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For any Oregonians out there...

F Horn of Valere

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You know you're from Oregon if... (the * are next to my personal worsts)


You feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash.*


You use the statement "sun break" and know what it means.


You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.


You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.


You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.*


You stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal.*


You consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it is not a real mountain.*


You know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.


You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Issaquah, Oregon, Yakima, and Willamette.*


You consider swimming an indoor sport.*


You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho.*


You are not fazed by "Today's forecast: showers followed by rain," and "Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers."*


You have no concept of humidity without precipitation *(at least til I moved to the south)


You know that Boring is a town in Oregon and not just a state of mind.*


You notice, "The mountain is out" when it is a pretty day and you can actually see it.*


You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50, but still wear your hiking boots and parka.*


You switch to your sandals when it gets about 60, but keep the socks on.


You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.


You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or people from california***


You buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones after such a long time.*


You measure distance in hours.***


You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.*


You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.


"Vacation" means going to Portland for the weekend.*


There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the Bi-Mart store at any given time.


You blame everything that's not right on ex-Californians.*


You complain about Californians as you sell your house to one for twice as much as you originally paid.


You only honk your horn if collision is imminent and never for anything else.


You used to live somewhere else but won't admit it publicly.


Every day is casual Friday.


Hear the word "ferry" and think of boats and long waits.


You have mainly only used 2 main freeways/highways: I-5 and I-205*


You know that Kindergarten Cop and The Goonies were filmed in Astoria and Cannon Beach, respectively.


You know where Astoria is.


Were excited when the Crater lake, Oregon quarter came out.*


you love the smell of rain.


You know the exact day you had school off because it snowed like....one inch.*


you are sad during christmas because it never snows in the valley.*


you know where the valley is.*


you go out of state and wait in your car for someone to pump your gas.


your state and local legislatures are republican but your state executives and national representatives are democrat.*


you are more concerned about packing a sweatshirt or a jacket when going to the beach than packing a bathing suit.*


you say "pop" instead of "soda."


you believe that Enchanted Forest is Oregon's disneyland.*




Drivers must yield to pedestrians who are standing on the sidewalk.


One may not test their physical endurance while driving a car on a highway.


It is illegal to place a container filled with human fecal matter on the side of any highway.


Babies may not be carried on the running boards of a car.


Drivers may not pump their own gas.


A door on a car may not be left open longer than is necessary.


An adult may not show a minor any piece of classical artwork which depicts sexual excitement.


Dishes must drip dry.

The "Peer Review Statute" prohibits you from finding out details of any written or oral discussion about your medical treatment.


It is illegal to whisper "dirty" things in your lover's ear during sex.


Ice cream may not be eaten on Sundays.


It is illegal to buy or sell marijuana, but it is legal to smoke it on your own property.


One may not bathe without wearing "suitable clothing,"


Canned corn is not to be used as bait for fishing.


"Drivers must yield to pedestrians who are standing on the sidewalk."


I so hate that law... one time a pedestrian jumped out in front of me in a crosswalk with no lighting and I got a failure to yield ticket even though in the police report I was officially not at fault!.. lol Oregon has some strange things about it!

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I think thats better than here in Georgia where pedestrians are expecting to yield to cars even on the sidewalk.


Once, I saw an ambulance hit a guy who was standing in the crosswalk. The ambulance had a red light and wasn't running the siren. They just didn't see him.


The other day some idiot pedestrian entered while I was coming along at 45... only there is a clear sign for pedestrians that says STOP! PEDESTRIANS YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLES!


yeah so I had to swerve into the opposite lane to avoid him


*shakes fist*


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