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Peaten had picked his gear carefully back in the Tower of the Black Dawn. His main weapon was an ashanderei, with a seven foot wooden shaft and two and a half more feet of the best steel for the blade. Another three inches of steel formed a thick spike at the other end. It was a throwback from the Trolloc Wars, the only the Tower had such relics, being built shortly before the War had begun and as of yet never even discovered much less challenged. It wasn't his weapon though. Before his first death he had a most unique weapon; the shaft being made of black metal, and the blade forged in the valley of Thakan'dar. A deadly beautiful weapon if there ever was one. As far as he knew though, it had been taken to the Witches Den to be studied... or more likely thrown in a heap with the rest of their relics.


On his back he carried two bastard swords that could be used in tandem or one at a time. Also was slung a longbow and a quiver with a dozen thick arrows. On the left side of his belt hung a foot and a half long hunting knife, on the right was a wicked crescent-moon sickle. On his right forearm he wore a miniature crossbow, which could shoot a small four inch bolt silently. On his left foream was a hard leather bracer. On the top side of the bracer were three eight-sided throwing stars, more relics of Tar Machin Rahien. Throwing daggers were hidden all over his body. Poisons and herbs sat in his pouch. He was armed to the teeth, more so than he had been in a great many years.


He stepped out from his Gateway into the waking world at the Place called the Rashad Ranch. He was told this was the first place to search for new members of his Order. Before he had taken three steps, several armed men had come into view. The shock of seeing Peaten coming out from nowhere must have slowed them almost as much as his appearance. Peaten stood nearly seven feet tall, and was almost as well muscled as a Trolloc. He was dressed all in black, even to the hard leather mask he wore. The mask covered a horribly burned face, with his left eye replaced by one of white glass. Anyone who thought that was a weakness was a fool... in his experience, sight was deceptive.


The men slowly walked to him with swords out. "Who are you? How did you find this place?"


"I will answer only to the one called Cari. Take me to her, Darkfriend, and all will be well. The bidding of the Chosen will not be hindered." He held his ashanderei with both hands now, making sure they knew what exactly he mean he would do if it was hindered.


Peaten al'Kar


Master of the Shar Mahdi Order


OOC: I know Cari isn't here. If someone is at the Ranch and wants to approach me in her stead, that would be great. I'll wait here till she gets back anyways.


OOC: wow ok that sucked. Buuuut... lets move on shall we. Also, I'm introducing Kjasic, who basically is to Sammael as Shaidar Haran is to the Great Lord.




"My word will be enough. I will speak to him personally when I return." He looked back into the shadows. "If that is not enough, my associate will clarify the validity of my mission."


"I am not here to validate anything you do, human." Its voice, so familiar now, was like a snake slithering over rotten leaves. "My Great Master wishes to know what progress you have made. My time is valuable, make haste of it."


"You can report to Sammael that I am here, Kjasic." He looked right into where its eyes should be and smile behind his mask. "You are bold to speak to me so, Halfman. Do not think your position with Sammael puts you above me."


"I should kill you, human." Its voice was pure hate. "You serve Sammael, hence you are under my supervision."


Peaten picked up his ashanderei and held it casually. "I believe you tried once already, Halfman. I would have killed you then, had I not known Sammael was putting my skill to the test. I serve the Great Lord of the Dark. His Chosen may command me as they wish, but I am his weapon alone." He turned and opened a gateway back into the World of Dreams. "Beware of pride," he said it to Cari, but meant it for both. "you will learn as a Blood Seeker, if you don't already know, we are but pawns for the Great Lord of the Dark. Even the Chosen are only stronger pieces to the game. It is by his grace alone that we live to serve, and if serving means death, then we die for his glory. His word is law." With that he stepped into the gateway. He had others to talk to, but first he would hunt wolves. They had been avoiding him of late. Smart, but utterly futile in the end.


* * *


Kjasic sneered at the human's back... or at least the one that was once human. When the gateway was closed, he looked to the woman. "The man needs killing. It is the way of his order, whoever kills the Head becomes their leader. If you were the one to kill him I would praise you to my Brother himself... then you would taste my blade because you stole the pleasure of killing him from me." Then he stepped back into the shadows. North, back to the borderlands.

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