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Bladework [ATTN: Rowul] (REPOST)

Guest Estel

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Guest Estel

ooc: my new post is at the bottom



Carnhain stood in a patch of bare ground in the part of the Citadel that had become known as the sparring grounds. Patches of grass grew up in areas that had yet to be trampled, while other areas had been worn down by any number of spars.


Rather than the heavier boots Carnhain was used to wearing while riding, he had a pair of lighter boots that went only half-way up his calf, rather than all the way. In a duel, he relied on his quickness, rather than his power. The pair of tight breeches he wore weren’t so tight that they restricted movement, but were tight enough that they refrained from hindering him either. As usual, he wore no shirt or coat.


He had left his broadsword in his tent, and instead wore a copy of it, though dulled at the edge and tip. At his feet, lay a quarterstaff, an inch taller than he and half as thick as his wrist, while a whip was coiled around his shoulder.


“Hello, uncle.†he said in greeting to Rowul. The burly cavalryman had left his battleaxe in their shared room in the cavalry barracks and instead wore a blade. In a fight, Rowul would be able to best Carnhain with that axe, but matched blade to blade, the nephew was the master.


“First thing we’ll be working on your footwork and body movements, rather than getting straight to the bladework. I know this is review, but it needs to improve, and I’ll see to it that it does.


“First off, you know how to advance- a step forward with your leading foot- for me that’s my right- and trailing behind with your left. Feet flat on the ground, balanced on the centre of your body. The retreat is the same thing backwards- same rules. Now the crossover, you know as well, make sure you don’t trip yourself, and once again balance at the centre, feet flat.â€


Carnhain drew the dulled broadsword at his belt, but when Rowul started to do the same Carnhain stopped him. “Not yet, first we work on footwork alone, no blade. I’ll strike at you with my sword, and you move to avoid it. I’ll go slow at first and then speed up.â€




Rowul began the morning by putting mice in the scout females barracs along with other creepy crawlys.


Laughing at his evilness ( ) Rowul went to the practice feild and strapped on his calvary saber, then spoke. "You seem to think that i am a beginger thats fine, but i came to you for intermaidate training. So lets hurry this part up"


Rowul advanced when C retreated adn retreated when the man advanced, then he did rolls and dives to keep the boy at bay, edging him on to try to actually hit him.


A slight sheen appeared on his face, "That is very good, now can we get on to the intermaidte stuff?"


Rowul wasn;t really tired just sorta irratiated but kept it all inside, where no one could find it




Carnhain shook his head.


"No. You can't keep trying to show off here. If I were to go faster and you were to drop to your knees," Carnhain demonstrated as he spoke "I would run you through before you could get back up. Only against an inexperienced bladesman would your tactics work. Now, we're going to try this again and you are to only use the footwork I showed you."




Rowul sighed, "Fine but i hope we can get to the intermieadte stuff soon"


Rowul retreated when Car advanced, did crossovers when nessasary adn did advance-esitate-retreat when it was required.


growling softly rowul said, "this is lame"




Carnhain nodded, staisfied with his uncle's, work. "Now pick up your own blade. This next exercise will be footwork and blade and the more you fail, the more the medics will have to look after you." The younger man picked up a whip from where he had left it. "You will have to both dodge and block the whip, just defense for now, but next we'll spar, blade to blade."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rowul looked at the whip and then at his nephew, "You mark my face and we will see how much you like being tied naked in teh Female Scouts Barracks"


Looking at the whip he began to ready yourself, when Carhian advanced you ertreated, when you saw his wrist move you readied a block. Simple it was until, double crossover advance flick.




"OWIEEEEEEEE,, that was my crotch"


Carhain smiled, "You never said i couldn't hit you there"



Rowul began to learn quicker he was hit only 4 more times before he was was retreating and blocking with his saber like a mad man they were going to fast now that all of the others in the yard had stopped and were looking at the two of them.


shift left crossover, retreat times 3, rear crossover high block, crotch block repeat crotch block left side step advandce close so youi can be hit right step left step 4 retreats.


Finnly the halt was called adn you stood ready, and here it came a crotch shot>

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Guest Estel

Carnhain grinned as he recoiled the whip and threw Rowul some wet bandages. "Patch those wounds, uncle. Now we spar."


ooc: you begin the spar...I want this lasting at the very least three posts...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rowul growled and spun his calvary saber in hand rushing the man spinning it around with a pure whistle, (A cavarly saber is a blade-heavy cutting weapon) when contact was meet Rowul would lightly twist his sword adn try to force it past a guard, sheer brute strenght could sometimes win a battle, but in this case Rowul knew he was out classed, but that would never stop him from tryiing.


A simply slash to the gut turned into a slash at hte knees, oh how that alwasy was his first attack, didn't really know why just was.


Then a high guard became a sweeping blow to the head.


just imagion it as your ax and you will do fine



what if i don't



then try harder

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Estel

"Concentrate less on strength." Carnhain said easily dodging Rowul's blows. A heavy blade like his was slowing him down, he needent concentrate on power, the blade was heavy enough to provide its own power.


Ducking a blow to his head, Carnhain used his speed to come up behind Rowul and crash his broadsword into Rowul's back.


"Again, strength isn't everything, you must keep up with your opponent. Unlike with the axe, you can't just use the blade's wieght and size to numb your oppenent's arms. Again now."

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  • 1 month later...

thats what he thinks


you know he could have a point



no he can't






cause i rock





you heard me i rock


mabey with that ax of yours


hey i can kick butt with what ever i want


you do not


Hell fire and brimstone.. i will prove it by learnign the tonfa....


you are crazy


yes thats what wins me battles i do things no one else will do or think of, like firing chickens from bows.


now that is crazy


thank you


Ramza pulled a dirk from his boot and began a whirlind suprising his nephew into doing what he wanted, backing up.


Rowul kept his sword and dirk moving alwasys strikeing never relenting, but in what seemed days (actaully 4 hours) Rowul could no long move his arms, staggering forward he gave his last trick, dropping his sword he fell to his knees, carhian come forward and Rowul blew out all of his speed and strength adn place his dirk right next to carhians throat....


"Draw" said rowul

(sorry i messed up a few temes with teh names

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  • 1 month later...

Carnhain chuckled. He wouldn't have called their matches a 'draw'. True, they were both tired and stiff but Carnhain had far fewer bruises than Rowul.


"See you tonight." he said as his uncle limped off.

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