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[Insert your name]'s AMoL Review [Full Spoilers]


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I know that I am not as well versed as others in everything that is the WoT, but here are my feelins towards the ending.


I knew that some of the prominent figures that we knew during the series would not survive TG and I felt sadness for each one lost. The only loss that I felt was necessary after it happened was that of Egwene. I feel that she would have caused a lot of strife between the WT and the BT. Mostly because of her feelings that Rand didn't understand almost anything that he did and that she would feel a need to "guide" the BT which in the end would not allow it to grow to its full potential.


The loss of Bela.....I nearly cried at that one.


We know that Ituralde is being pushed to the throne of his nation as well as Cadsuane being pushed toward the Amyrlin Seat, and i'm guessing that we should "know" where Mat and Perrin, and most of the other main figures of the story are going to end up, but actually not seeing it in writing for me kind of leaves an unease about it for me. Do Perrin and Mat, and even Rand for that matter, continue to be ta'veren?


I kind of like the body swap that Rand and Moridin complete because this gives Rand a fresh body that isn't on the verge of collapse and mutilated. However I don't know if I was completely comfortable with him not being able to channel afterwards. Being able to manipulate the pattern itself is infinitly more powerful true, but should the Dragon/DR be able to channel? He is still the Dragon/DR even after the body swap isn't he? The body swap gives him both a new body as well as anonyminity, which is something that I feel he does want after the last few years, but not having the ability to channel should create a hole inside of him almost like being gentled am I right?


Just a random thought here in the middle of my posting, but Mat not wanting to be bound to the HoV even if he was given the opportunity seems like Mat, but knowing that he had already accomplished enough to be invited the be bound to it, on top of his performance in TG I think he should have been bound to it regardless.


Where my sense of closure is the most lacking though is that of Rand just slipping away when no one is watching. Obviously we know that Min, Elayne, and Avi know that he is alive and can probably feel him departing, and Cadsuane figures it out too. From Rhudean we know that Avi and Rand have children together which hasn't happened yet, and the babies that he is already going to have with Elayne, we know that Rand is going to be a part of their lives once things have settled back down but as I stated earlier in reference of Mat and Perrin this leaves a feeling of unease with me, and even greater so with Rand since he is who he is. Is he still ta'veren and if so then we know that the pattern is going to affected by his presence. Or maybe with his new ability to manipulate the pattern he can hold this in check?


And finally the last bit of closure that I am missing is that I wonder if there will be spinoffs of the series? With the ending being as open as it is to me, I wonder if RJ's widow would allow others that may be worthy, or even BS himself, would write new stories with the prominent figures like Mat, Perrin, Elayne, Avi, or most imprtantly with Rand and his travels afterwards and his reunion with Min, Elayne, and Avi which we know must happen. I'm not looking for a continuation necessarily I don't think, since with TG being completed and Rand fulfilling is destiny, but I feel that new stories with them afterwards that contain entirely new plots could be fulfilling and worhtwhile.


As I said, although I am happy that Rand triumphed and that he was able to live, I just feel uneasy and a sense of loss. Maybe some others feel the same and I know that there are others that will think that it ended either just the way that it should have or didn't like it at all. One other thing that I wonder is if RJ had it planned all the way to the end with Rand swapping with Moridin, or did BS come up with the idea? I guess I am just wondering how far RJ had his notes planned out.


How do any of you feel about anyting I've said?


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