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WoT If...Nynaeve Heals Death?

Mashiara Sedai

Hello, everyone, and welcome to "WoT If," Dragonmount's weekly theory blog. My name is Mashiara, and I'm going to be filling this post. First off, my credentials: I've been reading the Wheel of Time since 2000, and joined Dragonmount that same year. I've read through the series eight times, with occasional rereads of my favorite parts. I'm also on my fourth listen through the audio books. During Brandon Sanderson's The Gathering Storm tour, I was a Storm Leader at the Scottsdale, Arizona location.


That being said, I'm going to present theories and ideas as I've perceived them, which may be different from your perceptions. If you have a different point of view, feel free to post it in the comments. I'd love to explore conflicting ideas; that's what is so fun about the Wheel of Time! Please be respectful, even if you're disagreeing with me or someone else.


Okay, moving on. This blog will cover theories mostly dealing with the last few books and the ending of A Memory of Light. It will contain spoilers! Please read at your own risk.


For my first post, I'd like to talk about something I've thought since near the beginning of the series: the importance of Nynaeve al'Meara. We are introduced to the Wisdom of Emond's Field very early on in The Eye of the World. When Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Egwene leave the village, Nynaeve chases after them. She arrives at The Stag and Lion inn, where Min works, in Baerlon. What Min sees is the first indicator that Nynaeve is important.


The Eye of the World

Chapter 16, "The Wisdom"


"The sparks, Rand. She met Mistress Alys coming in, and there were sparks, with just the two of them. Yesterday I couldn't see sparks without at least three or four of you together, but today it's all sharper, and more furious...You're all in more danger today than yesterday. Since she came."


There are three ta'veren present plus Moiraine, a woman who is important herself.


A Crown of Swords

Chapter 35, "Into the Woods"


What good to tell him he would almost certainly fail without a woman who was dead and gone?


Towers of Midnight

Chapter 54, "The Light of the World"


"I'd have to give up half the light of the world to save the world. Bloody snakes."


"To save the world?" Thom asked, looking down at Moiraine's peaceful face, her body wrapped in the patchwork cloak. He had left his pack on the floor.


"She has something yet to do," Mat said. The pain was receding somewhat. "We need her, Thom. Burn me, but it's probably something to do with Rand. Anyway, this had to happen."


Since Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Moiraine are all needed to get sparks—which represents the fight of the Light against the Shadow—why would Nynaeve's arrival make them visible with just two people present? I think it's implying that she's quite important later on down the road. For example:


First: she Heals stilling. (Lord of Chaos, Chapter 29, "Fire and Spirit")

Second: she helps Rand clean the taint on saidin. (Winter's Heart, Chapter 35, "With the Choedan Kal")

Third: she Heals the saidin-caused insanity in the Asha'man. (Towers of Midnight, Chapter 15, "Use a Pebble")

Fourth (though in the future): she promises to link with Rand and Callandor during Tarmon Gai'don.


Looking at each of these shows a time when Nynaeve does something that shouldn't be possible. For Healing stilling, she uses weaves not typically associated with Healing.


Lord of Chaos

Chapter 30, "To Heal Again"


"What made you think of using Fire?" Dagdara asked in a strangled voice that sounded entirely too high for such a big woman. "And Earth? You used Earth. Healing is Spirit, Water, and Air."


The same thing happens when she Heals Naeff's madness.


Towers of Midnight

Chapter 15, "Use a Pebble"


What she'd done hadn't been any standard Healing, and hadn't even used Healing weaves.


While Nynaeve is Delving into Naeff's mind, she wonders about her increased skills.


Towers of Midnight

Chapter 15, "Use a Pebble"


Her skill with Delving was improving, her weaves more refined, and she could find things once hidden to her.


Why do Nynaeve's abilities suddenly increase? How is she able to see weaves and ailments more clearly? If her skills have strengthened in just the two years she's knowingly worked with the One Power, it seems likely they will continue to improve.


This leads me to my conclusion: Nynaeve will be able to Heal death.


I know there's already a lot of debate about this, but it seems to me that most people are in the body-swap camp. But I believe there is some foreshadowing to Healing death in the books.


Lord of Chaos

Chapter 7, "A Matter of Thought"


Nynaeve would not be satisfied until she Healed someone three days dead.


There's also a lot of speculation on Rand faking his own death. However, the Aelfinn said:


Knife of Dreams

Chapter 18, "News for the Dragon"


"To live, you must die."


Rand and Min discuss a viewing of Alivia:


Winter's Heart

Chapter 25, "Bonds"


"Rand, I like Alivia...But she is going to kill you." She bit off every word.


"You said she was going to help me die," he said quietly. "Those were your words."


I think this means a real death, not a metaphorical death. If Rand must really die, then there needs to be a way to bring him back so he can live once more. Nicola's foretelling says:


Lord of Chaos

Chapter 14, "Dreams and Nightmares"


"Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives. The great battle done, but the world not done with battle."


The great battle is Tarmon Gai'don. There's no way Rand can stay dead at the end of the series and have all these prophecies fulfilled.


While there are several plausible endings to the series, Nynaeve manifesting the ability to Heal death gives it more heart. It keeps in line with Nynaeve being able to do things that are considered impossible. It would also explain why her appearance at The Stag and Lion makes the sparks appear more easily. She's much more important to the future of the world than we give her credit for.


That's all for this week. Join us next time for a discussion about sul'dam and damane.

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i also think, Nynaeve will heal Rands death. She surely will be there at the last Battle. But i dont think, she will be in the circle wielding Callandor.


i think, the circle will be made of obviously Rand, Moraine ... and Cyndane/Lanfear/Mierin - she is The female wielder while opening the Bore in the first place [Rands memories in the Aiel Ter'Angreal]. And she regrets going for the Shadow [Epilog of ToM].

agreed... moraine and mierin have very similar story lines from the getgo... as much as the evidence(book cover) shows hat its moraine and nynaeve, i still think meirin&moraine would be a better fit in the story...


Also, i think, the Callandor is not only a Sa'Angreal for the male One Power, but also for the True Power [all this hints from Min: "it is flawed beyond we know.." and "Callandor, hold in an onyx hand.." and the fact Rand is now connected to it].

again, agreed, it may be a dual purpose sa'angreal, but if so, its the first we've yet seen... i think more likely, that its actually much more powerful than the chodenkal, and that the females in the circle with it act as the buffer stopping the channeler from drawing that much... think, lews created dragonmount with a sword of light too... far more than we've seen before...


thats one reason why i believe rand+calendor+circle will be used to kill the DO and fix the prison, and rand+calendor will be used to stuff fain inside it...


DarkOne is not a person. This Voice forsaken hear while in the Pit of Doom is the voice planted into their minds by Ishamael/Moridin, who is playing "this fools" for his own end.

I think i disagree... i see fain as... a younger sort of DO... fain is the flesh, but he is also much more than that now... i believe that the TP is the "much more" of the DO, but he still has flesh somewhere...


if thats so, it could be argued, that... as TG ends, both the creator and the DO neutralize eachother, fain becomes the new DO, rand the new creator... which could explain the breaking, a slightly different view on the world, and the world adjusting itslef to the new mindsets...

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hmmm, his fate, fame, find the Dragon Reborn, and the Last Battle depending on him going. Thats sounds like all of that could happen in just one event. It is Luc's FATE to go to Blight. He would get FAME from doing some great deed there at the Last Battle. He would find the Dragon Reborn there, of course because the Dragon has to be there at the LB. And it all depends on him going. It kinda sounds like a prophecy to me. That sounds like RJ just dropping some important information and trying to make it look like its not important by throwing in the "heard whispers" comment. I don't think RJ would write that part about Luc's fate for no reason, just to dismiss it for hearsay.

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i dunno about that damer... its not rands task to kill luc/slayer... thats perrins destiny... tho i would agree, that luc will probably be around at TG... i suspect that ran and perin ill be together, in TAR to seal/rebuild the prison... luc may go after rand, but perrin would likely be going into TAR in the flesh this time(with rand), and thus, have the realness that will make slayer a puppy compared to perrin :P

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My comment was not about Rand killing Luc. You have to go back and read all the other previous comments that lead up to this one. Whispers said that Gitara Sedai told Luc that his fame, or maybe his fate, was in the blight and he needed to go there. That maybe he would find the Dragon there, and the Last Battle may depend on him going. Whatever Luc's purpose is, that little tid bit dropped by Dyelin is a clear sign to me that Luc will be there at the LB, but for what purpose I do not know.

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I agree that Luc will have a part to play. I am interested in his conflict with Perrin. Perrin will obviously want revenge on slayer for killing his dear friend Hopper. Does anyone remember the dark prophecy that Moridid read to Grandeal? I cannot remember the exact quote. I'll look it up later. But it is after Grandeal was privelaged to listen to a tidbit of the other Forsaken's plans. Her response was something along the lines of "but this means that the wolf will die. And by the hands of the Shadow." "Correct." Says Moridid. This was right before her task to (which she failed) to kill Perrin using the tool Luc/Slayer.


I also need to look up specifically what Verin said in the dungeons of... Fal Dara? The keep that held Fain as prisoner that is. After Fain's rescue and break out she made a comment about the prophecy written on the wall in blood. She said that the Shadow's prophecys were interesting and dark. That they are not seen or heard of frequently and are probably held in secret so that the Light will not have the opportunity to prevent them. She said it would be good to learn all that they could about it though and we know that she played a deep game as an under cover agent. I wonder how much she knew of their prophecys and if we will here any about them in the books she left Egwene.


We know that both Perrin and Mat have to be at the LB with Rand. I'm not sure it will involve TAR but it will be interesting to find out about the Perrin/Slayer conflict. I am also very excited to read about the wolves! I hope that Perrin will rise up and direct them in combat as the wolf battles are some of my favorite. I enjoy listening to their thoughts and feeling their absolute rage against the Shadow. We know that the "Shadow Brothers" (Darkhounds) will be there as well.

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rand will die on the slopes of SG, at the point of the bore into the land of death...they have already stated that the body as just that is easy to maintain (remember moiraines words to rand in the stone) but to what end with no soul to put in it? nyneave should be easily(sort of and with help) able, though quite uniquely, to rip from the DO's grasp rand's soul. she has already figured out how to break his clutches on the bodies of the male channelers. nyneave must live to prevent the breaking of the world from being a total repeat of the previous breaking..madmen with the power shall need to be made sane. and it would give her the opportunity she needs to cure rand of madness as well. kind of a 'here hold this weave' so she can clear the taint then take back rands soul and place it back in his body. once the bore is closed again the gates of death are once more sealed.

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