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Day Three Competition - Speed Race


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You have two weeks to post. At the end of these two weeks ALL previous competitions will be at an end and those who didn't post didn't enter.




This course is laid out on the second night, and no rider is allowed to see it in advance. It consists of a long run south from the village, across fields that have been used to graze cattle on. After a mile there is a sharp left turn that leads into a series of bends that start to open out and leads to the first jump, this is a water obstacle,


After the jump the course winds it way through some undulating ground before another sharp left turn and the second jump. This is in the form of a large, thick hedge and needs to be approached with caution, as there is a deep ditch in front of it.


After this jump, there is another long straight, and half way along it is the third jump, a wooden fence, much like one you would see on a ranch. Once over this the straight continues until the lane from the point to point comes into view. At this point, remember, the lane is only wide enough for one rider and his horse. Once clear of the lane, the riders will be able to see the village and the finish line outside of the "Hobbled Woman", the largest Inn in the village


An email will follow with the places.



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