my friend) :sad:

  2. On 5/14/2018 at 2:51 AM, Basel Gill said:


    Is this an SFF novel? I looked on Amazon and just found a bunch of nonfiction. 

    It was fully non-fiction but kinda interesting. At least fulfills my goal of reading non fiction.



    I personally recommend Small Gods by Terry Pratchett if someone just wants to get a flavour of Discworld without worrying about timelines and characters and stuff. But I would second reading in chronological order if reading the whole series. Its just easier to read it that way and might be a good way to realize why Watch books are great. This reminds me I should read the rest of the books starting from Wee Fee Men

  3. What is the last movie that you watched?


    5 points for signing in, 5 for answering.


    Bonus question (no points involved): What do you think is the difference between signing in and answering and in which case you are doing only one?



    The last movie that I watched was La La Land yesterday because I was passing by my friend's room and another friend was explaining how well shot that movie is.

  4. I am trying to pass the finals too (most of my classes have 50% weightage on finals so...), especially electrical technology. I have no idea why my college thinks that it's a good idea for everyone to study that.


    After that...wait, it'll be summer before I have time for myself :(

  5. It's still a few minutes left in my timezone but in some parts of the world, it's already November. So, here is the Roll Call.


    Question: What silly superpower (that only affects you) would you want to have?


    5 points for signing in, 5 for answering.


    I would like the power to change clothes or get dressed in an instant without effort.

  6. I am studying in an engineering college (though not studying engineering, except the required courses) and guess what the fun activities include...


    I helped with building a soccer playing robot (it sounds way cooler than it actually was), some decoration stuff, a movie (in progress)

  7. Heal Cadsuane hurt Samitsu


    1 .Alanna 4

    2. Alviarin 5

    3. Annoura 5

    4. Cadsuane 4

    5. Elaida 7

    6. Galina 2

    7. Joline 5

    8. Leane 6

    9. Lelaine 5

    10. Merana 5

    11. Merillille 3

    12. Moiraine 5

    13. Myrelle 5

    14. Pevara 6

    15. Romanda 4

    16. Saerin 5

    17. Samitsu 4

    18. Seaine 5

    19. Sheriam 5

    20. Silviana 8

    21. Siuan 5

    22. Teslyn 5

    23. Vandene 5

    24. Verin 7

    25. Yukiri 5

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