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Al Jenn Mael

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Posts posted by Al Jenn Mael

  1. By the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, I David Wayne Dezwaan Junior will:


    Always be open with ourselves, and each others, and always honest, no matter what.


    Forgive and have compassion, for both Crystal and myself.


    Be her Companion,


    or may the Creator’s face turn from me forever and darkness consume my soul.

  2. I seek these things:


    That Crystal always be true to her heart. She is headstrong, stubborn, and has a strong sense of self confidence. She should listen to the consul of others, but I expect her to always make the decision that she wants.


    I seek that Little Miss always be true to me. I expect her to to be honorable in our bond and always speak the truth even if I don't wish to hear it. She should be forthright and honest in everything.


    Lastly I wish that my Little One will care about and strive to keep our bond as strong as when it has first been established. No matter what may come or what arguments we may have I seek that we always strive to keep and nurture that bond.


    May the Light illumine and preserve our souls.

  3. *Slowly enters the church trying not to show the anticipation for what is about to happen*


    I am David Wayne Dezwaan Junior, Tsorovan'm'hael of the Light and First White Knight of the Black Tower, Member of the Artists, Crafter and Writers Guild, and Man'shima of the White Tower. May the Light illuminate you and the Creator's hand shelter you.

  4. 42 is the meaning of life. Its says so in a book so it must be right *nods*

    But that's only if 6x9=42, that's in the book too  *high-five*


    *looks around, no one gives high-five*


    *shameless self high-five*


    ...yay, me...


    6*9 does equal 42, however you can't use a base 10 numbering system you have to use a base 13 numbering system. So instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 you have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,10,11...


    So 10 is now 13, 20 is 26, 30 is 39, 40 is 52 and 54 would be 42.


    *Hi fives Eel-Finn*

  5. *Looks at Limi* Very comfortable thank you very much.


    *Sees the other coin land on its side then hit locke in the head and land on its side*


    Well I must say this is a very peculiar place, it didn't happen like this before...


    *Eyes widening in shock he looks at Mr. Soy*


    I can see why you might be a good person to know... however you're prediction as to the skies color is horribly wrong. Unless someone has been messing with the switch again.


    *Looks at Locke*


    Easy entertainment?

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