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Lorelai sat in her regular spot, overlooking the lake. It was a beautiful sunny day. A day that couldn't be wasted. Lorelai stretched her arms, back and legs and started to warm up. Picking up her sword she started going through forms. Every practice she felt more confident in her stance, balance and thrusts. Offense and defense. That was the name of the game. You just needed to know how to play it.


Stashing her bag and sword, she took up her bow. The stedding wasn't in any immediate need of food. There were plenty of traps around the woods that were checked twice a day, but that particular day Lorelai wanted to earn her food. A little hunting session seemed like a good idea. Aside from the obvious reasons, hunting also helped to sharpen one's senses. Concentration was the key.


So Lorelai started her search, making sure the wind didn't give her in by carrying her scent ahead. She caught a couple of rabbits in her search but she quickly placed them on the ground when a beautiful prey revealed to her. A deer. It's antlers indicated that it was an adult. A relief for Lorelai, since she didn't hunt the young ones, unless need was dire.


Lorelai hid behind a tree to escape being seen. Although the wind suddenly started to shift, to Lorelai's dismay. She had to be quick if she wanted to catch her prey. She nocked an arrow, drawing it back until the bow flexed and strained, waiting to let the bolt fly. Lorelai examined the animal one last time, before she Loosed the arrow. Her face paled when she realized her target suddenly seemed less deer and more human.






Kneeling, Anton examined the tracks that had been left before him. The clear skies made it easy to make out the trail that had been left by his quarry, a deer if the hooves did not lie. Fully grown from the imprint they left, it would certainly make a fine meal and the inn would be glad to have more venison to serve. He wouldn't even need to pay for his meals for awhile if he managed to catch his prey, a good venison was well prized. Of course, the presence of the wolves around the stedding meant that he had to hunt further afield, but that only meant that such game was well prized.


Getting back to his feet, it was with a both cautious yet surefooted step that Anton followed the trail once more. He preferred a slower approach, startling an animal would mean a long chase and he would rather not have to do all that running if he could avoid it, it'd be enough to have to carry the deer all the way back to the stedding as it was. That and this was as much practice as it was a meal, Anton needed to work on stalking and his woodland skills and this was one way to do it.


Of course, since he was only an average marksman, he'd also disdained a bow in favour of a spear. Enough reach and strong thrust and he could mortally wound the deer if he got close enough. It would be tricky to get close without alerting his prey, but it was certainly within his skill to do so. Years of having been on the road and in the wilderness as he travelled from place to place had allowed experience and time to be his teachers. He'd also long since learned that it was wise to mask one's scent as best as one could, this he had done by smearing his face and clothes with the scents of flowers and herbs, strong enough that it would mask his own smell.


There it was. A stag, one of decent size too, that'd make for a lot of meals at the inn. Keeping low to the ground and using his surrounds as best he could, Anton manouvred for a position that would best allow him to close the distance and not reveal himself until it was too late. That and waiting for the stag to move into a favourable position. Of course, fortune did not always favour the hunter as the wind began to shift. While he'd masked his scent, he wasn't ready to leave it to chance. Grasping his spear tightly, Anton counted inwardly to three before he stood and charged.


Screaming from shock and pain, Anton's spear flew from his hands as he spun sideways as something slammed into his left buttock. Completing a full revolution as he fell forward to land on his face, a hand discovered an arrow where the pain emanated from while the other took a dagger. If some bandit had thought to kill him then Anton would be damned if he didn't put up a fight. It wasn't a bandit who appeared, but a fellow wolfkin whom he couldn't remember the name of. Letting the dagger loose from his fingers, Anton couldn't help but curse inwardly as he tried to get the pain under control. He'd been so focused on the quarry that he hadn't paid attention to what was around him, hadn't even realised she was there.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai rushed over to her 'prey'. The deer was long gone and sprawled on the ground was a fellow wolfkin. Lorelai couldn't believe that she didn't sense him there. She put all her focus on her objective, ignoring her surroundings completly. That mistake could possibly cost someone's life. But Lorelai calmed down when she realized that the arrow was sticking out of his bottom. Inevitably, her lips curled into a smile. The whole situation seemed to absord to be real.


The wolfkin turned his head to discover who his attacker was. Lorelai grinned and waved. Anton. That was his name. Lorelai has seen him around but never spoke to the man. "You made me lose dinner, Anton. Not very polite. Well, what are you sitting around for, lets go to the infirmery." At that Lorelai just burst out laughing.





  • 2 weeks later...

Laughter? While Anton would see the hilarity of it at some later time, at the moment all he could feel was varying degrees of pain that ranged from highly painful to excruciating. Grabbing his dagger and putting it back in its sheath was all he could really manage before an arm grabbed him and helped him up. The five seconds where he went from prone to upright were definitely amongst the more painful seconds he had experienced in his years. Not only did the muscle shift around the arrowhead, but the tip of the shaft scrapped along bone, at least he thought it was bone. Either way all the nerves that were cut in the process were screaming.


Restraining himself to a groan, Anton focused on staying upright and not moving anything on his left side that might possibly cause his left buttock to flex. Instead he half smiled, half grimaced in pain as he forced words out. "Hi. Are you alright?"


Lorelai helped Anton up, letting him lean on her for support. She was biting her lower lip to prevent another laugh from coming out. It was indeed an amusing situation but she could tell Anton was in pain and she never agreed with making fun of people in pain. When she finally managed to balance him, he looked at her half smiling and asked if she was alright.


"Am I okay? Well for one, I don't have an arrow sticking out of my behind. So I'm going to go on the limb and say I'm alright. Although I am a little hungry and with my meal running off beacause of you...well, it seems like i'll have to fetch me something after I drop you off the the infirmary. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time there. I hear the housekeeping is marvellous." Lorelai smiled.


Trying to grin at what was said, his attempt to take a step forward quickly wiped that off his face as his knees almost buckled. Hissing as he exhaled, he tried to regulate his breathing and get control of himself. Thankfully Lorelai was there to keep him upright, though Anton would have been far more thankful not to have an arrow sticking out of him. While some would tell him he was lucky it didn't go higher, he had to say he wasn't feeling particularly lucky at that point. "Can't walk, or I'll pass out. Arrow is rubbing bone. Get someone? Or carry?"


Lorelai was struck by concern at Anton's words. She didn't think the arrow penetrated that deep but she could have been mistakened. After all, she was no sage. She steadied Anton and leaned forward. "Try bending a little forward, Anton." After he managed to do so, Lorelai cirecled her right arm around his legs and straightened slowy. Her shoulder was holding all his weight and it was already starting to sting.


Carrying Anton wasn't an easy task. She wanted to pause a few times but for some reason she didn't want to show weakness in front of him. Once they arrived to the stedding, more then a few wolfkin seemed to take interest in the amusing spectacle. Lorelai even slapped Anton's behind when they passed past Owen. His groaning only made Owen's smile grow deeper as he said. “That is too big for your pot, but congratulations, I see your aim is getting better.” When they finally arrived at the infirmary Lorelai went in and leaned forward to put Anton back on his feet and then helped him to lay down on a bed, face down. "A sage will be seeing you soon, Anton. It's been great time. I'll see you around."


The trip had been painful to say the least, and Anton suspected that he had passed out at least once due to the jolts that came with every step that Lorelai had taken. There was definitely a few gaps in his memory and between that and the pain, he had little concern for the looks he was getting as they entered the village. In fact, it would have been fair to say he was oblivious to everything by the time they entered the infirmary and he was laid down face first on a bed. Hearing Lorelai speak to him, the best he could manage was a groan, never again would he think that he was too far out to stumble across another hunter.



Anton Averdal






Lorelai waited outside of Anton's room until the Sage came in. The woman lingered in there for quite some time which made Lorelai anxious. When Sheraine came out she passed by Lorelai, ignoring her existence. Lorelai had to grab her arm to stop her. "Sheraine. How is he?". Sheraine's eyes descended on Lorelai, as if only now she realized she was there.


"I imagine we owe you this injury?". Lorelai shifted her eyes and then nodded. "It was of course not intentional. An accident." Sheraine pursed her lips in thought. "The arrow penetrated rather deep. It will take a lot of rest and time until he manages to walk normally again. He has a lot of healing to do." Lorelai nodded all along and was relieved to hear he was, eventually, going to be all right.


"I've cleaned the wound and gave him a mixture for the pain that put him out. He will wake tomorrow morning. Now, when I release him tomorrow you must take special care, Lorelai." Lorelai's eyes widened. Was Sheraine expecting HER to take care of him throughout his recovery? Sure, she was the cause of the injury but she was no sage. She didn't even know Anton that well.


"You will have to clean the wound at least once a day for the first two weeks and administrate an ointment I will give you, to keep any infection factors away. His state could seriously deteriorate if his wound gets infected. So you need to do this efficiently, Lorelai." Lorelai's eyes grew even wider if that was possible. She was to take care of a person. A person she didn't even know. Miss all her training. And to top it all she had to keep his behind wound from getting infected??? This was getting better and better with every word.


Lorelai decided this was the time to cut in. "Sheraine, surely you don't want to put Anton's recovery in the hands of someone inexperienced with healing. You do magnificent work. Don't you think keeping him here would be safer for him and will ensure an optimal recovery?". Sheraine eyed Lorelai. "I have given you a simple task, Lorelai. I have far worse injuries to deal with and my time is very limited. Do you refuse to help a brother wolfkin?".


Sighing, Lorelai shook her head. "I will of course assist." Lorelai nodded at all of Sheraine's further instructions. Guilt overpowered annoyance. When the sage finally left, Lorelai peeked into Anton's room. The dart was already removed and Anton was face down, sound asleep. Lorelai leaned her head on the door frame and sighed again. "This is not going to be fun."


Leaving the infirmary, she headed to Owen's. She knocked on the door once and entered after hearing a clear invitation. She closed the door behind her and sat down when Owen gestured her. "Owen, I've come to ask penance. I have disgraced the Rangers. I have neglected to remember all the lessons I've learned. All the tests I've been through. I made a mistake that could have cost a fellow wolkin's life. I have...failed you."






Owen was taken aback by Lorelai’s outburst, she was the last one he would have expected to have done anything wrong, and she had always been a diligent student. “Sit down Lorelai and tell me exactly what it is that you think you have done here.”


Slowly, at first, Lorelai started to retell the events of the day, eventually getting to the point where she had shot Anton in the buttock. At first Owen could not believe what he was hearing and asked her to repeat it, at which point she confirmed the event. “What were you aiming at Lorelai?”


“I was after my dinner Owen, and Anton got in the way, he just sort of popped up.”


Owen was silent for a moment, he had no great love of Anton and he also knew that accidents such as this could happen. Thankfully, considering just how much hunting went on, it is surprising that more people were not hurt in this way.


“Well I am tempted to take you to the Hole in the Wall and buy you dinner Lorelai, but I doubt that would be the most politic thing to do. We cannot have people thinking it is open season and start shooting arrows off all over the place. So I think we had better keep that comment between us, and maybe have that meal another day.” Owen smiled at the look on Lorelai’s face, his reply obviously catching her “But we do need to set an example, I suppose, now what would a good punishment be?” Owen was quiet for a moment, wondering what a fair and just response to this was. “I suppose it would be only fair that you look after Anton while he is recovering, after all it is sort of your fault he cannot walk around and look after himself.”


Lorelai looked crestfallen, and Owen knew why, although she was an independent soul, she always carried her own weight in the Stedding, and now she had to add this on top of her duties. Then, Owen’s expression changed and a smile appeared on his face. “But I could not be that cruel to you, I think an extra hour a days archery practice, for a month, should do it, don’t you Lorelai?”




The WhiteWolf


Ranger Leader


Lorelai couldn't help but grin after she fully grasped Owen's words. She was expecting scolding and harsh words about her lack of concentration and responsibility. She had in mind all the reasons and arguments she was going to use to counter whatever Owen had to say. Or at least try to.


But Owen saw it as what it was. An accident. One moment of distraction. But above it all, it was a lesson. One of those mistakes that are worth doing in order to fully understand the importance behind caution and wariness. That lone incident showed her exactly what she shouldn't do. Now it was clear and Lorelai knew that it wouldn't happen again. She wasn't going to let it. Never again.


Getting up from the chair, she smiled at Owen. "You are strict but a fair man. And you owe me dinner. Let us hope you keep your word." Lorelai winked at Owen and left. She wore a fake frown when she left Owen's office just in case someone was watching her. Let them think she was punished harshly. She had to be set as an example after all.






The day had been a haze for Anton, most of it spent asleep or near asleep where he drifted in and out of consciousness. It was a mercy, as was the cocktail of pain numbing herbs he'd been served by Sheraine not long after Lorelai had brought him in. Soothing his pains it had helped him rest and as the day had ended and night began, he stirred very little and when he did he had no memory of it. Night became day and still Anton slept, unaware and unknowing of the people that came and went. Unaware that Sheraine had checked on him while he had been asleep. Unaware that another had been doing the same and indeed was doing so now.


It was scent, it was movement, it was sound, it was all of these things that brought Anton to as he reached out blindly and grabbed to his right. Golden eyes turning to regard what he had snagged, they quickly widenned with realisation. Lorelai, he had grabbed her while she was fixing the cover on him. She looked surprised as well, though whether it was because he'd managed to secure her wrist or whether it was because he was awake at all he couldn't be sure. If he were honest with himself he could say he definitely felt like he shouldn't be awake.


It was then that the pain set in. Wincing as he released Lorelai's wrist, Anton almost tried to turn on his side so he could face her without putting a crick in his neck but he thought better of it. No he most certainly did not want to move about too much if he could avoid it. On the otherhand, he would have to get home soon, there was food there that would spoil and the hut needed to be seen to. And he needed to be available if he were needed, except that his damned wound was now going to ensure he wasn't going to be doing much of anything. Light but it hurt.


"Sorry, was startled." Having apologised for the wrist, he smiled slightly. "How are you?"



Anton Averdal



Lorelai had no choice but to kneel on the floor when Anton grabbed her wrist and twisted it. She held back a yelp stubbornly and tried to ignore the pain. Releasing his grip, Lorelai sighed in relief and snatched back her hand, rubbing her wrist. She quickly stopped when she realized what she was doing. Red spots circled her wrist but she let it out of her mind. Pain had to be endured.


"Sorry, was startled. How are you?" Lorelai pondered over getting up, but she just leaned back, remaining on her knees just to show Anton that she was kneeling because she wanted to. "I am just peachy. I apologize for startling you, even though it is my turn to pop out of no where, wasn't it. In any case, I hurt you, you hurt me back. Seems rather fair."


Lorelai took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sure after all of this I'm probably not your favorite person. But right now you're stuck with me. I've been ordered to take care of you. I made a mistake and now I have to pay for it. I will be taking you shortly to my home and I promise that by the time you walk properly again, you will not have to see or talk to me ever again. But for now, you'll just have to deal with it. Are we in agreement?".






Anton frowned as she said that it was fair that he'd hurt her, she hadn't meant to hurt him and he certainly hadn't meant to do that to her just then, it was force of habit. Were all Rangers so strange? Maybe it was something that all the Rangers went through, maybe their initiation ceremony changed them. And why was she staying on her knees? She should have gotten a chair, or something, that would be a lot more comfortable. He didn't like the feeling that he was looking down at her, and the way she was talking she felt like she was talking down to herself.


Especially when she continued. But that was quickly forgotten in favour of the fact she was ordered to take care of him. She was going to take him to her home and he'd be there until he could walk properly again? The nonsense about not seeing or talking to her ever again didn't even penetrate as he didn't get any further than her home. Living in her home? That sounded like a terrible idea. It was probably in the stedding and he disliked living inside the stedding, it unsettled him. There were so many wolfkin and wolves in the one place, so many stray thoughts and images came to him. It was why he preferred his home outside of the stedding, his small hut where he could take refuge.


Shaking his head, Anton wouldn't agree to it at all. Besides, he could take care of himself, no doubt she didn't want to be saddled with taking care of him. She'd been ordered to it after all. "No no, its alright, I'll be fine." Throwing the covers off, Anton slid off the bed away from Lorelai and onto his good leg. Light but it hurt, and it was damnably cold as well for some reason. He needed to use a hand to steady himself but he could stand at least. "Don't worry about orders, I get injured all the time. I'll go talk to Miryana and grab whatever I'll need for the wound."


For some reason Lorelai was looking at him rather strangely and to be honest it was rather disconcerting. "What is it?" Not getting a response he looked down then squawked as he went white with shock. They'd stripped him! Grabbing the nearest thing as his face went crimson, the covers, he pulled them from the bed as he hugged them to himself. Unfortunately, he'd needed a hand to steady himself and with both of them occupied with the covers, his balance was thrown. Falling backward, he managed to break his fall with one arm but it was becoming quickly apparent there would be no taking care of himself.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai helped Anton up and steadied him. "I told you how it's going to be Anton. At no time have I said you had a say in all of this. You cannot stay in the infirmary because there are some who need this bed more urgently and since you obviously can't be left alone as just so eloquently proven, it is only fitting that I would be put in charge of you until you recover. If you've got any complaints about the matter, feel free to forward them to Owen." Lorelai knew he wouldn't so she didn't mind mentioning Owen's name and didn't fear that Owen might reveal that she was not ordered to take care of Anton as a penance.


Lorelai helped Anton dress up and did so rather casually. After all, she already saw all there was to see and she was not going to behave childishly. He was an injured man that needed medical attention and that was it. Treating him as such seemed to take the embarrassment away. At least partially. All of Anton's belongings were at her home already. She made all the arrangements before Anton woke up so he could be as comfortable as possible. After Anton was descent she placed his arm over her neck and slowly but surely she started leading him out of the infirmary towards her home.


When they finally reached her home, Lorelai quickly helped Anton to lay down on her bed. It was the only bed in the house so Lorelai had brought a little mattress for herself. She wanted to be close by in case Anton needed something during the night. Walking to the kitchen area she took out one of her own ointments and rubbed some on her wrist. The red turned to blue. She didn't realize his grip was so strong but it mattered not. It was going to heal rather quickly.


Filling a glass with water she brought it to Anton. "The sage gave me an ointment. She said I need to apply it once a day, after cleaning the wound. She also gave me some herbs against the pain in case you feel you cannot handle it. So I need you to let me know."






He hadn't been dressed by anyone since he was five, so it was a disconcerting experience to have Lorelai helping him with his clothing. Then again, it would have taken him a lot longer if he hadn't had her help. That said, he was greatly relieved when his smallclothes were slipped on. Light but he couldn't believe that she had just managed to see the length and breadth of him like that. It was worse than when he'd first gone into the Wolf Dream with Burrich as far as he was concerned. That had been embarrassing enough, but to have a woman he barely know who had planted an arrow in his left buttock the day before then get a glimpse like that, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to banish the feeling of it anytime soon.


The way to Lorelai's home was time consuming thanks to the slow pace that Anton forced on them. It was closeby, but it nevertheless took time and when they got a few stares for their trouble. Not that it was the first time that someone had been injured and needed help, but Anton suspected that the story had spread of Lorelai carrying him into the stedding with an arrow sticking out of his arse. No doubt that had provided chuckles for a few people. But, then he could smile at the image himself even as he winced at the pain, it wasn't every day that someone was brought to the stedding with that particular wound.


The home itself was a modest affair, and it wasn't long before Anton was laid down on a monstrously sized bed. There were no dividing walls or such, one could see everything in the house from where he laid down. This happened to include Lorelai as she stood by the bench and worked on her wrist with some ointment, he hadn't hurt her that badly had he? Also readily apparent was the small mattress that he had noticed sitting nearby. Was that hers? Or had she only just gotten it? More likely, but in that case he was going to have to move.


But he didn't get a chance to voice such a thought as Lorelai came over and began talking. She was going to be cleaning his wound and applying ointments to it daily? That made him blush again a little, the idea of her handling him and seeing all that... Well, it had been seen now but it was still unsettling. Herbs sounded good, but Anton tried to use them as little as possible. The less one used such things, the less one was dependent upon them.


Taking the water, Anton took a sip before speaking. "I won't need herbs. Could you help me up though? I can't take your bed, let me lie down on the mattress instead. I'm imposing on you enough as it is with you looking after me without stealing your bed as well."



Anton Averdal



"Don't be ridiculous, Anton. You're sleeping on the bed." Anton was opening his mouth to speak but Lorelai quickly cut him off. "We're all trained to survive in the wild. Most of us feel more comfortable sleeping outdoors rather then in a house. I have been through so many journeys and spent months sleeping on the ground and loving every moment of it. So sleeping on a mattress is far from being imposing." Lorelai didn't want to sleep on that bed. Not only because Anton needed to be comfortable but also because she hasn't slept on it ever since Kare'el left. It was too painful. Too many memories.


"Don't fight me over it because I will end up winning. I'm the mobile one, remember?". A smile escaped Lorelai's lips but she quickly smoothened her expression. Walking to the kitchen again, she grabbed the a bowl filled with water, a cloth, the ointment the Sage gave her, a new bandage and a bottle of alcohol. She called from the kitchen to Anton. "I'm going to clean your wound now. Do you need help with undressing?". Anton said that he could do it on his own so Lorelai lingered for a while to give him time to manage. She heard some grunts but by the time she set all the things next to the bed, Anton already managed to remove his pants and small clothes.


Pushing the blanket aside and taking off the bandage Lorelai first soaked the cloth in the water and slowly started cleaning the dried blood around the wound. After she finished doing that she poured some alcohol on the cloth. "This might sting a little, Anton." With that said, she applied the cloth to the wound.






Listening as Lorelai overrode him, he sighed as he knew that the Rangers were just as used to him as the outdoors even if they didn't travel nearly as much. That wasn't the point though, the point was that it wasn't his bed. He was stealing a woman's bed and he couldn't even move about to enjoy the sheer size of the one he'd been given anyway. It would simply be easier if he used the mattress but it seemed like she was going to be stubborn about it. That was alright, when he got the chance when she was out, because she couldn't possibly be keeping an eye on him the entire time, he'd simply move over to the mattress himself.


The quip about being mobile made him smile even as she quickly turned away to hide her own. Watching as she went to the kitchen, he saw the things that she was fetching out and winced as he saw the bottle of alcohol. He knew what that was for and he detested the very notion of it. Well, he didn't mind the fact that it cleaned the wound, in fact that was a very good thing. What he detested was the side effects of using alcohol to clean a wound, namely pain. There were other things that could be used to clean out a wound, like a Dogworth poultice. But, considering she was going to be taking care of him for awhile he considered it wise not to complain.


Of course, that didn't mean he was going to be happy about it. Nor did he like the idea of being helped to undress. Doing it himself as quickly as he could, a fair bit of wincing and fiddling about was involved but he finally had himself bare while retaining as much of his modesty as he could. Feeling the blanket being moved away, Anton was silent as the bandage was removed and the dried blood was wiped away. A pause, and then a quick warning was all he received.


Inhaling sharply as the cloth touched his wound, a groan was quickly suppressed as it began to move over the wound. Ever so slowly as far as Anton was concerned for that matter, being careful was all well and good but this hurt! Alot! Putting his hands underneath his chin so that she couldn't see them, they were clenched together so tightly that he thought he was going to break his fingerbones. While he'd had to do the same thing to himself before, he'd never actually gotten used to it. You only had to use alcohol to cleanse a wound if you were wounded and Anton by and large usually managed to avoid that. But he put up with it, even as a few muted noises escaped him as he bore with it.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai was very careful. She realized the alcohol was probably hurting like hell and a silent Anton only reinforced that he was probably in deep pain. She didn't know the man too well but he didn't seem like the quite type. There was a very obvious reason for his silence and she didn't think it was embarrassment. They were passed that, from her part at least.


It was rather evident that he was trying to hide his pain. She could understand that. She decided to help him push the pain away. Maybe if she told him a bit about herself. "I'm afraid I am not crafted with healing. Give me a sword and I'll know how to use it. Give me a bandage and an ointment...and I'll probably throw them away and go look for a sword." Lorelai allowed herself to smile since Anton couldn't see her face anyway.


"The only time I ever healed someone was before I came to the wolfkin. It was a little boy who scraped his knee. I took him home and cleaned his scrape with alcohol as well. I must say, he was much braver then you. But of course the alcohol was the least important part of making it better. It was when I gave his knee a kiss when the boy smiled and stopped crying."


Lorelai couldn't help but laugh. "Unfortunately in this specific situation I'm afraid I am unable to use my magical healing on you. You'll have to do it the old fashioned way." Lorelai hoped her mindless chatter was making Anton feel better. She finally finished cleaning the wound, put on a new bandage and covered Anton's behind. Rounding the bed, she kneeled next to the bed and places her hand over Anton's forehead. It didn't feel warm. "If you feel feverish at any point let me know. The sage said that would be a bad sign."






Listening to Lorelai as she dabbed away at his wound, Anton would have smiled if not for the torture that he felt. Blunt aches and bruises he could handle easily enough, but the pain from this was exquisitly sharp. At the least the pain from his fingers digging into the back of his hands helped balance it out. So she hadn't done much healing before she had come to the stedding, let alone at all. That much he could appreciate, though if her bowmanship was anything to go by he didn't want to end up appreciating her swordwork anytime soon.


By the time she was done, Anton had finally mastered the urge to smack his skull against the headboard of the bed. Light, he was going to have to go through this ritual everyday as well. At least it would only happen once every day, more than that and he wasn't sure if he wouldn't have rather taken his chances. Stupidly painful, but at least it was done. And now she was checking him for a temperature, now that was something he really feared. A temperature meant infection and that was a very very bad thing. Especially since it was more difficult to amputate one's arse as opposed to a limb.


That thought for some reason made him smile slightly before his mind drifted back to her story about the child. He was going to have to remember her magical healing powers. Nodding as she concluded that the Sages said that a fever was a bad sign, he spoke easily now that most of the pain was gone, save for the constant subdued stabs that would last for awhile yet. "I will. And thank you."


Getting a smile from her as she stood and said she had to go to training, Anton bid her goodbye then waited for about five or so minutes. Throwing the cover off, Anton hoisted his pants back up with some difficulty before making his way out of bed. Thankfully the mattress was only a couple of steps away. Falling onto it, Anton winced but he manouvred himself until he was comfortable on his stomach. Thoughts about his new caretaker and surroundings swirled and eddied in his mind until he drifted off to the blissful respite of sleep.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai's mouth dropped open when she got back home and found Anton sleeping on the mattress. He was so annoyingly stubborn. But she was not going to let him get away with it. Going out of the house, she encountered one of the newly arrived wanderers and decided to use him to assist her. Telling him to follow her, the wanderer obeyed. She of course had no authority over him, but she was quite good at giving others the impression that she was and with new wolfkin it was twice as easy since they lacked the basic knowledge of how the wolfkin was ran.


Before they entered the house, Lorelai motioned the wandered to stop. "There is a fellow wolfkin in there. He's injured and currently sleeping. He is not mobile so I need your help to move him but we must not wake him. His life may depend on it." The wanderer's eyes widened and Lorelai smiled inwardly. She achieved the frightening affect she wanted for the young man to really do his best to be quiet.


Coming in, she motioned the wanderer to grab one end of the mattrass and they both easily carried it with Anton on top and placed it on the bed. Luckly Anton was fast asleep. And no surprise there, since Lorelai slipped some tasteless herbs into the glass of water she gave him. She wanted him to rest while she was out and she somehow knew he wasn't going to stay still.


Grabbing Anton from his shoulders, the wandered grbbed his legs and they gently placed him on the bed. Lorelai placed the mattress back on the floor and nodded at the wanderer. "Good job, lad. I will be sure to mention your assistant in my report." The wanderer nodded enthusisatically and left. Lorelai couldn't help but laugh when the boy was gone.


Sitting on the mattrass she grinned at a job well done. She crossed her legs and decided to meditate a little bit.






Anton was slow to wake, grogginess seemed to weigh down his every conscious thought and limit any physical action on his part. Well, that and his wound which he was vaguely aware of at the back of his mind as a dull pain that haunted him as opposed to the sharp stabbing that he had previously had to endure. All because of that alcohol, he was going to have to talk to Lorelai about that. They really needed to use Dogworth considering it wasn't quite so painful but did the same job. In fact, that was the best idea he'd had since he woke up. He'd tell her right away.


Opening his eyes, something immediately became apparent, he was not where he should have been. He remembered settling down on a mattress, a nice and small one which he had felt rather comfortable with and more importantly he had freed up Lorelai's bed for her to use again. She was kind enough to take care of him, he didn't need to steal her bed as well while he was at it. Well, it wasn't exactly stealing, she had said to sleep in the bed. But it felt like stealing, if she was going to all the trouble to take care of him whether it be orders or not, he didn't want to get in the way of her daily routine. She had other things she normally did besides tending a Tracker that she had impaled with one of her shafts.


At least, he hoped she didn't make a habit of it.


But that wasn't a serious thought, more than anything it was a reaction to having turned his head sideways and discovering why he was on the bed and not the mattress. There was Lorelai, sitting on the bed crosslegged and seemingly unaware of what was around her. Perhaps she was thinking about something quite seriously. Regardless, Anton decided not to disturb her as she remained still with her eyes closed. Instead he decided to watch her quietly, to take the chance to study his carer more closely.


Although he couldn't see her eyes, everything else could be studied. Black hair fell to the middle of her back in straight strands, unbound and free. A slim figure save her shoulders that were a bit broader than most women's, most likely due to her weaponry training as a Ranger. Still, her face held a certain softness to it though her lips were a tad pouty. She was also a little taller than him now that he thought about it, she'd had to bend a little to allow him to slip his arm over her shoulder.


Taking in these details, Anton waited for her to come out of her trance or to stop pretending she was unaware of him being awake, whichever happened to be true.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai opened her eyes slowly, took a deep breath and exhaled delightfully. That was one of the more successful sessions she had. Her body did feel less tense. Moving her eyes, she realized Anton was up and looking straight at her. Maybe he needed something and was calling her. She wasn't sure. When she meditated she blocked everything. Sounds and sights alike.


Lorelai eyed Anton for a moment. He was looking at her funny. But she quickly decided he was probably stunned to realize that he was on the bed again. "I think we need to set some ground rules, Anton. Due to the circumstance in which your behind got in the way of my arrow, we must co exist until you are well again. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm seeing a bumpy road ahead of us. Especially if you insist to do the opposite of what I ask you to do."


Lorelai tied her hair back before going on. "I am sure you'd love to not be here right now. You probably miss your own home. Your daily routine. But see, I'm only here to help. Sure, I helped you to get into this situation in the first place, but at least let me try get you out of it. And that involves you staying off your feet until I say so. You might not like taking orders from a woman you don't even know, but I'm afraid you'll just have to deal with it." Lorelai got up from the mattress and smoothened her trousers. "And no more escapades to the mattress. Next time I might not be as gentle in carrying you back to the bed."


Lorelai put on her cloak and wrapped it around her. It was rather chilly outside and she did not want to get ill. "I am going to fetch some food. I'll be right back." With that said Lorelai left the house, hoping to find something reasonable to eat.





  • 2 weeks later...

Ground rules.


Something Anton had never been very keen on as well, it was yet another of his many reasons as to why he never stayed in one place for too long. He liked doing his own thing at his own pace and he most certainly did not like sleeping in other people's beds. On the otherhand, it was becoming abundantly clear as she spoke that she wasn't going to accept any other way than her own, and for the moment he didn't really have much of a choice about it. It rankled, like most Trackers he did things his own way with very little interference from others.


Of course, that feeling only lasted to the point where Lorelai pointed out that she was just trying to help. Feeling a little ashamed over his earlier reaction, he was silent as she left. There was little to say, and besides which he wasn't sure what to say. Well, thank you would have been good, but that only occured to him as she went out the door. Waiting for her to return proved even worse, being stuck in a bed rankled far more than her giving him specific orders ever had. He couldn't blame her for that though, mistakes did happen and it was better that the arrow struck him where it did rather than higher up.


Of course, he would have been happier if she'd missed altogether.


It was awhile before she returned but when she did it was with bowls of stew in hand. Eating in relative silence, more because the meal was more important than talking as opposed to awkwardness, and by the time they were done Anton had to admit he was in a much better mood than earlier. Handing his bowl to her as she asked for it, Anton felt there was something he had to say. After all, he had been rather difficult before, even if it was... well.


"I'm sorry about before." That caught her attention. "I'm just not used to sleeping in another person's bed. You are sure you're fine with me here?"



Anton Averdal



"I'm sorry about before." Lorelai blinked. After the silent dinner she didn't expect Anton to talk at all. "I'm just not used to sleeping in another person's bed. You are sure you're fine with me here?" Lorelai set on the bed next to Anton and leaned a bit closer, smiling. "If it wasn't fine, you wouldn't be here, Anton."


Lorelai felt a tinge of content. He did appriciate what she was trying to do for him. That made her realize that she was doing the right thing. That taking care of him was the right choice. She pulled back rather abruptly and got up from the bed, carrying the bowls away. "Besides, I don't really have a choice in the matter either. This is my penance and it is mine to bear."


Don't get too close. That has hurt you in the past. Learn your lesson. Yes, that was the right thing to do. Anton would remain thinking that her special treatment was forced upon her until he was well enough to leave. And then she wouldn't have to encounter him ever again. That was the smartest way to handle herself in this situation.


Lorelai brought a glass and a pitcher full of water and placed it on the night stand next to the bed. "In case you're thirsty during the night. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight Anton." Lorelai put out the oil lamps and went to her warm little corner. Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes, hoping sleep would come soon.






The days fell one after the other at paces varying from agonisingly slow to delightfully quick. This usually depended on whether Lorelai was present as Anton had no other visitors as such save for Burrich who stopped by to make sure everything was alright. After all, injuries were common even if his particular one was somewhat... If not entirely unique, then definitely rare. That and it was stupidly debilitating, Anton was only allowed to get up when he absolutely had to and the result was that he was incredibly restless. The only times he was settled was when Lorelai was there and held his attention as they discussed different topics ranging from the day to their knowledge of the Wolfkin to even tidbits of their pasts, though Anton more often than not was the one telling stories of that due to his years on the road and trail.


Those times made being bedridden bearable, though as soon as the better part of a week had passed Anton had decided he wasn't going to stay in his bed regardless. To that end, after Lorelai had departed for the day, Anton had slipped out of bed and dressed himself before making his way out the door. It didn't take very long to get to the outskirts of the stedding where the wood was thickest and then only a few minutes of searching before he found what he was after. Fashioning himself a crutch from a particularly sturdy limb took time but soon enough he had the means to keep himself mobile while diminishing the strain it would have on his wound.


Now it was simply a matter of what to do.


Anton wasn't exactly sure why he ended up heading towards the Archery Range. Some of it was certainly curiosity, he knew that Lorelai did a fair bit of training when it came to the bow. Perhaps he could get a glimpse of what the moment would have been like before he had been tagged by one of her shafts. Also, after enough days of talking, he was getting to know and enjoy her company, as strange as it was sleeping in her bed and her on another mattress as they did so.


But, for whatever particular or accumulation of reasons, Anton soon found himself watching from a small distance as Lorelai loosed one shaft after another at a target. Wincing as a shaft struck home solidly, he decided to lay down and simply watch, she'd be aware of his presence soon enough when she retrieved her shafts.



Anton Averdal



Lorelai took out a flask of water and had a long drink from it. It was a hot day and standing in the sun for so long has dehydrated her. She had promised Owen to add extra time to her training with the bow to improve her performance, which was obviously lacking after the mishap with Anton. What was flawed had to be repaired. There was no room for mistakes when it came to using a weapon.


Taking a few last shots, she put down the bow, drank some more water and poured what was left over her head. The water sipping down her neck and down her back cooled her quite well. Retrieving her arrows, she suddenly spotted a figure. Someone was sitting not too far off, watching her. He looked like Anton, but that wasn't possible. She had to be mistaken. Only she wasn't. Her sight was as good as any other wolfkin and from that distance she could clearly make out Anton's face.


Taking her time, she placed the shafts and the practice bow back in their place and used that time to calm down her temper. Anton knew that he wasn't to leave the house. But for him to disobey her and on top of that come to the exact place she was in to rub it in her face was what made it all the worse. He was being childish. Acting as if she enjoyed ordering him around. Setting him dos and don'ts. He was making her feel as if she was imprisoning him and it was not fair.


Walking as casually possible, she started to make her way towards him. She planted herself in front of him and all the fool did was smile. "You look like an intelligent man, Anton. You'd think that after the experience you've been through you'd realize that having me with a bow and an arrow in proximity of your bottom does not bring to any positive results. Amusing? perhaps. But definitely not positive. Now, care to tell me what you're doing here? and after you do that you can also expand on what you're even doing out of bed." Lorelai folded her arms under her breasts and waited for an explanation.






  • 2 months later...

Anton wasn't entirely sure what would happen as Lorelai approached but there was a certain amount of relief on his part when it was words that were exchanged instead of blows. He was fairly certain that she was hiding her emotions because he was only getting a mere wisp of irritation from her and he knew there'd be more than that. But, truth was the best, as well as only, option. "I wanted to get out in the fresh air for awhile and, well, I don't know I just ended up wandering this way to see if you were here. Better you know where I am than returning to find me missing, no? You're pretty good with that bow, think after I'm healed up you could give me some pointers?"


Lorelai barked a laugh. Even though most of what Anton said seemed to make sense, she didn't care to label it with wisdom. At this moment she didn't want to sit down and talk, to take things as they were and milk the best from them. At that exact instant she just wanted to be mad. "I think you need to work on dodging arrows, rather then shooting them. One is as important and the next." Passing by Anton, she slapped his butt where she knew the wound was and sat herself down. "Shall we sit, or shall I fetch you a cushion?"


Gritting his teeth as he sharply exhaled from the pain, the first thing that came to Anton beyond the pain was anger as she mocked him. Was this her idea of amusement? What had he done to deserve this? His normal patience banished by the deliberateness of her slap, he simply looked at her where she was sitting. Turning, he began to limp away, not trusting himself to say something. Had to keep his temper, had to keep his peace, needed to go elsewhere. Somewhere that he wouldn't say what came to mind and hopefully wouldn't need saying.


Lorelai got up casually and walked past Anton quite easily, and then turned to face him. "Didn't your mother teach you that it is rude to leave in the middle of a conversation? But hell, if we'll start a conversation about your manners then we'll have to sit here all day and i'm afraid too much exposure to the sun is bad for my complextion, so lets skip that." Pursing her lips, Lorelai looked at Anton for a long moment, unsure about something. Eventually, she spoke. "I don't personally believe you've healed enough to be walking around, but as you've obviously proved me wrong, then it is quite obvious you don't need my assistance any further. My debt has been repaid. I will help you move your things if you like. As a matter of fact, I will go and round them up right now." Turning around, Lorelai walked away quickly, knowing that Anton won't be able to keep up, even if he wanted to.


Watching as Lorelai walked away, Anton's anger bubbled but he kept a lid on it. She needed to have her last word, so he'd let her have it. He just needed to calm down, go somewhere and think, he'd do that. Setting off, he went in search of somewhere alone, somewhere that no one would intrude. Setting off, he moved away from the settlement as he disappeared amongst the trees.



Anton Averdal





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