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Whew just finished ToM

Dan Farstrider

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Hello everyone, I'm Dan from NJ. I hesitated joining any WoT community until I finished all the books(except for Memory of Light of course) just to avoid any unfortunate spoilers. I took about a year of my life and enjoyed every minute(well ya know..minus a few hundred pages).


I hope to learn and have some input here with fellow fans.

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Hai there :biggrin: Welcome both of you! I'm glad you decided to join :happy:


So favorite characters? Least favorite character? Bela, the Creator or the DO? Answer that last one carefully :rolleyes:


DM is awesome :nods: We have le discussion forums for theories and such, the RP forums for well RPing obviously :tongue:, and the Social Groups which are were all us crazies hang out :happy: Be sure to check them out.

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