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Thunder's Call (Rage of the Seabull 1)


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Sheena awoke to the sound of footsteps on the deck above her and Eivan snoring softly in a cot on the other side of the room. She sat up slowly, stretching and yawning and wiping the sleep from her eyes. It had been too long since she'd slept in a ship's cabin and the queasy feeling in her stomach was proof, as was the bucket that was never out of arm's reach. Knuckling a stiff back more accustomed to down mattresses than cots, she opened the single circular window in the room and peered outside. A foggy, gray morning greeted her with a light breeze and spray tossed up from the river in the ship's wake as The Silver Arrow made its way south.


She heard Eivan stirring and when she turned from the window, he was looking at her with the same smug expression he always wore when they were at sea together. "Good morning," he croaked before she poked her head out the window again. "Nice to see you made it through the night without clutching the bucket. Maybe by the time we get to Tear, you'll be dancing around like a true sailor." He barked a laugh which turned into a yawn and Sheena found herself echoing it.


"I hope I didn't wake you. If I didn't know any better, I would say I'm starting to get the hang of this." She yawned again and stood up. With the two of them standing, the small cabin felt cramped. She really wished Eivan would see that she hardly needed protecting on a ship sailing to Tear, but the dark-skinned man had slept standing outside her door when she'd told him he couldn't sleep with her. Who knew Warders could be so frustrating? And to think some Greens actually married their Warders!


"I spoke with the captain last night while you were with Kaylan. He said we'd be in Tear either today or tomorrow at the latest." Eivan moved about the cabin with the grace that only an experienced seaman or swordsman could and continued talking while he wased his face. "I've already gotten the name of two other ships that will be headed for Tanchico. It'd probably be for the best to take the smaller of the two. The first mate says the captain of The Kingfisher is Tairen. Not likely to give us a ride..."


Sheena listened to her bondmate with half a mind, having grown accustomed to him thinking outloud like this shortly after bonding him. The main focus of her attention were the earrings she had worn since Sariene had given them to her some three weeks ago. The First Selector hadn't been able to tell Sheena more than that they had been worn by one of the Tower's most powerful Cloud Dancers before she died. Supposedly they allowed the wearer to weave more Air or Water than she would be able to unaided. Sheena was beginning to suspect that the earrings had another function. Not knowing much about Listening to the Winds, though, she could only speculate as to why she'd had the growing feeling that a storm was off in the distance and growing closer with every mile she traveled.


"So it's settled?" Sheena came to herself with a start and dropped her hand from where it had been playing with one of the earrings. Looking up at Eivan, she sighed heavily. "Master Crolings sounds like a capable fellow, Eivan. If you trust him to get us there, I trust him to get us there. You just leave the bargaining for passage to Kaylan Sedai and myself." Eivan nodded and moved out of her way as she tried to get to the wash stand herself. "If you don't mind, my most capable Gadin, I doubt I will be needing protection from my soap." With that, Sheena shooed him out and closed the door behind him. If they were to arrive in Tear today, she couldn't go out looking as sick as she felt.


OOC: Feel free to get us into Tear, Kaylan. :D

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The bundle of irritation was sitting in the back of her head, even though Cassiele was occupied with training the young ones and working on her own skill with the blade, and it amazed Kaylan how her old Warder had managed to stay annoyed for so long. Katerine was finding it all very amusing, and had taken every opportunity before they had left to make jibes about Cassie's age and fitness, though the older Warder was far more experienced than the younger. Katerine was getting along herself, Kaylan supposed, almost into her forties now, though Cassiele was well past what most people would consider Warder material. The Green would have brought them both if she'd thought it appropriate, but a white haired old woman with a heron mark was laughed at by most people - until they tasted her steel. It was not exactly the image that she was trying to present, though, so she'd chosen Katerine - old enough to command respect but not allow for doubt of her skill. Sheena had a Warder along with her too, Eivan - a man, which Kaylan had never bothered with in a Bondmate as of yet. Men were complicated enough in normal dealings, but if they thought that they had to save you? Kaylan didn't want to imagine the chaos a man's emotions would present in the back of her mind.


She shook the thoughts from her head as she dressed, though, because she didn't have to be Bonded to him, and her mind was better occupied in another manner. Getting herself ready to bargain for passage to Tanchico, for one - as the elder of the two Sisters, she was expected to present a face of leadership, though Kaylan was sure the Blue was much more comfortable with the political side of things than she. A fireball to the torso was more Kaylan's style than intrigue and Daes Dae'mar, and she suspected that by the end of the trip she'd have Sheena doing all of the political movements while she watched for their safety. The whole business was odd, but Kaylan supposed with her Talent for Shielding and her skill with Battleweaves, she was the best choice if it was indeed a strong Wilder they had to deal with. Sheena's Talent for the Weather would help, no doubt, if only to get them to the end of their journey faster.


Smoothing the green silk that skirted over her curves, Kaylan pulled out her shawl with an almost pained expression and laid it out on her bed. There was no denying they were Aes Sedai, so it was either put on the shawl and broadcast it to the world, or put on a dustcloak and tuck her ring into her beltpouch, and hope that no-one got a glimpse of her face. Channeling was against the law in Tear, but not the ability - she would just have to be careful about what she did, and try to hold her temper. She poked her head out of her door to see Katerine dressed to the nines, everything clean and polished, but her fancloak consipicuous in its absence.


I wonder what Sheena is doing. The boat was coming near the docks, from the sound of things, and Kaylan still hadn't decided exactly how to proceed. She stood outside her door and looked down toward the Blue's, waiting to see the woman before she made her final choice. Should have thought of this last night.


~Kaylan Morin Aes Sedai

Sister of the Green Ajah

Bonded to Cassiele and Katerine (in this timeline)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Her knuckles clutched to the deck railings until they were white, Sheena waged war with the bile that was creeping up from her twice-emptied stomach. The deckhands, too busy to stare openly, moved with a grace that reminded her of her bondmate. Letting go of the rail to wipe the corners of her mouth with a linen kerchief, she silently cursed the sailors and the smirks she could feel being cast in her direction when she wasn't looking. The strong breeze coming off of the Sea of Storms blew her dark hair into her face, adding to her already disheveled appearance in a most unsatisfactory way.


One of the biggest tools of the Great Game was appearance. There were times when it was to her advantage to be seen as weak or naive, but this was not one such time. While it was only against the law to channel in Tear, even the most respected of Aes Sedai left a sour taste in the mouth of a Tairen and they made no attempt to hide it. Something so simple as passage from one port to another would require more effort on Sheena's part than she had the patience for. Windblown hair and a never-ending desire to vomit didn't exactly command respect from a weathered captain, and so she fought for composure. The smell of rotting fish only added to her misery. Light, but she hated Tear.


Eivan knew better than to so much as glance at her when she was in such a state of disarray. Instead, he occupied himself with watching the crew of The Silver Arrow as they went about their tasks. Sheena knew his hands ached for the feel of a rope in his hands, knew these trips were just as hard on him as they were on her. There were still some things about his past life with the Atha'an Miere that she did not know, but she didn't have to see it to know the deep sorrow in his usually jovial face. She would never ask him about it. If she had learned anything during her time as Aes Sedai, it was that his past--and the pain that came with it--was his own; he would share it with her when and where he chose. I have my own problems to solve in the meantime, she reminded herself dryly.


"Good morning, Sheena." Kaylan's blank expression was welcome as Sheena turned to face her, still clutching the railing. The two had never exchanged more than a word or two before departing for Tear, but Sheena had always respected the older woman for maintaining a solid reputation for being a woman of duty. The legendary bravery and courage that members of the Green Ajah were most often known for had always boded well with Sheena. In many ways, the two women were similar. Both dedicated to their own battles, their paths had met for the time being and Sheena had been relieved to find that Kaylan wasn't nearly as annoying as some of the Greens she had encountered. In the weeks since leaving South Harbor, their interactions continued to hold a feeling of "strictly business," but Sheena was beginning to warm up to her in her own, introverted way.


"Good morning, Kaylan," she said more cheerfully than she felt. "I'm glad to see one of us can maintain a dignified appearance." She smiled and tucked her kerchief away, smoothing the plain, blue linen dress she had chosen for the bargaining. "Eivan has a list of ships headed to Tanchico and he thinks we should start with a small ship captained by Master Reginald Crolings. Magnolia is the name, right Eivan?" Tearing his eyes and heart away from the work the crew, he nodded and repeated what he had told Sheena earlier that morning. They all knew that Sheena was the more practiced player of the Great Game, but Kaylan could decide she wanted to try her hand at bargaining if she so desired. "Had you given any thought to the bargaining process?" she asked, not wanting to undermine Kaylan's authority. They both knew the answer, but there was no harm in being respecful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When she didn't find the Blue in her room, Kaylan decided to look around the ship - somewhere with room to vomit over the side, if Sheena's condition had not improved. Some people just didn't have the stomach for water travel, and while Kaylan had grown up inland and landlocked, she was old enough to have taken a good number of voyages by water in her lifetime. The small amount of nausea she'd experienced when she first took a boat trip had long since disappeared, though Kaylan knew some women who had never gained their 'sea legs'.


Finally the old Green managed to locate the younger Aes Sedai, and the cheerful return of her greeting sounded a little forced, which was understandable considering the position Sheena had been in just moments before. They traded words carefully, just as protocol demanded, though Kaylan was aching to throw protocol out the window and speak simply. Still, they had not been travelling together for long, and there was no point in getting herself into trouble. If she could avoid it.


Oh, burn it. She decided to skip the required response and just speak as she normally did. This was why Kaylan didn't spend that much time outside her ajah - it was one thing to yell at your own sitters and entirely another to yell at someone else's. She'd learnt that the hard way.


"Oh, I try to avoid anything that requires politics, Sheena, you're quite welcome to do the bargaining. Are we wearing shawls?" It was her way of asking if they were going for pomp and ceremony, or trying for discretion. Perhaps a bit of both was in order, but it truly did send Kaylan's head in loops when she tried to understand it all. Why one thing was offensive and another not simply didn't make sense to her - she knew when she was being offensive, and if everyone just told people what they thought there would be no question of it. But they would have to be careful if they were to gain passage, so she'd definately leave the talking to Sheena.


~Kaylan Sedai

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Sheena's mind, Kaylan's sudden change of demeanor spoke loudly of the woman's choice of ajah. Of all of the ajahs, only the Reds were more tightly knit than the Greens. They were united in preparing for the Last Battle in much the same way an Aes Sedai and her gaidin were united in their own shared battles. Coming from an ajah full of private agendas and strivings, a group largely known for its secretive members, Sheena was slightly put off. Being adept in the arts of the Great Game, though, she quickly adapted to the abrupt shift. "I couldn't agree more," she said with a smile. "It's nice to see there are still sensible women in the White Tower. Have no doubt that I will follow your lead if, Light forbid, the gaidin need draw their blades. Shall we?"


After the price of passage was paid to the chubby, red-faced brute of a captain, the two made their way to find a ship that would carry them to their far-off destination. Almost in unison, they pulled their hoods up to hide ageless faces that would draw unwanted attention. They followed Eivan through the crowded docks and he made no attempt to mask the pleasure he found in leading the way. Surprisingly, he wasn't the only one who had a slight bounce to his step. Sheena's own excitement was growing and her warder's playful attitude was nothing more than a minor annoyance.


She knew that her own involvement in this investigation was something of a wild card. The coasts north of Bandar Eban had always been known for violent storms. Storms out of season were not unheard of, but something told Sheena that her own Talents could prove useful before the end. Now, with a bit of solid ground under her feet, her confidence was returning. When they found the first ship on their list and they made their way up the gangplank, Sheena felt every inch in her element.


A stout man with a thick, blonde beard met them at the end of the gangplank. He planted his hands on his hips and eyed them without a thought for his unwelcoming posture. His beard was trimmed and well oiled. Sheena almost sighed in relief; he was an Illianer. "Who be you and what do you be looking for onboard The Gleaming Whistle"


As was agreed, Eivan did the talking in public. "We seek passage, kind sir." He included the rest of the party with a sweeping gesture. "We have business in Bandar Eban. You are headed that way?" The Gleaming Whistle, as Eivan had explained it, would not carry them directly to Bandar Eban. Being a trading vessel, the captain would stop in any major port he wished. It only added to the length of the trip, but it was still faster than traveling by land. If Sheena's bargaining skills were as sharp as usual it would likely be less costly.


"Bandar Eban do be a long ways from here and this do be only a humble business we have. The burden of three passengers on such a voyage do be very heavy burden," he said in mock-humility. The Illianer's expression did not soften as he stared unabashedly at each of them. Sheena held her temper in check and prayed silently that Kaylan would be able to do the same. Neither of them was used to such disrespect.


"We are four of us in this party," Kaylan said suddenly. Sheena winced and barely stopped from cursing. The Green did not move, but she made no attempt to hide her offense. The Illianer--was he even the captain?--frowned slightly, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the woman who had spoken. Eivan tensed and through the bond, Sheena knew her warder stood ready for a fight, anticipated one even.


She stepped forward and offered the man a slight curtsy before attempting to regain control of the situation. "If you would be so kind to allow us the privacy of the captain's cabin," she said calmly, "I am sure we can agree on a price that would lighten whatever burden as four passengers might be." She kept her hood pulled up, aware of the handful of barefooted men who had picked up on the events unfolding on deck. She didn't breathe for fear of shifting the scales one way or the other.


The man's frown melted away slowly and he gave the barest hint of a nod before motioning for them to follow him. "As you wish, mistress. I do be an honest man and I do run an honest ship." Sheena followed first behind him while Eivan took up the rear looking everywhere at once. He had not relaxed even when they were below deck.


Captain Halmer proved to drive a hard bargain, but they reached a price only a little more than Sheena had anticipated. If he had been surprised to find he would be transporting two Aes Sedai and their warders, he was less surprised than the crew when Sheena and Kaylan returned to the main deck with their hoods down. Sheena wore a contented smile, pleased to have found passage so quickly and pleased to have done so with much less effort than she had expected.


OOC: I don't know if you wanted to stop in Illian or Ebou Dar, Kaylan. I'm up for anything! Take us as far as you want so long as it's not all the way back to TV. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

*sighs* Third time is a charm, right? I've lost two posts trying to reply to this and I'm about ready to give up, no matter how suckful it is that I've left it almost a month. Uni is now finished though, so I totally won't be leaving it that long again. Sorry!



Why he would take offense at her plainly stating the conditions of their passage, Kaylan would never know, so she instead let Sheena speak and mused over the traditions of different lands. An Illianer in Tear was an odd enough sight, with the traditional animosity between the nations - existing for as long as Kaylan could remember, and for no apparent reason, but she didn't wonder too long on the implications because their business was done and they returned to the deck. The Green was visibly pleased that they'd put their hoods down, and when she spotted her Warder with a bundle of goods, she waved the woman on board.


A quick conversation with Katerine and a look through the goods made Kaylan's smile grow. Good food, decent supplies - women always were better at shopping, and the old Warder had accomplished it all while they were conducting their business and for a decent price as well. The two of them spoke in low tones about trivial things, the price of beef and the colours best for ribbons, but all the while they were examining the ship - checking out the crew, looking at the exit points, assessing the situation from a battle standpoint. It was unlikely that it would come to that, but Kaylan and her Warders did it all by habit. They were in port for a few hours before business was finally conducted - that insistence that it was an honest ship made Kaylan watch carefully - and then they were finally leaving, heading toward their destination.


Watching the water passing beside the boat, the Green let her mind wander to the mission at hand. Until they knew exactly what they were facing, she couldn't formulate an effective strategy, but several scenarios seemed the most likely, so the Green turned them over in her mind and attempted to be mentally prepared. If it was simply pirates or brigands, they would be able to deal with it easily, but Kaylan wasn't sure it would be that simple. For all they knew, it could be a plot specifically designed to draw in Aes Sedai, and that meant they would have to be on their toes. Still, that was not the top of her most likely list. If it was a rogue Wilder, Kaylan's Talent would help, and if it was a freak of the weather... Well, Sheena could help, but if it was a sign of the impending Last Battle, which Kaylan believed was coming, then there would be very little they could do to change the stormy weather.


Speaking of the weather... The sky was darkening, and not just from the position of the sun - low clouds threatened a deluge, and Kaylan embraced the Source to ready herself. She was far too weak with Water to perform great feats of the weather, but her Air was strong enough that she could cover most of the ship and stop the fat raindrops from ever hitting the deck. Where was Sheena? No doubt sicking up all over the place, Kaylan's own stomach was protesting at the choppy waters they were gliding through, and the old Green wondered with a small smile what that did for appearances in their Great Game.


Katerine approached and slid a packet of herbs into Kaylan's hand, no doubt having felt Kaylan's own nausea. But it was nothing, a minor irritation, and one that would be gone as soon as Sheena could play with the weather. If she could - being ill did not make for the most calm of states, and calm was needed for channeling. The Aes Sedai test put them through many situations, but being ill was not one Kaylan had encountered, and her physical health always contributed to her effectiveness. She could channel with a crossbow bolt in her side - and had, at one stage - but if her head was bowed over being ill, she could not see to make the weaves.


"Sheena, can you do anything about this storm?" The clouds up ahead were lighting up in flashes, but they could not yet hear the thunder. "My strength with Water has never been the most impressive, but... I can try Healing if you'd like, or there are some herbs you can chew." Holding out the packet, Kaylan looked at the water that had grown more and more treacherous. With a frown, she wished that she could calm it, but her strengths had always lain more in the other direction. Chaos and pain were traditionally the marks of a Battle Sister, though some could Heal as well as hurt. Their Talents ranged all over the place, but Kaylan's were not in the right direction to be of any use right now - unless there was a reason for her to Shield and hold Sheena, and that seemed unlikely.



Battle Ajah

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Sheena started to smile at Kaylan's jest before she realized the woman was quite serious. Holding her hand out to feel the warm kisses of the early summer rain, she frowned slightly. Her Talent had developed into an affinity for the movements and changes in the weather. Few others in the Tower were aware of the aftereffects of changing the natural flow that drove the rain and shine as much as the Wheel drove the lives of man and woman. Still, she quieted the rumblings of her stomach and opened herself up to saidar.


The serenity of life brought comfort and warmth and she found herself sighing in relief. Here, her seasickness was more of a memory than a reality and her footing on the foredeck was as sure as any sea-borne sailor's. Tendrils of Air, Water, Fire, and Spirit spread out of her smaller being and she delved into the heart of the dark clouds that were blowing in off of the sea. The gems in her earrings buzzed and Sheena thought could almost hear the unspoken words of the rumbling thunder and blowing winds. When she was sure of the storm's capacity and course, she did little more than alter the directions of the winds ever so slightly. The rain didn't lessen, but neither would it grow until they were out from under it. She released saidar and reluctantly returned to the merciless swaying of the boat in the water.


"That should subdue the storm until we're out of his reach," she said queasily. "A little rain won't hurt. With any luck, a few more nights at sea is all it takes for the sickness to subside. Surely I'm not that bad of a traveller?" She smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Until then, I'd like to know why I'm just now hearing of these miracle herbs of yours!" They shared a laugh and left the boat together, leaving the loading of their small cargo to the Eivan. Katerine joined them as they went ashore in search of a hot meal that hadn't didn't consist of heavily salted meats and sea biscuits.


Eivan joined them just as they finished their meal and had begun a second bottle of wine. She saw that he was properly fed and they paid for rooms for the night. The Gleaming Whistle wasn't scheduled to depart until dawn the next morning and only Eivan seemed interested in sleeping aboard the vessel a night more than they had to. When first light came the next morning, they made their way to the docks and begun the next leg of their very long journey.


Her attempts to hold the storm at bay proved successful and, with Kaylan's seemingly endless supply of her life-saving herb, the voyage went smoothly. The crew left them much to themselves and they were happy to do the same. Sheena and Kaylan had both agreed that, while Captain ___'s trade might not be so honest as he claimed, they had no desire to get involved. See no evil, speak no evil: so they agreed. Sheena only hoped that they wouldn't be forced to explain themselves to a dock official. She detested explaining herself.


They stopped briefly in Illian, Ebou Dar, and Falme and reached Bandar Eban by midsummer. They had made good time, but six weeks at sea had taken their toll. Even the faintest scent of Kaylan's herbal made Sheena gag. She had decided when they left Ebou Dar that she would trust her own strength to get her through. By the time they sailed into Bandar Eban Harbor, Sheena had resolved to return to Tar Valon on horseback no matter how long it took them.


OOC: Estel, feel free to set the stage for your own involvement in the RP. After Kaylan's next post, I'll be starting a new thread for the three of us. :)

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Guest Estel

For the first time in months, Estel felt truly at peace. With everything that had happened in the last year, it was surprising. Quietly, she sat at a chair in her mother’s home, overlooking the ocean. She truly did look Aes Sedai with her serene face but in her arms lay a tiny babe, not more than two weeks old. In the young Sister’s heart stirred a deep warmth for the child- her child. She never wanted to leave here, never wanted to return to what awaited her in the Tower. What awaited her there was only more pain and humiliation, here was home. Here was her family. Here was peace.


A figure stood in the door and she had no need to look to see who it was. “How is he?†She could almost loose herself in that soft, deep voice. She did most nights, but now was not the time nor place to make love to the man she should have Bonded first. Everything would have been different had she just swallowed her pride and doubt and trusted him those years ago. The chasm created by the years, filled with emptiness, bitterness and hate had nearly been unbreachable. Estel had no idea what would have happened if Orion had not come to her just before she left. She could no longer bear the thought of going on without him. He was her rock, the firm place upon which she stood in the troubled waters she waded. She needed him, else she be swept away by the dark currents which threatened te drag her and her boychild down. Instinctively she held her baby closer.


“He’s sleeping.†she said, gently. Careful not to wake him, she turned him so her beloved could see.


“He looks like his mother.†She smiled warmly. Softly she began to hum a tune, one her mother had often sung to her when she was young. Gently, so gently, she rocked him back and forth. Even Orion seemed loath to disrupt the tender moment between mother and son, but both of them new why he was there. They had been arguing over this since Faerthines’ birth and while their fights always ended in sweet passion, Estel knew the truth of her Promised’s words. “We’ll have to leave soo...â€


“I know.†Resignation lay heavy on her voice. “But not yet. Soon.â€


“You said that last week, if you stay too much longer you won’t be able to give him up.â€


Tears welled up in her eyes, but she would not let them fall. To abandon her child. Letting him go after all she had gone through to give him life. The worst betrayal. Yet there was no other way. Sirayn had made her choices clear- the Shawl or the child. Her heart desperately wanted to scream at her mind, tell her she couldn’t leave her son- couldn’t abandon him. The fighting was fierce on both sides. Either way she lost. The son or the Tower. No woman should have to make that choice. ‘If you had been less stupid maybe you wouldn’t have to make it’ That truth nearly sent tears rolling down her cheeks. Did she even deserve to go back to the Tower?


For nearly twenty years she had struggled to deserve the name Aes Sedai. Could she abandon that now? Could she abandon her shawl now that she had it? What of her Oaths? Was she not inextricably bound to the Tower? Her heart tore as it did every time she had this internal struggle. The Tower always won but she didn’t want to return. “In a week we’ll leave, Orion. I promise.â€


He nodded and left, leaving her alone with her son. As tears rolled down her cheeks, she kissed his soft forehead. “I love you.†she whispered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry, I totally suck.



After six weeks stuck on the same square footage, with the same people, and the same foods, things were starting to get very tedious for Kaylan Morin. She'd long since grown bored of reading, there was very little research she could do out here, and she was far too bad a player to be entertained by stones for very long. She'd spoken to the crew quite a bit at first, amusing herself with asking them questions and making them nervous about the rabid Green, but even that had worn thin after four weeks. The fact of the matter was that there was only so much you could do before you simply ... ran out of ideas.


Embracing the Source, Kaylan amused herself by juggling balls of air and spirit, changing the colours and sizes as she did so. As they came closer into harbour, though, she let them disappear and went below deck to make sure that all of her things were in order. Somehow she'd managed to lose a shoe, and the hunt around the ship amused her for as long as it lasted, when she found the thing jumbled in with ropes as thick as her arms.


"Huh." The murmur of surprise was the first sound she'd uttered all day, but there was no-one around to notice it. With a shrug, she headed back down to put the shoe away with the rest of her things.


"So, Bandar Eben. Are we going to retire for a night to gather our strength or head straight out toward the source of the problem?" The Green started speaking without any announcement of her presence, wondering if she could make the Blue sister jump. "I'm gloriously bored, but one night to have a real bed that doesn't sway might be nice."



She gets odd when she'd bored, what can I say?

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