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Linking: Implications of the a'dam in the hands of those without Seanchan beliefs


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I was wondering if anyone had given any thought to the differences in the use of the a'dam that might be present when the bracelet is on the arm of someone other than a trained sul'dam.


Specifically, a sul'dam as we know is someone who can learn to channel, but because of seanchan beliefs and practice is not taught and remains ignorant.

The a'dam creates a link between two women who can channel by which one gains control over the other and their contol of the One Power.


What i am interested in is if the person on the bracelet end of the a'dam can channel fully can she link with the woman on the collar end forcefully? at all?


for example: when Nynaeve and Elayne have Moghedien collared they continue their public lives as normal and it is evident that both of them can channel while wearing the bracelet. we see that when Nynaeve isnt angry enough to channel (and is alone with Moghedien) she chanels through Moghedien, directly controling her weaves. The Seanchan Sul'dam dont know they can channel and so i would think that unlike Nynaeve they would not directly control the weaves but rather use the a'dam as a tool to order the damane around (this is confirmed by the interaction between egwene and the sul'dam when she is captured in TGH, they know if she has tried to do something, (like exploding the sap of a tree) but they do not control the flows, only oder her to do it.). the different ways in which the a'dam is used lead me to assume that perhaps there is a way for the a'dam to support a normal link which is fully dominanted by the 'leash holder'


These are just my idle thought and speculation and any hard facts anyone else has or any conjectures whatsoever  concerning this are appreciated





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