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If only tonight we could sleep Attn:Cari


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Carried on from here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=342332#342332



The two people were silhouetted against the sky, as they sat on their horses and gazed down at the city below them. The city was called Illian, and it is the capital of Illian. It is a very large city known for its ports and tanneries; its harbour is the largest in the world. The heart of the city is the Square of Tammaz with the King's Palace on one end and the Great Hall of the Council on the other. The Maredo Causeway leads north from the city and divides into the Gold Road, which leads to Far Madding and another major road that leads to Tear. The port area, known as the Perfumed Quarter because of its foul odour, is connected to the rest of the city by the Bridge of Flowers. It was also the place of birth for Yrean, and he stared down at the city with both longing and hatred. It was here that he had spent the best part of his youth, and it brought forth bittersweet memories for him. He knew Cari was getting impatient, but Yrean was not ready to cover the final distance to the city, not just yet.


Arms wrapped around Cari. "Who do I be speaking to this morning?"


Cari smiled but wasn't sure how to answer him. "May's still sleeping." She hoped that was enough. "Did I wake you?"


Yrean almost turned to reply to Cari, so strongly did the memory intrude on his musings about his home.


I be waiting on you, be you knowing how pretty you be when you be sleeping. I be hearing once, that a lover be revealing her true self when she be asleep.” Cari squirmed in his embrace and turned to face him, his arms still holding her. Slowly Yrean traced the lines of worry on her brow, then his finger moved lightly down her cheek. “I be wondering what you be seeing when I be asleep?”


Punching him on the shoulder Cari glanced up at him. “I do not waste my time staring at you, I prefer to sleep.” Her smile took the sting out of the words, not that she had intended any; Cari was not that deceptive, if she had something to say she would say it, and damn the consequences. “Well I be liking what I be seeing, so I be not considering it being a waste.” Deftly, Yrean spun her around and with a playful swat on her ass, hurried her out of the door, he was hungry and with the long ride ahead of them he wanted some food in his belly.


“Have you finished looking Yrean, or are we going to stay here all day?”


This time the voice was real, and not a memory. There was no obvious impatience in her voice, but Yrean knew her well enough to know that she did wanted to get into the City and did not want to stay here any longer than she had to. Nodding his head to her, Yrean clicked his tongue and let his horse make his own way down the bluffs; they were not too difficult to navigate, as long as you did not rush it. Both Yrean and Cari were too experienced riders to ever let their horses get hurt in such a stupid manner.


Once they were clear of the bluffs, they sighted the main road, and soon where able to pick the pace up and made good time until they were almost at the city. Unfortunately there was a lot of people waiting to enter the city, and this made the last mile slow going, and after the amount of riding the pair had done recently, this was not the way they wanted their journey to end. Eventually, though, they passed through the city gates, under the watchful eye of the guards, and Yrean led them towards the Square of Tammaz. This was the largest area in the City and would be packed with people, but just off the square there were a good selection of Inns and Taverns, all of a standard that Yrean thought Cari might like. He still did not know her real reason for coming to Illian, he was just grateful to spend the time with her. The journey had been uneventful, and in the time it had taken, Yrean felt that he had made some inroads with Cari, enough to renew his hope for their future.


There you go again, fooling yourself into thinking she cares for you. She will use you and abuse you; you light blinded fool, and then throw you away when she is finished with you.


Shaking his head at that, Yrean dismounted from his horse, and signalled for Cari to do the same. When she had done, Yrean led them through a large square archway into a bustling courtyard, stable boys, and serving girls running about, no doubt wanting to get their tasks completed without drawing unwanted attention to themselves.


“Do you be having reservations?”


The man who had spoken was shorter than Yrean, but taller than Cari, but was considerable over weight, and as a result very red in the face. “We be not, but we be told you be always finding a place for old friends.” As he finished talking, Yrean moved his hand in a way Cari thought was a signal, and the man’s demeanour suddenly changed. “You be right in that, we be having just the room for you.” With that the man signalled to a stable boy who had just emerged from the stables and called him over. Yrean and Cari removed their gear from their horses and as they were led away, Yrean and Cari followed the man into the large building and were soon on their way to their room.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari wondered what kind of place Yrean was taking them too but it really didn't matter she was here for one reason and one reason alone, as long as she didn't end up in the brig Cari would be happy even if it was a rundown joint. But Cari didn't think Yrean would take her to such a place, this was a sort of romantic getaway for them. Cari found it hard to beleive that she would consider a job a romantic getaway but it was her life at the moment.


As they walked to their rooms Cari reflected on the past few weeks. The time with Yrean before the trip down. The tattoos that had sparked several interesting couplings. Cari wondered if Yrean had anything to say about them. He hadn't thus far. But then he never really had gotten to see them. They left while they were still healing and under cover of bandages, and when they were naked together on the way, it was mostly dark. Sleeping under the stars was a nice change to a bed, even if it left your back sore the next morning.


Cari had removed the last bandage the night before. Healing was mostly complete and now Cari sported a set of five dice in the middle of her lower back, just above the waist line and a set of 4 interlinked hearts above her chest. They all had meaning to her. The dice represented the men in her life that she's cared for deeply and the hearts were her children.


It was the only gester she would make to show her cares for them on her body in that form of art. No names of Cari + whoever or anything cheesy and cliche, but it was a gester even if they didn't know.


Their room was nice and the bed was comfortable, Cari would be glad to sleep on it after the day was done. It was to late to do much of anything at all, so tomorrow she would begin the hunt for Shane Grady. Shane was a man who'd discovered a darkfriend and was threatening to reveal him. It would be very detremental if he was found out and it was now her job to kill him. He was said to frequent the local brothels and she'd suggest to Yrean that is where to start, but the exact locations she hoped Yrean would be able to find as she didn't know Illian and it was alot easier for him to inquire than her, most people didn't think much of women courting women, even though Cari didn't mind.


Cari was hungry and after a quick dusting of clothes and washing up Cari wrapped her arms around her lover. "I think I need to eat, know any good places?"



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It was always interesting to watch Cari getting dressed, she did it with an economy of energy, although Yrean had noticed a slight change in her tendencies, now she did not rush as much, and he thought she posed more. It was obvious that she knew he watched her, and she got pleasure from this. So far, Yrean had made no mention of her markings, everyone had their own affectations, and this was one of hers. Sometimes, Yrean did not think questions from him would be welcome, and certain topics were better left alone, like the matter of trust. For some reason he did not believe the reason she had given him for wanting to come to Illian, but without any evidence to counter her reason, Yrean had left the matter alone. Another subject he wanted to talk to her about was the spate of murders that happened just before she disappeared, in Tar Valon. Although this time Yrean had not asked her, not to avoid a fight with her, but he now thought he knew more of what had been the reason behind the killings. He did not approve, how could anyone, but he now thought he understood the motivation behind them. It was not Cari as such, but this force, this shadowthat she had told him about. What to do about that was something that Yrean had found no solution to, and he dreaded it’s next appearance as he was sure it would require something more than before to quell it.


“I be knowing places that would make even you blush Cari, and I be knowing places that be so opulent that you be no believing the costs involved. Be you wanting rough, or be you in a romantic mood?” Cari was thoughtful for a moment, and then told Yrean somewhere where they would not be disturbed would be fine with her. Once he had finished dressing, and armed himself, Yrean and Cari left their room and headed into the City.


The abundance of people on the streets attested to Illian’s hard earned reputation as the largest port in the world, something the Illianers we inordinately proud of, but as Yrean knew, this city had a dark underside, one not seen by all of the people who lived and worked here. Yrean soon found his bearings and led Cari along narrow streets filled with bustling people, some selling wares, some selling themselves, others offering services that even Cari would not contemplate. As the ally ways got progressively narrower, so the crush got worse. Yrean contemplated telling Cari to watch out for her purse, this was a well known area for pick pockets, but she was just as street wise as he was, and with his own mood souring, Yrean thought a fight might alleviate that.


Eventually Yrean indicted that they had arrived at their destination, although Cari looked dubiously at the entrance, an unremarked door, and Yrean assured her that the interior was nothing like the exterior. “Just as well Yrean, this place looks like Trollocs wouldn’t be seen dead in here.”


“It be strange you be saying that, there be reports of strange creatures in these parts.”


This got Cari’s attention and she turned to see the slightly, mocking grin in Yrean’s face. Reaching up and grabbing hold of his shirt collar, Cari leaned in close to him, as if she was going to kiss him. “Are you trying to tempt me Yrean? If so you will have to do better than that.” Once she finished talking, she leaned in closer and did kiss him, if only briefly. “Now lead me to this marvellous place of yours, I am famished.” Grinning, Yrean knocked three times, then twice more, then three times again. No sooner had he finished knocking than the door opened and they were greeted by a man so covered in hair one could be forgiven for mistaking him for a Trolloc. Yrean turned to look at Cari, “I be telling you there be Trollocs here Cari.” Winking at her mock annoyance, Yrean ushered her through the door and then followed her, giving a curious hand signal to the man who had opened the door.


Once inside they were led through a series of passages, until they came to a large, exquisitely decorated room, which was full of talking and laughter, scantily clad women, who’s attire would have shocked a Domani woman waited on the tables, with equally scantily clad males. “They be catering to both sides of the fence now, before they be only interested in female staff.”


Before Cari could respond, a tall, disgustinshed man approached them and enquired if they would like a private dining room or one of the public tables. Yrean remained silent, allowing Cari to choose.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari watched for all the signs Yrean seemed to be passing. She would have to be careful while signaling for Darkfriends around him, he might pick up the signs even if he'd not understand their meaning. She didn't dare flash any signs of his with out knowing their meaning she might have to inquire at some point.


Cari rather enjoyed the public displays but she tried not to show Yrean she had even noticed. "A public table is fine." As they were lead to a table Cari poked Yrean. "Not that I mind you all to myself, but having people around after a long journey is a nice change of pace."


The table they were given was in a corner away from others but not hidden behind any walls. That was good it was better to be seen than to hide. Right now there was nothing wrong with being in town or being seen.


Yrean pulled the chair out for Cari like a gentleman and Cari smiled and sat down. They ordered food, Cari choose the only thing on the menu that appeared to have less meat in it. Some kind of roast stew with a variety of vegetables. She might have to find something a little later with more protien, she would need the strength later.


They chatted ideally and Cari tried to maintain her concentration on their conversation as the one in her head rattled on. Doesn't he even wonder about you and Alex? He had to have known about you two it was rather obvious. -What about all those others she shares her bed with. Sam and Demus? Doesn't he care?- He doesn't even know them tho, why would he.


Cari pulled out of her conversation in her mind, not realizing she had been ignoring Yrean when he put his hand on hers. "Something be wrong?"


Cari looked down, more from an indication from May that she should be embarrassed than from actually being so, she wasn't going to hide the fact that there were other men in her life that she cared deeply for besides him. "No, not wrong. They..." No we all wonder it you do too. "We were wondering why you never questioned who shares my bed?"


Cari took her hand from under his. "I'm not trying to rub that fact in your face. You wait till I'm ready to talk and never ask the questions that are on your mind." Cari looked up him. "I'm not going to volunteer information easily Yrean. I keep it to myself with most everyone. If you want to know something Yrean, ask me. I will try to answer you with what I can. Some things I cannot share as they are not mine to share."



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Yrean smiled when Cari said she would answer when she could, he had seen one of those answers and did not want a repeat performance. As for asking about her other lovers, that was not something he was going to do, that was a side of her that he did not want to think about. However, Yrean had begun to think that Cari would never reveal anything about him, or their relationship, without asking him first, that was an assumption on his part, but he believed it was a good one. “You be telling me what you be wanting me to be knowing. If I be needing to know more I be asking, but I be no wanting to pry. We be at an impasse.”


Yrean was silent for a while, sipping at his drink and letting his mind mull over this matter. “I be knowing you be having your secrets, be they to do with me, be they with us, I be doubting, but I be knowing these secrets be yours until you be finding the right time to tell me. Just you be truthful with me and I be satisfied for now.”


Yrean could see that this answer was not the one she expected but for the moment did not know what else to say to her. So instead of talking he tucked into his food and waited until he had cleared his plate before resuming the conversation. “I be wondering why you be bothering with me, I be liking your company as you be knowing, and I be thinking you be liking mine. But I do be wondering if you be seeing me as I be seeing you.” Just then one of the serving girls, a tall willowy girl with a hint of a distant Domani bloodline, arrived to remove their plates. When she was gone, Yrean poured a second glass of wine for both of them. “Be I curious about certain things about you? I be a fool not to, that be what friends be like, they be watching out for each other.”


Yrean reached for his glass and drained it in one go, then stood up and offered Cari his hand. “I be no in the mood for sitting here, there be places that we be visiting where we be dancing, I be liking that with you Cari.” Yrean’s eyes sparkled as he smiled at her, his early dark mood dismissed and replaced by his more normal disposition. “You be telling me all your secrets as we be going, I be sure they be enough to make my hair stand on end.”


Yrean was not deliberately ignoring what Cari had told him about volunteering information, but he did not see why they could not enjoy themselves, who could say when they would get the chance again, so grab it while you could, and tonight Yrean was determined to grab all the opportunities he could. “You ever be playing sevens? I be thinking we be wagering against each other, I be winning. After we dance we be playing sevens, and I be wagering I be learning all your secrets then.” One of the useful things Yrean had learn at as a mercenary was the skill to gamble, something that the other mercenaries had done with monotonous regularity in their free time. The gambling fever had never hit Yrean like it did the rest of the mercenaries, he had been content to watch and learn, and occasionally put what he had learnt into practice, but not with his fellow guards, he was not that reckless. Yrean’s enthusiasm seemed infectious, and Cari was swept along with it, mostly.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cari wasn't sure about the gambling but if he'd ask she'd answer and this seemed the only way he'd play the game and get the information she knew he was dying to ask about. As they left the establishment Cari caught sight of their serving girl by the door, she looked mildly upset that Yrean hadn't noticed the efforts to draw his eye. Cari had and as she walked by she brushed the girls back side and winked at her. Whether or not the woman was interested in another, it was always flattering when someone took notice even if it wasn't the one you intended.


Cari didn't care if Yrean knew, she'd told him enough times that she was attracted to woman, though hardly had chance to act on those attractions. Only Rachel had been a lover and the rest were mere flirtations gone cold by nights end. Cari wrapped her arm around Yrean when they were out in the alley ways again. "I'd love to play sevens with you." But you don't know how Cari smiled mischeiveiously more for Marosa's sake than Yrean's but either which way the affect was there that she wanted to convey. Yrean would get to ask his questions, and she might get to deal with a few things that were on her mind as well. Only time will tell.


Yrean knew exactly where to take Cari, it may have been a number of years since he had been here, but he doubted very much if Stinky Red’s establishment had changed any. Emerging from a confusing array of alleyways, Yrean led Cari across an intersection and down a flight of steps. At the bottom of the steps a man almost as large, and ugly, as a Trolloc stood, arms folded across a chest large enough to happily store barrels on. Yrean did not recognise him, and didn’t expect to, but the signal was still the same as before and it took only a moment for Yrean and Cari to be granted entrance through the large studded oak door. Once inside they were greeted by the sight of a large open room filled with people all stood around various tables watching the patrons who were seated at the tables, obviously taking part in the various games on offer. Grinning at the memories the room brought back to him, Yrean grabbed hold of Cari’s hand and led her through the throng towards a door on the far side.


Just as they got to the door, a woman, chased by a half naked man came running through the doorway, Yrean glanced back at Cari and winked, wondering just what she was thinking. Once through the door the sound of music enveloped them both and Yrean’s smile grew, leaning closer to Cari his lips brushing her ear, Yrean asked her if she would like to dance, knowing full well she did.


Yrean was not sure which he preferred, the fast tempo songs, or the slow ones, he knew which his body preferred and the way Cari moulded her body to his, during the slow ones, Yrean was sure he knew which she preferred, wanton was a word that came to his mind. Pressing herself up against him, Cari ran a fingernail down his cheek. “I thought you wanted to play this game of yours Yrean?” Leaning in close, his hand grasping her hair and slowly pulling her head back, Yrean pressed his lips to hers, “I be wanting to play our games Cari, but Sevens be a good place to be starting.”


As Yrean and Cari made their way from the room, Yrean explained the rules of the game to Cari, they were very simple. You were given seven dice and had to beat the figure the player before you scored. If you nominated less dice than the other player and still won, you could re-throw and set a target for the next player. Each player had three lives, last one standing won. “So where does the questions come into this?”


“That be a side bet between us, I be keeping a score between us. I be asking, or you be asking, when we be ready, deal?”


Cari looked sceptical at this, but was willing to go along, as long as she had fun, which Yrean seemed to be doing.


Scanning around the room, Yrean eventually saw the table he wanted and dragged Cari along behind him as he made his way to the table. There were two empty seats, next to each other, and Yrean and Cari sat down in them, and it was not long before the game started. When the dice came to Yrean, he winked at Cari and announced he would only use four dice to beat the previous score, there was much laughter at this boast, but Yrean felt lucky tonight, and when he had in the past he had usually won. Picking up the four dice, Yrean held his hand up and with a flourish sent the dice spinning across the table to pound into the lip on the far side. When the dice stopped spinning and rolling Yrean quickly added up the totals and then lent back in his chair

Only half listening to the grumbling from the man on his left, Yrean scooped up the dice and placed six of them on the table, keeping one in his hand. Again, with a flourish, Yrean sent the dice across the table, his eyes never leaving Cari’s until he heard someone cry out that he had scored a 6. “It be your turn now darlin’, be you able to match that?”


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation


Yrean diffinately had a way with the underground in Illian. Cari would never have come to a place like this, she'd probably been able to get in with a little offered play time but she wasn't here for fun, only for a job then she needed to leave, so she'd bide her time with Yrean. He seemed to enjoy showing her his world.


The room was filled with people gaming and when the couple ran in front of them Cari wondered what other type of establishment this was. It seemed Yrean was a little more involved in other undersides, though he hardly acted the part with her. He asked her to dance but she wanted a little bit more by the time they finished. Her heart was beating way too fast for a normal day all because of what Yrean made her feel. She wasn't in love but she was definately in lust. She wanted alot more than what was being offered but they didn't go to their room instead to play games. Cari let the desires idle and wondered if Yrean had any clue how much she didn't want to be there, but they were here for other reasons as well and she would play his games, if she wanted to play hers.


Yrean was playing with less dice and Cari knew that was highly irregular, but she tossed the dice as he'd done, all seven of them. And let the other people tell her what was next. She didn't do well her first round but it didn't matter.


An attractive serving girl came with drinks offering Yrean a caress with her breast on his shoulder. Yrean was an attractive man but it had to be more than that, knowing his way around Illian might be a big hit with the girls around her. Cari wasn't jealous, but she was eager to see what he'd do in return. By the time their drinks made it to them three rounds had passed and Cari hadn't done any better in them either. Yrean was playing with less dice and Cari wondered if he was trying to prove something. The girl came back and Cari caught brushed the girl's inner thigh as Cari reached for Yreans. Cari was more than ready to go, but she was playing for both of them. She wanted Yrean to go, but it was his turn and he threw the dice. The girl stood between the two of them, Cari's hand on Yrean's leg and pressed against the girl between them. She took the drink orders from some other players and Cari took the dice for her turn. One throw and she'd beaten Yrean's. Everyone was impressed but Cari wasn't noticing, she was watching Yrean.




Yrean was only half concentrating on the game, the rest of his concentration was centred on Cari. He had noticed the way her eyes had been following a certain serving girl as she went about her duties, and Yrean had seen that predator gaze before, usually when it was aimed at him. He had given a lot of thought to the nature of the relationship with Cari, and the various rules she had imparted to him, one being her proclivity for lovers, of either sex. Yrean had to admit, he did not like the thought of her with another man, but another woman, now that had him intrigued and it would seem that tonight Cari was in the mood for sharing her pleasures with him and a woman.


When the dice came around to Yrean, he choose five and threw a score marginally higher than the person to his left. Picking up the dice again, Yrean dropped one and threw four, coming up with a combined total of 18. Passing the dice to Cari, Yrean winked at her and then turned to the serving girl who was placing their drinks on the table. “My friend be wanting you to be keeping us company later one, be you liking that?” Yrean kept his voice low, low enough that the girl, who’s name was Serena, had to lean in close to hear him, showing a large expanse of cleavage as she did. “I be not adverse to that, where be you staying?” Yrean gave the girl the name of the Inn they were staying at, and what room they would be in. She said she finished her shift at the next bell and assured Yrean she would be there, kissing him on the cheek before turning and winking at Cari. With that matter out of the way, Yrean took a sip from his tankard and turned his concentration back to the game.


By now the other players had worked out that their luck was not enough to beat Yrean’s tonight, and had wandered away from the table, seeking other pleasures. “I be up five to your two, I be thinking we be needing somewhere quieter for me to be collecting on this bet.” Yrean leaned in closed to Cari, his breath hot on her neck.” I be having a surprise for you as well.” Grinning, Yrean stood up and offered his hand to Cari as she did the same. Thanking the dealer for his patience, Yrean led Cari away from the table and out of the club. It did not take them long to reach the Inn they were staying at, hastily they made their way up to their rooms, Cari playfully trying to undress Yrean as they went, with Yrean slapping her hands away. “You be too eager, we be needing to be settling the bet first.” With Cari hanging around his neck, Yrean stumbled into their rooms, her whispered promises of wanton debauchery weakening his will. Closing the door, Yrean pried Cari of him and sat her down on the lounge; Yrean sat next to her and asked his first question. “Will we be followed when we be leaving Illian? Will I be able to be coming home again?”


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation


A surprise? Cari was not sure she was going to like the surprise, however Yrean was insisting on being casual and he wanted his answers now. Cari sighed and let him play his games. It wasn't like she hadn't told him to ask them.


Cari smiled. "I've no intentions of being followed out. I'm just here for the payment my employer is due. It should cause you no ill will."


Cari grinned mischeiveiously at Yrean. "That's two."


She wondered what would he'd say to that.




Succinct and to the point as always were Cari’s answers. Yrean sometimes felt it was like trying to praise rusty nails out of an old oak beam, when asking Cari for information. “You be having more ways of saying something than I be having hairs.” Yrean was just about to lean in and kiss her when there was a knock at their door. Hoping that was Serena, Yrean told Cari to close her eyes, which she did eventually, and then he opened the door, signing to Serena to quietly come into the room.


Yrean positioned Serena in front of Cari, and started to undress her, first her cloak, then the loose blouse she wore, and finally her long skirt, until she was stood in front of Cari with nothing more than her stockings and boots on. As Serena shook out her long auburn hair, Yrean told Cari she could look now.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation


It took Cari a miniute to realize someone else was in the room with them as her eyes were closed. The sweet smell of perfume wafted in her direction and Cari wondered what Yrean was up to. Why was there another woman or sweet smelling man in the room? The surprise?


When instructed Cari took in the woman before her and then looked up and Yrean with a cursorary glance. "This be your surprise?" It was meant to be mocking to Yrean. Cari didn't wait for an answer as her hands found the other woman's legs and other more intimate things before Cari stood up. It was a play for the girl more so than Yrean, she didn't want her being upset by Cari's mocking their accent. She was truly a beautiful creature and Yrean had been paying attention after all.


Cari stepped into the woman. "You don't mind another woman sharing your bed?" The woman giggled, "It wouldn't be the first time." Cari smiled and put her head into the soft spot between shoulder and neck of the woman and kissed it softly breathing in her sweet perfume.


Cari turned to Yrean. "Some surprise," and she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to the two of them.


It would definately be a most interesting night.




Yrean slowly opened his eyes, taking care not to move his body as he did not want to wake either Cari or Serena. It had certainly been a night of firsts for him and he did not want it to end just yet, but knew they had business to take care of today. Slowly he pulled his arm from under Cari’s head, and then slid off the bed and went to take care of business.


Emerging from the bathroom, Yrean was just in time to see Cari blearily opening her eyes, going over to the bed Yrean lent over and gave her a longing kiss. “It be a good morning Cari, be you happy with last night?”


While waiting for her answer, Yrean started to get dressed but was dragged back on the bed by Cari. Her lips finding his all thoughts of their business fled his head, and their love making woke Serena up who was more than willing to take part in a repeat performance of last night, if a shortened one.


Eventually, Yrean disentangled himself from Serena and Cari and poked his head from under the sheet, a look of puzzlement on his face as he realised his head was sticking out of the bottom of the bed. “Well that be an even better start to the day.” The grin returned to his face and for the second time that morning he found himself washing and dressing, although this time he got much further than he had before.


When he finished dressing he noticed that Serena had also got dressed and was just about to leave, kissing both Cari and Yrean before she did so. “Be you telling me where we be needing to search today Cari?”


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari lie in the bed she had just shared with another woman and man naked. Serena had left and Yrean was fully clothed but Cari was not ready to leave the warmth and comfort of the bed. But Yrean was apparently ready to begin the search.


Cari resigned her desire to stay in bed and slowly sat up to get dressed. She was in no hurry. The longer it took to find him, the longer her and Yrean could enjoy their time in Illian. They would be leaving shortly after she fullfilled her job's requirements.


"My sources tell me he frequents the brothels and has been seen coming and going from various Council of Nine houses. I don't expect he'll be at the brothel houses till later so probably the nine's houses and the council building itself are a good place to start."


Cari gave Yrean the description of the man so he could help spot him as well. Normally Cari would not have done so but Yrean was here to help, not just be her guide. Why are you trusting him blindly? A description is far from incriminating to him or me.


Cari pulled on her last boot before strapping on her daggers under her sleeves. "I suppose if you are in a hurry to find him we should eat and then go." Cari wasn't in a hurry and she'd rather do her scouting at night but it was Yrean's call.



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Cari just had to mention the brothels, there were mostly located in what was known locally as the Perfumed Quarter. The stench that pervaded the area was not a pleasant one, it was almost indescribably and all pervading. But if that was where they had to start their search then so be it, Yrean led Cari downstairs and instead of stopping for something to eat went out the door and into the street thick with the morning hustle and bustle of a large seaport. “Yrean why are we not eating there?”


“I be thinking I no want to be spending my time in the Perfumed Quarter, so we be going to somewhere we be recruiting people who will be spending their time there. We be needing to be getting you something to wear, that be more in keeping with the locals.” Cari’s expression became quizzical and she raised an eyebrow at Yrean’s statement, but he offered no further information.


After a trip lasting half an hour, Yrean led them into a ramshackle building, paint was flaking off the walls, and the floor had dirt and grime worked into it’s surface and Cari was sure the stain on the door knob had been old blood. But, the smells emanating from a separate room soon had Cari and Yrean’s stomachs growling in need of sustenance. “This be where we be used to gathering when I be living here. This be a place we can be using to start our search, while we eat.” Yrean walked to the small hatch in the wall and ordered for both of them, grabbing two mugs of an indeterminate brown substance Yrean went over to the table Cari had sat at and placed one of them in front of her, taking a healthy sip from his own. “How can we start our search here Yrean, I doubt this would be the sort of place he would frequent.”


“Be you patient, you be learning.”


Cari was just about to respond when a woman approached their table and started to hand out plates of food, Yrean and Cari took theirs from her and placed them on the table. Once she had finished she left the table, but her presence was replaced by a young boy of about 9 summers. “You be Yrean, you be needing something?”


He was quite tall for his age, but as thin as a willow, but not as easy to break Yrean surmised. Yrean started to describe the man they were looking for to the boy, and ignored the kick on his shin from Cari, who obviously did not like the turn of events. Trying to kick Yrean again, Yrean managed to grab hold of her leg and gave it a yank, almost pulling Cari out of her seat. “I be no table leg for you to be kicking.” There was a noticeable heat to Yrean’s words, she had asked for his help and he was giving it, but she also needed to trust him. He knew these parts, he knew the people how inhabited them, he had been one himself, and so he knew that for a few coppers, or even a couple of silvers, the street kids could find anyone far quicker then he and Cari could. When he was finished describing the man Yrean told the boy where he could find him and handed over one silver coin. “I be giving you the rest when you be finding him, and we be confirming it be him.”


With that the boy scampered out of the room and Yrean turned to face Cari. “I be knowing this be important, but you be needing to know this be my world, and you be not known here. We be no walking all over this City looking for this man, we be finishing our breakfast then we be going shopping, you be needing something more appropriate to wear.” Yrean winked at Cari as he said this, his face splitting into an amused grin around the sausage he was trying to cram into his mouth.


The food was as good as Yrean remembered, and the tea was so strong the spoons could have stood up in the cups unaided, it was just what both of them needed and Cari had to admit, she would never have thought to eat in a place like this, she filed this away in her memory, along with the other information she had gathered while in the city with Yrean.


Finally they had eaten their fill and Yrean paid for the meal, then they left, making their way back to the more prosperous regions of the city. Yrean and Cari soon found themselves in an area that seemed to be full of dressmaking shops and after a while Yrean led them into the shop he had been looking for, a mischievous grin on his face as he pretended to not notice Cari’s expression.


Once inside the shop, Yrean sought out the chief dressmaker and introduced himself and Cari, explaining that they had a mind to explore the brothels that night and Cari needed something more appropriate to wear. Grinning at Cari, knowing there was no way she could back out now, he stood there as the dressmaker took Cari’s measurements. Finding a seat Yrean sat down to watch, throughrily enjoying the experience.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation


OOC: Mat, just a thought, but Yrean is setting it up so that Cari can get inside a brothel without anyone suspecting, just in case that is a road you want to go down for the kill, obviously that is not how he sees it, this is just a bit of amusement for him*ggls*

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  • 1 month later...

While Cari hadn't wanted to pretend to be a wench in the brothel, it had been her goal to use the brothel connection to see the man she was after. Cari wasn't really sure she wanted to kill him in the brothel but if they lucked out it would be one that was owned by a fellow Darkfriend, one could only hope.


Cari shook her head. It wasn't that she minded, she would wear whatever Yrean wanted her to wear, but it was the fact that Yrean wanted her to wear a skimpy outfit for others to oggle her with that made her shake her head. Cari didn't need her dress to make men or women look at her, but this would definately turn a head or two.


Cari stood for the fitting and when asked to go to a changing room to put on the drappings she obliged while Yrean sat back smuggly and looked on. Cari didn't care if he watched she would oblige his need to see her in skimpy clothes. And when Cari came out to see the type of material she would be wearing later that evening she wondered if she'd actually make it out of their room with out having the redress. It was practically see through and it would leave little to the imagination. Cari wondered why the women in brothels liked to dress this way. It was far better to cover things and let them wonder what was underneath. But then maybe they didn't care for true seduction, only the act to make a quick buck.


Cari modeled the best she could trying to give Yrean a good show and the shop women just giggled in their usual way at the anticts of two lovers. Cari didn't care what they thought.




Once the purchase had been made Yrean and Cari left the Dressmakers shop and made their way back to their rooms. On the way there Yrean mused on the image of Cari in her new dress, and while he found it somewhat attractive, it was not Cari, and Yrean decided that he preferred her in her own clothes, or out of them. Grinning to himself at that thought, Yrean held the door to their rooms open and let Cari go first. She had been slightly distant since they had left the shop, but Yrean put that down to her being concerned for this person they were supposedly looking for. Yrean, however, knew how things worked here, he had done things like this when he had been a child, there was no better way finding something, or someone, in Illian.


"You be thinking I be wanting to be ogling you in that dress, and that be my motivation here. It be not. If be this person in the Perfumed Quarter we be needing to be moving around without being noticed. You would be noticed if you be not so dressed." Yrean waited a moment, considering what he was just about to say. He knew Cari could handle herself, but this was possibly outside of her experiences, although Yrean guessed that not much would be. "It be no stroll around the streets of Tar Valon. We be going where there be no laws, where there be no one to help a stranger who be in trouble." While Yrean had been speaking, Cari had set the bags down on the bed and turned to listen to him. "I be knowing you be thinking you be handling this, but we be needing to be doing this without arousing suspicion or unwanted eyes, be that so?" Cari slightly nodded her head, wondering where this was leading.


"Then be trusting me with this, I be knowing the ways of this place, you be not."


Cari was just about to answer when there was a knock at their door. Yrean was closest so he opened the door a crack, checking who was out there, then stepped out into the hallway. There was a low murmur of voices, then Yrean re-entered the room.


"We be in luck, the person you be wanting to talk to, be here tonight." Yrean handed Cari a scrap of paper with the name of the brothel, and a time.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation


Cari took the peice of paper. She recognized the name, it was a

source of darkfriend information in Tear. And probably how Nathan had

found out about this man's deeds. Cari nodded and then threw the

peice of paper in the fire. Evidence was not good to have around. "I

will go alone, please give me directions and then I will meet you here

when I get back."


It wasn't so much an order as a request. But Cari didn't want Yrean

with in any distance to see or hear anything that might go on. He had

provided the outfit, she didn't want him to know what her plans were

and how she intended to make her marks acquainataince. It would not

be pleasant for him to know that she intended to bed the man before

killing him. It was much easier to kill when they were not expecting

it. And Cari enjoyed the action, and the shadow nearly drew forth at

the mere thought of the blood pouring out of a gapping wound in the

neck. It was not arroused by the previous actions, but the lustful

soul of sex only enhanced its own desires to see the blood. Cari

turned to watch the fire burn the paper so Yrean would not see the

blood lust in her eyes. She pulled the void around her to calm her

emotions and then dropped it before returning to face Yrean.

"Directions, please?"




Cari's abrupt manned did not irk Yrean any more, it was obvious to him she had her game face on now and would not accept any delays. "It be no easy place to be finding, I be thinking I be coming part of the way, I be needing to seeing to my own business."


Just like Cari, Yrean could be brisk when the situation called for it, and obviously this was such a time. "I be knowing this be your business, and you be wanting to do this on your own, but you be in a city that be having a dark soul. Be you more careful than usual, even more so with me no being there to watch your back." As he was talking Yrean sketched out her route on a piece of parchment, indicating where she should and should not go. He also made a note of where he would be and how she could find him if she wanted to. "I be meeting you here, or be you coming to me?"


Cari was busy dressing as Yrean spoke, and she finished just as he looked up from the parchment he had been writing on. "Well will I do?" Yrean took his time, looking her over, before responding. "You be no needing clothes like that Cari to be catching a person's eye, I be liking you more in your usual garb. There be no changing your mind on this, so that be the best disguise I be thinking of. You be blending in out there, and you be fine." Standing up Yrean put his arms around her. "You be no taking risks my love, I be no in the mood for losing you."


With that, Yrean grabbed his sword belt and fastened in around his waist. Moving towards the door, Yrean opened it and let Cari go first. Softly he closed the door and hesitated before following her. Kneeling down Yrean placed a hair, plucked from his head, across the threshold, and then pulled the door to. Seeing Cari's gaze on him, Yrean shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her. "I be no wanting people in our rooms unless we be knowing about them." With that brief explanation, Yrean and Cari left the Inn and started walking towards the Perfumed Quarter. On the way Yrean showed Cari two of the more obvious hand signals he knew. "These be a sort of key where you be going, but you be only using them in a dire emergency. They be telling others you be part of the Stavrosi clan. You be needing help you be using that one followed by this one."


By the time they got to the crossroads, Cari could flash both signals with ease and without further conversation she disappeared into the night.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari knew Yrean wouldn' let her go alone, but he hadn't gone all the way with her and that was a good thing. He had his own business to attend, what Cari wondered but it wasn't her place to ask. He'd come for her benefit, she hadn't thought he'd have done so for himself but maybe he had come for other reasons. But Cari let the thought slip away as she went on about her own business.


Cari didn't think she would need the hand signals he showed, she had her own and they were far more likely to help if she were caught. Yrean's friends were just that, his friends, and more than likely light fools like him. Killing a man who was going to reveal darkfriends to save his own soul from the Great Lord was probably going to look bad if she were caught. She could always claim to not be a darkfriend, but she hardly thought they'd beleive it. Darkfriends hardly hired outside of their own allegiances, unlike those of the light loving community. If they were in need they didn't care as long as you got the job done. Cari hadn't taken many of those type jobs, Nathan kept her busy enough and now Be'lal would add to his calls. Cari hoped that both jobs would never conflict, it would be hard to decide what to do. Though the consequences of not following Be'lal's orders could cost her the reason she'd joined his forces to begin with.


Cari followed Yrean's instructions exactly and there were no incidences short of a few men whooting at her as she walked by. Thankfully no one tried to touch, or they might be sitting in a heap where they had stood. The brothel was dimmly lite and the woman at the front desk was garbbed very similarly to Cari. It was after all her job to look good for the incoming men. Cari flashed the darkfriend sign and received on in return. "Can we speak privately for a few moments, a friend of ours has asked me something of this place."


They went into a small room with very little breathing room, it was more like a closet. As the woman closed the door behind her she pinched Cari's rear and put her arm around her shoulder. Cari smiled, and hoped it was only pretense.


"I do be sorry for the actions, what it be it that our Master wants?"


Cari nodded. "I've come for Cale Bethey."


The woman nodded and handed Cari a key. "He be here shortly, he be wanting a new girl, you be it now."


Cari nodded. "Give it two hours after I leave to check the room. You never saw me." With a nod she opened the door and Cari made her way to the room he'd be coming too.


Cale was a short ugly man, it was no wonder he came to the brothel for lovers, he had to pay for it to get any. Cari smiled as the man walked into the room and began removing his clothes. "I be wanting you naked now."


Cari shook her head and helped him undress. He tried to push her away but Cari was alot stronger than she looked and it gave him pause. She smiled at him and ripped his shirt from his chest, that brought a smile to his face and he let Cari finish disrobing him.


Cari brought the man to the bed and began the intimant acts that were known for in a brothel. Cari insured that the daggers on her wrists were always accessable, and when he was not looking she placed one under the pillow. She didn't want to ruin the clothes that Yrean had made and removed them from her body, taking the dagger sheathes discretely off before he noticed. Cale was not a bright man, he missed many signals of his death tonight. Cale's own satisfaction was nearing but he'd never reach it. Cari pulled the dagger from under the pillow and cleanly sliced is throat. There was no scream and no noise escaped the room besides those of his pleasure. And now there was nothing more than silence as Cari watched the blood ooze from his neck. The shadow nearly danced in euphoria in her mind and Cari basked in the warmth of his blood as it fell on her legs.


Cari cleaned some of the mess off of her but she was in a hurry to leave and missed a good portion of it that she'd clean off in the inn, hopefully before Yrean came back. Cari grabbed a robe from behind the door and donned it, it was easier to cover the drying blood on her body and she didn't care if she ruined it. The clothes she packed in bundle and headed back to the inn.


She ran into a man she didn't know. He gave her an odd look and then returned back to his own path. There were no more incidences.


Their room was dark and the hair Yrean had placed was still there, she wondered why he had done that but she hoped he was going to be ready to leave in the morning, she only could hope.


Cari removed the robe she had taken and threw it in the fire before setting herself to cleaning up.




It had been a less than successful night for Yrean, his contacts had told him that matters were afoot that were inhibiting the supply of weapons to Yrean’s shop, there were rumours of rebellion and worse doing the rounds. Yrean thought that this would explain the almost frantic pace of the city. At first he thought it was because it had been some time since he had been in Illian, but tonight was even more frenetic than the last. The more he heard, the more he disliked what he was being told, if trouble was not already in the city, it soon would be and Yrean did not know whether he should stay or go, when Cari decided it was time to leave.


There was the other problem; try as he might Yrean could not stop worrying about Cari and her mission this night. She was not used to the ways of Illian and could easily land herself in a situation that would only end up in bloodshed. He knew she was more than capable of handling herself, but no matter how good you were with a sword, in a packed, crowded narrow street, it was easy to slip a blade into the back of even the most renowned Blademaster. It be to late to be worrying, you be more than capable of following her if you be that worried. There was the even larger problem, Yrean had wanted to follow Cari, purely to make sure she did not get in trouble, but she would have been furious with him for doing so, and no matter how much she said she trusted him, Yrean knew she had her closely guarded secrets and no amount of asking on his behalf would reveal them.


Earlier than he had intended, Yrean headed back to the Inn and their rooms. Although he had drunk more than he would usually, it would have been rude not to, Yrean was still steady on his feet and gave no outward sign of intoxication. Once he had entered the Inn he was about to make his way upstairs to the room when the Innkeeper approached him and informed him that Cari was in their rooms and enquired if everything was ok? Yrean knew the man was only asking from concern for the reputation of his establishment, and so took no offence at his words. “We do be fine good sir, there be no need for concerns on your part.” With that Yrean made his way, slowly, up the stairs and walked along the corridor to their room. As he entered he saw Cari washing something red from her skin, slowly realisation hit him as to what it was and he closed the door behind him.


“I be hoping that be no your blood?”


Fire and Ice fought inside Yrean, the fire of his temper and anger that she could be hurt, and the icy calm that always smothered him when in situations that were likely to be volatile.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari didn't jump when she heard Yrean open the door, but she knew she would have to explain something and she wasn't sure how he'd handle the truth of the matter. *And what excuse do you give him for killing the man? You can't exactly tell him the truth about that.* Cari thought about the lies to tell him. He had owed Nathan something, money had been the likely thing, but you don't kill for money. Revenge was not like Nathan and competition was healthy for the most part. Cari knew what she'd respond with, a partial truth, she really didn't know why she was hired to kill the man, nor did Nathan. It was a debt Nathan owed someone. That didn't leave much hope for the Ranch, if the owner was in depths of the darker trades, but it wasn't her business, she only went were she was told, which was the absolute truth.


Yrean wasn't very patient when Cari didn't respond and started to look for cuts on Cari's body. She brushed his hands away polietly, "no it's not my blood."


Cari knew he'd want more but she wasn't going to give him more than he needed to know. And he didn't need to know this.


"Then who's does it be?"


Cari started washing herself off again, there was no need to stop the process as he made his inquiries. "Someone I killed." He would have to ask more questions Cari wasn't going to give this to him for free, he had to ask.






Someone I killed


So glibly did she speak those words that Yrean knew she was not joking. To someone who did not know Cari, they would not understand how she could be calm about it, but their lives had included violence almost since they could leave their mothers arms. Even this though did not fully explain how she could be so offhand about a matter of such grave importance.


Whatever effects there might have been from the alcohol Yrean had imbibed had totally disappeared now, and he was as clear headed as if he had had a full nights sleep. “Be we needing to leave? Be this person you be killing someone who hbe having friends who be wanting revenge?”


Yrean was not angry with her, he was too concerned over the consequences of her actions to be angry with her. As he waited for her answer, Yrean wondered if he was going to have to drag information out of her again. There was the matter of trust here, if he started to push her for information he doubted he would like the answers he got. For now he was content to allow her to tell him what she wanted, and it was not like people did not get themselves killed in the Perfumed Quarter, it was an area known for violence. “Next time you be meeting someone, I be coming, and don’t you be thinking to stop me. Be you paying attention to my words Cari, be you meeting your match one day, you be dead. It be what you looking for?”


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari was surprised he hadn't said more, he seemed to be more concerned for her welfare than for the actual deed itself. Cari shook her head. "We can leave in the morning. Leaving now would only raise suspicion. No one will know for several hours that the man is dead."


Cari wasn't sure how to react to his need to protect her but her anger overrode her own thoughts. "Yrean, I don't need you to protect me. I've been doing this for 9 years now and I'm still alive. If I die in this line of work so be it. If I'm caught then so be it. You don't need to hold my hand unless you want to start doing this for a living Yrean. You think money grows on trees and that as a ranch hand I can make the money to travel as much as I do and care for my family?"


Cari moved in front of Yrean naked except for the boots on her feet with a wash rag in hand. "Do you wish to begin killing Yrean? To become like me? To enjoy your job to the fullest? Come now, you are a tower guard, sworn to protect those I'm sometimes sent to kill."








“You be forgetting, I be already killing for money, long before we be meeting. I be knowing what it be like to grow up no knowing your father, so don’t you be showing me your anger Cari, you be no wanting mine in return.”


Yrean knew about the reasons for Cari doing what she did, or he thought he did, she kept the darkest one from him. But it seemed to her that she had forgotten about his past, running these very streets with nothing more than a pair of breeches to his name, and sometimes not even them. What Yrean had got in life he had earned, and although he had never had a family to support, he did come from a family that had only one breadwinner.


“You be offering me a career change Cari? You be knowing this, I be stopping anyone who be trying to harm someone in my care, you be aware of that Cari and we be no needing to worry.”


Would he go another step down the road she was leading him, or was her suggestion a step too far? Was there ever a righteous kill that did not happen in battle? Of course murderers and rapists got their just deserts, if caught. But would he be asked to kill one that did not get caught? What about one where there was not enough evidence to convict, but the man was guilty? For that matter could he kill a woman? Not all murderers were men. Why was he even considering this? Did he not enjoy his work in the Tower?


For now though, they were questions that would have to await their answers. Yrean had picked up on the obvious anger in Cari’s voice, and he doubted that it was his entire fault. Something was stirring within her and he hoped it was something more interesting than violent.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari didn't care about his past, that wasn't what he was doing now. It doesn't mean he wanted to pick up where he'd left off from. It didn't mean he wanted the thrill of the kill, or that he even ever had it. "Yrean, you want to kill with me, hold my hand while I stike them dead? You coming with me will only lead you into the grasps of the authorities if i'm caught. You want that? You want to get that involved in my life to go down with me? Because you will Yrean. IIf people know you are with me they will take you down as well. And I for one don't want you to follow my path Yrean. You are a good man, and you are going to let me bring you down if you keep insisting on taking care of me."


Cari's anger had cooled, he was after all only looking out for her. She put her hand up to his face and caressed it lightly. "Please don't ask to go." She cared for him, it wasn't May coming through she sincerely cared for his safety and she really didn't want him to follow the path of darkness whether or not he was a light fool or not, killing was darkness and Cari was full of that darkness and more, she enjoyed her job to the fullest. And she wondered if Yrean would ever understand that.






“You be no bringing me down, I be walking this path besides you. You be no leading me like some bull to the slaughter, if that be what you be thinking. Be you thinking I be no taking care of myself? You be knowing I be training hard and I be not far behind you in skill, you be thinking I be an easy mark? I be no letting harm come to you if I be still breathing. If you be dead then so be I, or I be no caring if I be living and I be avenging you.”


Yrean moved closer, but did not touch her, he wanted his words to reach her and not the physical contact she virtually craved all the time.


“I be making you a deal, you be convincing me you no be wanting me around and I be going. You be not able to do that. You be wanting me as much as I be wanting you, be you telling me different now? As for taking care of you? You be doing that for me as much as I be doing that for you, no?”


Yrean suspected that given the mood she was in she would try, but he would not believe her, not her not now and not after what had happened this night. As far as he was concerned she was worrying more than she should be. He realised from her words that there was something sinister about this “ranch” she kept on mentioning, but life was full of sinister things and one had to meet them head on or run away and hide, That was only an option for those who did not have the courage to face their fears. Yrean had been taught a long time ago that to go that route would lead to either death or dishonour and he was far past worrying about the first, and the second? His honour was his own and no one, not even Cari, could take that away from him. Honour could not be taken it could only be given, and Yrean would give his honour to no one, well maybe there was one person, but that was to be seen.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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Cari moved away from Yrean. "You know I want you around." Her anger started to boil again and she wrapped the void around her. Cari was tired of arguing with Yrean. "I'm tired of fighting with Yrean, do what ever you wish, but if you get in my way and things come to pass that I cannot stop, your death is on your own head."


Cari finished wiping the last of the blood from her skin and pulled a night shirt from her bags. She wasn't in the mood to talk or to fight or to do much of anything right now, Yrean was stubborn and she was probably more stubborn than he. What a pair they'd make. Cari shook her head and pulled the shirt over her head. Cari brushed her hair quietly trying to ignore the fact that Yrean watched everything she did. She wondered if he'd say anything and she really didn't care right now. He was too accepting of things he should not, would he be so casual about being a darkfriend or would he try to kill her on the spot. It didn't matter, he loved her and wouldn't hurt her she knew that.


Cari finished brushing her hair and moved towards Yrean, extending her hand. "I'm going to bed, are you coming?" The words came out cool and harsh compared to usual. She'd forgotten she was in the void. She didn't appologize and she didn't let it drop, she didn't want her emotions betraying her now. "We have to leave in the morning, rather I do, I would like your company back but understand if you've other things to do." Cari waited for his reaction she wasn't sure if he'd drop the topic before or not.




Yrean was taken by surprise by Cari’s sudden emotional change, if her obvious lack of emotion could be called that. Knowing her well, Yrean realised that she had the Voidwrapped tightly around herself, and he put this down to her sudden lack of emotion, almost as if she was too tired to care, to worn out to be bothered. Mulling over her words, Yrean moved over to where the washbasin was and poured some water into the bowl from the jug next to it. Removing his shirt, Yrean placed it over the back of an adjacent chair then splashed some water onto his face and neck, before immersing his head in the bowl of water. Without thinking he threw his head back, and his dreads caused a long spray of water to fly across the room. Thankfully Cari was in bed and did not get splashed by the water. The mood she was in Yrean doubted being sprayed by water would help.


Still thinking over what she had said, Yrean removed his boots and walked over to the solitary window, the feel of the carpets beneath his feet a luxury he was still not used to. Sitting on the windowsill, Yrean looked out into a silent stable yard, disturbed only by the flight of an owl on its nocturnal search for food amongst the buildings. Watching the owl. Yrean let his mind wander, not wanting to face the issues that Cari seemed determined to bring up between them.


He did not understand why she seemed so changeable, or would not accept the fact that he liked being with her. It was almost as if she could not understand that someone would want to be with her and not have an ulterior motive, or want to use her in some way. Whatever life she led, it obviously had scarred her badly and this gave Yrean pause for concern, especially with her continued warnings in his mind. Did he really love her enough to follow her all the way, or had he gone as far as he could? He knew at some stage Cari would have to come to terms with his company if she was ever to admit she had strong feelings for him. That thought led to the next one, her other lovers. He knew she had told him ore about herself than she had anyone else, but she still had her secrets and Yrean did not like to probe too much, not unless she was in the right frame of mind and even then it was easy to ruin the mood.


Turning away from the window Yrean looked over to the bed and the sleeping form there. He had lost all idea of time and had not realised he had been sitting on the windowsill for as long as he had. Shaking his head in annoyance, Yrean got up and removed his leathers before getting into bed. As his weight settled onto the bed, Cari groaned slightly in her sleep and turned on her side. For a moment the moonlight caught her face and the years and the cares seemed to drop away and Yrean saw what Cari must have looked like before all her troubles and concerns started to weigh her down. This more than anything drove the doubts from his mind, and he lay there watching her as she slept. Taking in every inch of her as if he had to memorise her in case he never saw her again.


Yrean Stavrosi


We are Grey. We stand between the Light and the Shadow


Tower Guard on vacation

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