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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. You're all being mischievous i can tell. *snaps finger and her special couch appears and she lays down and kick her feet up* In case you didn't know this is my special couch.


    redcouch1.jpg Oh, and Limi i know i already gave you a gift today but you need more. *tosses her a bag of catnip*

  2. *pushes Anox off of her* Nice try, but no one forces me to do anything. *snaps here fingers and her mirror appears* Great! Now i have to re-do my hair again. *brushes, curls, and ties her hair into a ponytail with a ribbon* Now...* surprise attacks Anox and ties her up with extra rope* :P So..Ed care to go swimming in the moat with me?

  3. LOL..


    *taclkes Wolfie*




    I'm Lily's daughter. Now if you don't get off of me i will do to you what i did to Ed. Ed, when was the last time you went swimming in the moat?

  4. Sure you do, I think I know what they would like Wolfie, do you need a hand? You talked about looking for people to join you :)


    Why i would love some help. Thank you Al. I'm planning to do it in the thread where my dress was ruined.

  5. Why are you mad now....

    I still have bruises!



    It's ok Eddie. It's not you that I'm mad at. *hugs the sweet pillow*


    Certainly not a wolf that has his tongue! ;) :D

    Is that supposed to be comment to what i did yesterday?

    Eddie - Sorry love, please add them ^^


    And change Wolfie


    Wolfie - Wolf Mistress

    So what does the Wolf Mistress in charge of???
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