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Status Updates posted by Matalina

  1. *thinks gtalk is being cooky*

  2. 1 birthday party down, two christmas and another birthday party to go in as many weeks lol. Was lots of fun, Thanks Claire!

  3. 1.5 hours to wrap all the girls presents... holy...I can now allow the girls to wrap Daddy's presents with out revealing what they have by accident.

  4. All done with Christmas shopping - finally. And mostly everything is wrapped. Tho I did run out of tape may have not wrap them hehe.

  5. chocolate peanut butter cup cupcakes made, peanut butter frosting made and waiting for cupcakes to cool. Hopefully it all turned outs good hehe.

  6. Circus last night was pretty cool, tho we only stayed for half of it.

  7. desks are now put together. Now tomorrow I can "relax" and just put everything under the tree!

  8. First hurricane of the season that MIGHT threaten the southern gulf coast. At least bring it into the gulf. First one I really need to watch.

  9. Haircuts done, Miss Neice did the best she could and it looks good for what she had to work with. Think I will be doing a hat cause I don't know when pictures will be for Kathleen. I'll get some before/after pics of her (and my new dos - changed since last one lol - added bangs) sometime this coming week.

  10. hate when I can't breathe. stupid cold.

  11. Have the house to my self for 30 mins. Daddy wasn't feeling well and he was going to the doctor, Sammi wanted to go with him, so I sit at home waiting to pick Kitten up from school.

  12. hehehe Dufensmiritz wicked witch caastle lol

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