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WhitesApp October?


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Here's a sample of what happened in the White Tower and Warders in September:


Main Boards (you all can see them):

The White Tower & Warders Social Group:

The "How Feminism Hurts Men" and You know you're maybe a bit TOO into the WoT when ...   threads are both still continuing, and we also discussed 12 Reasons to Read and Love Terry Pratchett’s Discworld .


Warders Guild

*Me'Arearth Sherlock Holmes Event
*Cuen Activity: Song Titles


Sub Boards (you all CAN'T see them):

Blue Ajah:

Brandie stopped by with an awesome t-shirt for Dar

The Snow Witch adventure continues

Brown Ajah:

A. Official events: Travel event

Moving (Zashara) http://www.dragonmou...l-event-moving/
Travel preparations (Time) http://www.dragonmou...l-preparations/
Traveling vs. burrowing in at home (Cindy) http://www.dragonmou...row-in-at-home/
Traveling on the cheap (blank) http://www.dragonmou...g-on-the-cheap/

B. General discussions:

Dating (blank) http://www.dragonmou...c/91071-dating/
Cuen visit to the Browns - Summer reads (Kronos) http://www.dragonmou...h-summer-reads/
Brown Cooking compulsions (Cindy) http://www.dragonmou...pulsions/page-5
The Brown field trip saw some action: http://www.dragonmou...ld-trip/page-10

Gray Ajah:

This month we had an ongoing party because there were sooooo many birthdays in the Ajah, and Cairos started a new lounge thread and I am very jealous of our new virtual kitchen.

Gudrean asked us to share our 'Gud' things, at its really nice to have such a positive thread in the Ajah, and Elgee shared a better than amazing quilt.


Green Ajah:

Green Ajah's Animal Awareness Week

This or That Game

Female Viking Warriors!!  Yes, Please!

The Power of Friendship

Wheel of Time Fashion

It's the Weekend! What are your Plans

What's for Dinner?


Random Thoughts

The Green Couch Therapy Thread

What Songs get stuck in your Head?


Red Ajah:

We held our first Cultural Exchange activity this year and despite very few Reds being active it wasn't too bad for a first event.
In the Cultural Exchange people could sign up to exchange things from their local culture with others that had signed up. This is still running behind the scene as it takes time to send stuff.

There were some discussions on Cultural Shocks, Interesting Things and the Influence of Culture


There was a hainous crime committed against Professor Snape. It is still going on! Myst is taking names and considering to re-open the Dungeon.

You know you've done it right when the Aes Sedai volunteer Warders for a prettying. Red Points to Lessa for knowing what's right.

Dear Reds and Phoenix Lounge are still going strong. The new lounge is being well received, Moon did a bang up job there!

Myst and Mulan went adventuring for two weeks in September. You can see the pictures here.  I can't thank the people from DM and Tarvalon.net enough for making it possible :wub:

Myst is running around nekkid...... well no, but it's past time she changed her outfit. It rieks..... ewwwww


White Ajah:

Yellow Ajah:

We discovered Nyn's loathing of Post Offices

We celebrated Nyn's New Year!

We discussed our favorite TV channels

The favorite WoT Quote Discussion continues

Mother left us some lovely pictures here!

The Word Association Game is a hit!



Some of those threads are still going, so if it interests you, go join in!

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