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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. *catches Ed in a hug*  You're not going anywhere. I haven't gotten to give you a real apology yet. *kisses Ed then walks away* So who wants a party? I'll have to work on creating the perfect soundtrack for this.

  2. That was honest. I was going to give her to you. ;D


    *takes off a'dam*


    *stares at her feet sad* I'm sowwy. I was just very upset with myself. But now i owe you eternal servitude! Yay! Serve the Goddess Limi! ]


    And Adella he wasn't taking advantage i offered, i wouldn't have offered if i wasn't willing.


    *howls* *turns into her wolfy self* *growls at Ed teeth baring at him*


    Are we all talking about the same thing here? o.0


    EDIT: o.0



    EDIT: o.0!!!


    The growling meant that i realized she's right and you were trying to take advantage of me.

  3. Well then by all means, this time i know why I'm doing it. *slaps Ed in the face with her super hard mega slap* (And i swear if just kicking slapping and scratching that i am super good at) That's for trying to take advantage of me!

  4. *stares at her feet sad* I'm sowwy. I was just very upset with myself. But now i owe you eternal servitude! Yay! Serve the Goddess Limi! ]


    And Adella he wasn't taking advantage i offered, i wouldn't have offered if i wasn't willing.


    *howls* *turns into her wolfy self* *growls at Ed teeth baring at him*

  5. I really am sorry Ed. I really don't know why i did that. I really didn't have any control over myself. And my head is still spinning from that. Forgive me? I owe you a lifetime of servitude...

  6. Oh ok. Well then i won't think of it as punishment just revenge. I'm a little upset with him, so forgive me if my powerful kicking skills hurts too badly. * kicks Ed as hard as possible in the side*

  7. What do you mean you are in trouble? Because if you are i will burst into flames being so angry, you shouldn't be in trouble for anything! Ed will get a kick out of what happens when i get angry.

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