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Dragonmount Weekly Roundup: November 6-12, 2011


November is already proving to be an exciting month. NaNoWriMo has begun, and Brandon Sanderson just released The Alloy of Law. Let's see how the denizens of our forums are celebrating the start of the month.


Speaking of Brandon Sanderson, do you enjoy over-analyzing everything he has to say in order to find hidden clues to Wheel of Time storylines? If you do, stop by our A Memory of Light Non Spoiler Discussion forum and join in the obsessing.


If you are a Dungeons & Dragons fan, you may want to join in our thread about the online version of the game in our Games & Tech Discussion forum.


You've probably noticed by now that our Artists, Crafters, and Writers Guild does a Challenge for every month. The theme for this month's Challenge is Redemption. It sounds like we may be treated to some personal and profound art with this theme.


The Black Tower Social Group's Light vs. Shadow Week has begun! This showdown promises games, discussions, quizzes, and even epic battles. Keep an eye on this thread for everything you need to know about the event.


The Kin Social Group has embraced Thanksgiving and is already talking about things they are thankful for. What things are you thankful for?


Oh, even just the title of this new role play sounds juicy! Let's see what the gossiping Aes Sedai are up to in Dinner Stories--Because Even Aes Sedai Gossip.


If you've enjoyed the podcasts we feature here on Dragonmount, you'll also enjoy the tWoTcast. I had the pleasure of listening to them record live at the last Dragon*Con, and those guys have quite an amusing sense of humor!


That's it for now! Be sure to check the other announcements that have been posted on our front page recently. It's a great time to be part of the fandom.

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