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ANTM, aka: "Empy's gonna HATE Yveva"


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So yesterday while avoiding the superbowl I watched some "Beauty and the Geek" yup, that's right, I own my tv-watching-oddities... anyhow, I noticed a promo for ANTM! It's back on Feb 28th, and there was some "welcome to the jungle ladies" reference. A jungle theme coming up? Think they'll move away from LA at last? I kinda liked it when they lived in low-budget cramped housing yo.


secret code so that you won't get mad at me, or dissapointed in me :)


see? The code was for your own good!


I'll stand by ANTM though, the fakey drama is bogus, the weirdo "acting" demonstrations Tyra does are train-wreck ridiculous... But I do find the ideas for the photo shoots pretty darn inventive! and it's neato to see the difference between what actually happens, and how a photo is edited. Hell, I can watch it with the sound off and just look up for the picture segments yo. It's also interesting when they do the whole final comparison thing.


sweet! I am not alone! :)


I dunno, I just like pretty colours, seriously! I do! I like photography, it's interesting to see the sort of creativity they come up with, it's cool to see the difference between the shot with all the harness and wires and whatever, and the finished shot. It's just cool dammit. Deal with it boys :) (but yeah, the drama often gets old, whatever).

Guest Emperor

I think I might really dislike Tyra Banks (is she still the host?). I heard an little of her show on Howard Stern and she sounds like a twit.


One she was talking to Janet Jackson about farting and then she admitted how gassy she truly is.


In another segment, someone in the media mentioned she had gained some weight... and well... she broke down on her show and cried. Wait, first she said it didn't bother her, but then went on to say that if it did, this is the type of stuff that would make her have an eating disorder, then she broke down and cried... because... it didn't affect her at all...


So yeah, I will never, ever watch ANTM. Unless there is some pillow fighting and maybe some girl on girl action.. then I will pretend to not watch.


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