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Jaydena winced and rubbed a her hand across her thigh, light why did I sign up to do this training, she thought. She shook her head and rubbed the salve into her arm and thigh and reached for her shirt. With a laugh she pulled the shirt over her head and rolled her shoulder. She picked up her sword and cinched it around her waist. Following this up with her second sheath, which housed two short staves, black with green dragons carved around them. Another day and another training session did not make Jade a happy camper. Jade had been asked quite nicely in fact to help train some of the Accepted as well as the younger Aes Sedai in the art of the double short staves and also forms. She had been told by the person that asked her that she had the lovliest form of any person in the White Tower. With a snort she tossed her long auburn locks over her shoulder. Light could I have been that stupid, after this many years you would think I would not fall for that. Hairpins went in next to secure the thick mass.


With a deep sigh she wandered over to her closet and finished getting dressed. She wore tight black pants of a subtle leather which made movement easy, also the short shirt in white and a tight vest of suede and velvet in green which could be easily removed. She put the vest over the clothing she already wore and checked to make the sword belts weren't in the way. Her black leather boots came on last and she added a cloak in case it was cold in the Yard. With that last item added she walked from her rooms and made her way out into the yards. The secret passage used by only the ajah head took her out onto the Tower Ground and into the Yard. She touched the mask on her face, todays mask was emerald green made of a breathable material that was easy to work with. Her emerald eyes shone out from behind it and she was glad she wouldn't be going into the city where people stared at her because of her mask.


She mostly stayed away from the city these days, her gaidin couldn't always protect her and she feared someone would attack her. Besides which she didn't expect her gaidin to spend every single moment with, light I would go mad if a gaidin hung on me like that. Jade snorted as she remembered Jared and then chose to forget him, it had been hard enough getting over his death, no need to think about him now. She glanced around and noticed the young student she was to be working with. Already today she had run her laps and come back to the Tower to work with paperwork, now she was back in the yard for another bout. Jade approached the young woman and began working with her on the forms, she had just moved into The Falling Leaf bringing her blade up and down, proud of how much she had improved, sure of how perfect it looked when a voice sounded behind her....


Jaydena Sedai

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There was more than one person gathered underneath the shade of Faith on this particular day. While Aran was nestled in his usual place, he wasn't dozing as he kept track of the conversation. Marie and Jaz were speaking of different people on the yards. Marie was certain there had to be someone that Jaz couldn't find a way to flatter. So, Marie ran through the people they could see one after the other as Jaz proceeded to heap praise upon their name. So it went until Marie picked out Jaydena Sedai, a name of interest due to Cairma.


"Jaydena Sedai, one only needs to see her fair looks. Indeed, she is so blindingly beautiful that she has to hide half her face so as not to drive men insane. Can't you see it in the way she moves? Such grace and serenity as hers is truly sublime. It wrenches my hea-"


"Stop, I get it. You're a slut, you will really try anything won't you? She must have something to hide or she wouldn't have the mask." Marie sounded disgusted, though more so at the fact that she couldn't catch Jaz out than Jaydena Sedai.


"So? I'm not exactly in a position to judge." The grin Jaz shot her was just as impudent as the ones Aran could summon. Of course, his grin didn't have the quirk of being half fair and half scarred as Jaz's was, the left side of his face was burnt. The same side that Jaydena Sedai hid in fact.


"Still, she's got that Aes Sedai bearing going all the time, I've yet to see her crack a smile much less laugh. Or curse for that matter, haven't seen her angry either, like there is nothing there. Bet you couldn't get past that facade of hers Jaz." The last words were almost delivered in singsong as Marie grinned at Jaz.


"Oh really? Well in tha-"


"I bet I could. In fact, I'm willing to bet that I can get her to snap if there are any takers? Or are you willing to admit that there is no woman that can resist me?" Aran grinned at the other two who were now looking at him and considering. He was up for some easy coin, besides which he had been meaning to find out what this Jaydena Sedai was like for awhile now. Ever since things had changed, it had been on his mind to see things for himself.


"Two silvers, you Jaz?"


"I'll match, two silvers."


Smiling, Aran got to his feet. "I hope you're prepared to lose some coin then. Watch and learn." Setting off at a jaunty pace towards Jaydena Sedai, he noticed that she had an Accepted with her. The other two were still sitting there and watching, well enough in hearing that they'd be able to know what happened.


"You think he'll be able to do it?"


"I don't care, I just want to watch what happens. If he gets smacked it'll be the best two silvers I spent."


Not hearing the conversation behind him, Aran made his way to the Aes Sedai whose back was now turned to him as she was demonstrating The Falling Leaf. Several things came to mind to say, but it was easy enough for him to pick how to start. "You're doing that all wrong you know. Your arc is too wide, by the time you brought the blade back you'd be run through. Must've picked that technique up with all that dusting you must do, swish swish no?"


Grinning at the Aes Sedai as she turned her gaze to him, Aran then deliberately turned to the Accepted and therefore away from Jaydena Sedai. "Hi, whats your name? How are you finding this instruction? Yes, I don't think its very good either, you have a different mentor no? Thats good. What was your name again?"




Tower Guard

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Jaydena spun around quickly and looked down...she blinked as she saw a man who must have been a good 6 inches shorter than her standing there with an insolent grin on his face. She could have sworn that he had been looking at her rear, before he raised his eyes to hers. The man then had the gall to look her up and down before speaking, "You're doing that all wrong you know. Your arc is too wide, by the time you brought the blade back you'd be run through. Must've picked that technique up with all that dusting you must do, swish swish no?" Her eyes about popped out of her head, the man was obviously a Tower Guard, either he knew who she was or he at least knew how to recognize a Aes Sedai face. He couldn't be bonded with that kind of attitude, of course then again there were Aes Sedai like her who let her gaidin get away with alot more than others did. She shook her head and remembered a fight she had had with another Sister because the woman thought that she allowed her gaidin to much freedom and that they were rude and disrespectful of other Sisters.


She pushed the rage down that wanted to consume her as she took in his words again. Then the man had the utter gaul to turn to the Accepted and say, "Hi, whats your name? How are you finding this instruction? Yes, I don't think its very good either, you have a different mentor no? Thats good. What was your name again?" Jaydena gulped and turned to the girl, "My child we will continue this lesson tomorrow, I am sorry to cut it short but I must speak with this young man. Off to your lessons." She turned back to him and grabbed him by the front of the shirt, "You will come with me, right now." Jade turned and began to walk toward one of the secluded glades that she had often used to spar with Seia. The man shrugges and began following her, still with that same look on his face. How dare he? She couldn't believe what he had said and she had been itching to beat on someone for some time, she might now do it with her fists but she would do so with her words. When they finally reached the glade she whirled around on him and began poking him on the chest, "How dare you disrespect me like that, you had to know I was Aes Sedai. What insolence I am totally shocked. What are they teaching you people these days." She threw her arms up in the arm and began ranting as she strode back and forth across the glade, "I have the mind to teach you a lesson, I wonder how you would like being hung from that tree branch naked. I am so mad I could just....gah." She turned back to him and said, "What is your name?"



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Well, that was surprisingly quick, or so Aran thought as he levelled a grin at Jaydena Sedai as she dismissed the Accepted that was with them. My but she looked like she was about to become apoplectic from sheer rage, and if he hadn't earned his four silvers already he'd be very surprised. The moment she grabbed his shirt sealed it, he could imagine the groans from Marie and Jaz as they watched, the thought of having lost their silvers. Of course, they were laughing off the side as they realised they had just spent the best four silvers ever between them, but that was a different matter.


Of course, they went to a secluded glade of all places, because thats where confrontations were habitually had, hidden away from prying eyes. And of course, in good form the Aes Sedai turned on him and began to poke him to emphasis each of her points. It was rather amusing, and the fact that he was grinning at her the entire time probably didn't help as she railed at him more and more until she finished with demanding his name. Aran was tempted at that point to lie, there were a dozen or so names that came to mind. The perfect idea came to him.


"My name is Nara, you may address me as Captain Nara, girl." That just went down beautifully. "You were teaching that Accepted wrong, horribly wrong in fact. I'd go so far as to say your form work was terrible, don't you practice at all? I've seen better work from the new trainees who have just figured out which end of the lathe is which."


Pausing, Aran continued before Jaydena Sedai could unleash her fury. "Wrong is wrong, don't get cranky with me because you don't spend enough time practicing. Really. Oh, and if you want to get me naked a drink is far better way to start. Oh, and you seem pretty riled now, so I think I can claim my four silvers. You've been a great sport." Aran reached over and pinched her cheek. "Thanks dear, you go get back to your forms now and have a good day." Aran turned around and began walking away knowing full well that wasn't the end of it. Of course, he was banking on her being too angry to use the power, he was already committed so he thought he may as well go all the way. There were moments for discretion, but then there were times for boldness. He would soon learn which was correct.




Tower Guard

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"My name is Nara, you may address me as Captain Nara, girl. You were teaching that Accepted wrong, horribly wrong in fact. I'd go so far as to say your form work was terrible, don't you practice at all? I've seen better work from the new trainees who have just figured out which end of the lathe is which." Jade eyed him, steel in her eyes as she considered tying him to the tree, it was getting more and more appealing. If he was a captain she would eat her own shirt, there was no way this disrespectful curr was a captain. She was just about to take him down a notch or two when he spoke, "Wrong is wrong, don't get cranky with me because you don't spend enough time practicing. Really. Oh, and if you want to get me naked a drink is far better way to start. Oh, and you seem pretty riled now, so I think I can claim my four silvers. You've been a great sport." She eyed him and adopted a serene look, so that man had just won a bet using her, wouldn't Sirayn just love to know that the Tower Guards were now betting using Aes Sedai as the scapegoats. Then the man had the shear gall to pinch her cheek before speaking, "Thanks dear, you go get back to your forms now and have a good day."


She blinked and raised her eyebrows at him, his grin was enough to get him slapped. He turned and walked away and she embraced the source, she wasn't horribly angry at this point, more than a little disappointed that the Tower was allowing people like this to make it to Guard. She wrapped him in threads of Air and hauled him back over to her. Tying him off so that he stood right in front of her she smirked at him and said, "What makes you think that I would want a scrawny little man like you in my bed in the first place. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole if you were dancing around in front of screaming how much you wanted me." She looked his much shorter frame up and down and then raised her eyes back to his. "Light, you have got to be kidding me. As if I need anything from you. Let me tell you something young man, I was practising sword forms before you were born, before your daddy was born. I get constant practice, every day in fact. Since I am sure you and your little friends have seen me out here everyday."


She walked back in forth in front of him and then continued, "There is nothing wrong with my form or anything else. Save my burned face but light that's another story." Jade glanced at him and shook her head, "I was taught the sword forms by men and women that I would venture to say, know more about them than you, and since I have used them in battle many times without losing my head I am sure I am fine. If you know so much why don't you show me what you think I am doing wrong." Jade released the flows of air and waited to see what he would do...


Jaydena Sedai

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Being manhandled by the one power was something that Aran was all too familiar with, so he wasn’t terribly surprised when he was caught in bonds of air and brought back to the Aes Sedai. Listening, his grin simply got wider as he listened to her dismiss all the things he had said one by one. It was difficult to remain quiet, especially when the urge to crack a joke about a ten foot pole was strong, but let her finish all the same.


Feeling the bonds of air dissipate, Aran rubbed his wrists as he looked her up and down again but this time as if he were weighing her up. Which was sort of true, but Aran was quite confident after having seen Jaydena practice before. Of course, there was the matter of her lathe as that could present a bit of an obstacle. But he was fairly confident he could deal with that, but how heavy was it?


“Tell you what then, I’ll do you a deal. If you can land a blow on me I’ll apologise and I’ll even tell the others I lost the bet. If not, you have to tell Cairma that Captain Nara is all that is great and wonderful. Agreed?”


Getting a nod of assent, Aran continued. “Before we start, how heavy is that lathe? If its too heavy I’m going to need a lathe of my own I think. Here.” Aran held his hand out so he could test the weight of it.


Jaydena eyed him, "Are you telling me that you don't need a lathe, and that you actually are going to question and Aes Sedai. I am sure this lathe is fine, but just to make sure, here you go." Jade whacked the lathe down into his hand and smirked at him.


Swishing it about, Aran nodded. “Its got a fair bit of weight on it, in fact I think its about the right.” Grinning, Aran gently prodded Jaydena in the stomach with it. “Seeing as I have your lathe, you’re now disarmed. Shall we go and find Cairma now? I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to hear how much you approve of me.”


Jaydena listened to him speak and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Light, I can't believe I fell for that. You would think I would know better after all these years." She glanced at him and then spoke, "Why would we need to find Cairma and how do you know of her?"


“Because you’re going to tell her how wonderful Captain Nara is. Oh, nevermind it can wait until you come across her next.” Tossing the lathe back to Jaydena, Aran continued with an easy smile. “We were part of the same company before you bonded her, a good friend of mine in fact. I have to admit I was a bit curious to see what woman she’d give up the crimson for.”


She caught the lathe in her hand and then spoke. "It's funny because I never heard her mention a Captain Nara, in fact I am not so sure you are a captain at all young man. So you were part of the same company were you, I’m suprised she didn't kill you rather than become your friend." Jade smiled. "Light the kind of woman she gave the crimson up for, that's a hard thing to live up to. She's a wonderful gaidin, and still gets around the yard as I am sure you know."


Laughing, Aran nodded. “She is a bit handy with her Beast that is true. As to your claim, what could possibly make you think I wasn’t a Captain? I have a commanding presence do I not?” Smirking, Aran pointed to her lathe. “But, tell you what, I’m curious to see how well you can handle that lathe. If you’d care to take a swing that is?” Adopting an easy stance, he added. “If you’d care to that is? Bet still stands.”


She shook her head and said, "Your a little to cocky to be a Captain and a little to disrespectful, wait a second." She blinked and then smiled, "I guess captains are pretty cocky but I still don't think you are one. I will drink you under the table if you are." She grabbed her lathe and got into a defensive stance, moving into his zone she began to takes swings, each swing was blocked by his arm and he was staying as close as he could to her. She smirked at him and said, "The last man that was that close was gutted by a Trolloc, I am sure that's why no man has ever wanted to be bonded by me again."


Intercepting her arm with his own whenever she swung or slipping beneath or aside blows, Aran easily kept pace with the woman he sparred with. Her last comment must have been meant to throw him off but he accepted it as he accepted the sun was looking down from above. “Good thing you have Cairma then. Tell you what, if you can drink me under the table I’ll owe you a favour.” Catching her swordhand, he relieved her of the lathe before a blow did slip by. “I believe you’ll be informing Cairma of Captain Nara’s unbelievably wonderful greatness, no?”


Jaydena spun around him, going for blows and each blow was blocked. She even went down and kicked at him several times from down low but he blocked each time. He spoke and she stood up and looked at him, "I have two gaidin actually, both of them female. I haven't had a male gaidin since mine died. They all run far and wide, I get all my male gaidin killed it seems." She smiled and shook those thoughts off, "Yes I suppose that I will inform her of that, you did win the bet after all. I suppose I could use a refresher course on Sword Forms, are you interested." She walked away and turned and looked over her shoulder, striking a pose she hadn't used in a long time, "Are you coming boy? To Cairma we go and I bet I could drink you under the table, I used to be a wild one in my days."


Laughing, Aran shook his head. “I think you should see Cairma by yourself. It just occurred to me that informing her that Captain Nara is wonderfully great because he just beat you in a spar could end in tears and bruises for me. I’ll take you up on the drinking though if you’re game.” Interesting turn of events, why did all of his shenanigans with women always lead further? Must’ve been his commanding presence, or so he thought with a grin.


Jaydena looked him up and down, "You are how much shorter than me and I probably outweigh you and you think you can outdrink me? Well as long as we go somewhere where I won't get stared at by anyone or have an Aes Sedai sneer at me for my lack of control I am game. Shall we go?” She stood at the edge of glen and waited for him, a sad figure who was lost and alone but struggling to get along and just put on a brave face.


“Oh, why not?” Laughing, Aran walked over to her and led the way. “I think I know just the place…”




Tower Guard



Green Ajah

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as rowdy places went, The Mug was a place that Aran favoured. It usually had people in at all times of the day, usually some form of gambling was taking place and all sorts frequented the place and therefore making it a place that he instantly took a liking to. The fact he knew the owner, a reed thin man by the name of Garrick, also helped. The man was old, he had a good score and a half years over Aran and then some, but despite the age difference they were good friends. Garrick had known his father and it was always good to visit during quieter times and speak of him on the odd occasion. That and he was someone Aran could speak more openly with.


It also had a few fellows that Aran knew who now acted as bouncers. Stout hands with a cudgel and capable of going pound to pound with just about anyone that came through the doors, people knew that if they broke any furniture then they would be broken for their trouble. Or for stealing, theft wasn't tolerated and a man found it difficult to pickpocket with all of his fingers broken. It was simple, harsh and entirely effective punishments that dissuaded people from going too far. Deliberate attempts to bait people into breaking the rules were just as liable.


Of course, if there was a problem that needed to be settled, then there was a means to settle such things in the The Mug. Tables and chairs would be moved to make a space and people were given a few minutes to lay bets before a fistfight was staged between those who felt they couldn't solve things any other way. Aran had been in at least a few of those himself so he knew all about them, even bet on himself and made some money that way. Some might have said it was bad form to bet on oneself in that way, but Aran simply viewed it as a show of confidence. With things like this, The Mug certainly wasn't one of the most reputable places to go.


Which was exactly why it was the perfect place to take Jaydena.


The Aes Sedai face did get a few looks as they walked in, but people quickly turned back to their own drinks. As long as they weren't disturbed they wouldn't mind, and it was their city after all. Even Garrick didn't seem fazed, then again Garrick had been in Tar Valon for at least twenty years himself so perhaps Jaydena wasn't the first woman with an ageless face to walk through those doors. With a couple of drinks in hand, they took a corner table for themselves so they wouldn't be disturbed. That and the drinks would keep coming as they were needed.


"So? What do you think?" Aran grinned at her. "If two Aes Sedai came here in the same year, let alone the same day, I'd be surprised."




Tower Guard

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Jaydena took a deep breath, not believing what she had just said, nor what she was about to do. Shaking her head she followed him out of the yards and then out of the Tower. It did occure to her at some point that this could all be a setup, she could be going to her own death, walking to it calmly. Light the Great Game and her own negativity had just enfused her body to the point where she couldn't escape it. She shook her head, well she felt better about dying these days, in other words she didn't think about doing it most of the day. Since bonding Cairma she was much mellower, and Raisa had come out of the funk she had been in. Which she suspected was her own foul moods bouncing between them. That was the way it worked when you were bonded to a female, it was like a mirror and since she now had two female warders it was even worse. It bounced between all of them like some sort of pingpong game.


She walked a few more steps and noticed that they were entering a tavern, she looked up and saw that the place was called The Mug, it sported a golden mug carved with vines. She chuckled and walked in behind Aran, a few patrons looked at them and stared before returning to their drinks. Of course they knew what an ageless face looked like but she didn't see any Aes Sedai around. Aran turned to the bar and ordered them a couple of drinks before walking over to a table in the corner, she grinned at him and took the drink as he said, "So? What do you think? If two Aes Sedai came here in the same year, let alone the same day, I'd be surprised." She chuckled softly and said, "I agree, I don't know if one has ever graced these shores." She shook her head and drank her drink, calling the barkeep and asking for some bread and such to help her hold her liquor. When she was done she turned back and said, "I can't believe I am here, I keep asking myself how I came to he sitting in a Tavern with a too cocky Tower Guard?"



Head of the Green

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  • 4 weeks later...

Grinning, Aran shrugged. "It could have been because of my pretty face, or perhaps my manly and towering stature. Or my pleasant wit and charm, then there are these sideburns here. So many things to choose from, its no wonder." Grinning at the proprieter as they were handed their bread, Aran disdained it as he lifted his drink up to Jaydena. "But, lets start with a more modest toast. To shawls and not having to wear them here." At that, Aran threw back his first drink. It went down easily enough, not to mention quickly, and setting his mug down on the table, he grinned at the woman sitting opposite him. "I think you need to catch up? No?"


Jaydena watched him shoot him drink back, she grinned at him and picked up her own, she slammed it back as well, feeling the burn in her throat, and the warmth spreading through her body. When she had recovered enough to speak she said, "There we go, let's hope you can keep up boy. So tell me Captain Nara where are you from and how in the Light did you end up in the Tower Guard and make it this long." She motioned for another round and waited for him to speak.


Laughing, Aran settled into his chair as he spoke. “Oh, can’t you tell? A man of my commanding presence can only come from Cairhien. As to the Tower Guard, they needed someone of my extraordinary talents so I joined. And thanks to my marvelous abilities, they couldn’t get enough of me. They said Captain’s material so here I am.” Taking the mug that was brought for them, he asked for a few more to be brought over, another six actually. Let her make of that what she would, as well as the way he threw back his second mug. Most people liked to slowly sip at their drinks, but for Aran it was about getting to the drunk stage where stupid things happened. Putting the mug down, he chuckled at her. “You sure you going to be able to keep up? You’re a bit dainty, there’s no shame in it, I’m just worried as all. You know, being the spectacular Captain that I am.”


Jaydena smiled as he drank his second mug and said, "Well I don't know how marvelous they are as I haven't heard of you before but you must have been doing something right to make it to Captain." She picked up her second glass and drank it down quickly, she wasn't about to be outclassed by some guy who she wasn't even sure was a Captain and might not even be a Tower Guard. Everytime she called him a Captain she felts the Oaths pull tight, the fact that she believed he might not be was giving her problems. "I should be able to keep up, it's been a long time but I used to drink my gaidin under the table, course it didn't help them any that we could feel how drunk the other person was and it would just multiply until they couldn't stand up." She chuckled and picked up a third glass, drinking it down as well.


“Gaidin?” Laughing as he took up one of the mugs that was brought over, Aran couldn’t help himself. “I’m sorry, but everyone knows that gaidin and gaidar can’t drink. They spend all their time looking dangerous, preening and following their Aes Sedai around. They hardly get anytime to drink themselves, no wonder you’re able to drink them under. All that bond stuff is just an excuse. Now, if you would care to observe.” Taking a breath, Aran threw back his third mug as he reached for his fourth. Sitting the third down and throwing back the fourth, he reached for the fifth with his free hand. Finishing that one in turn, he shook his head as he felt the last of it go down. He’d be surprised if she managed that straight away, but he would beat her easily enough. Waving over to the bar for more drinks, he grinned at Jaydena. “That’s why its better to be a Captain than a Warder, no wall duty, more time for drinking. Sure you don’t want to throw the towel in now?”


As he spoke she cocked her eyebrow at his words against Gaidin and Gaidar, well that answered one of her questions, the man was for sure not bonded. Jade eyed him tossing his drinks back one at a time and winced, she wasn't sure she could do that. Chuckling she spoke, "Well see that's how little you know about Gaidan or Gaidar for that matter. I haven't done this with Cairma yet but she did drink me under the table before we bonded and I bet she could if she wanted too. I have seen Tower Guard preen more often than I have even seen any of my Warders."


She shook her head and snorted, "Do you see my Gaidar's here? I don't think so, that's because I actually let mine have a life and they can choose to do wall duty or whatever they want to because I don't think like some Aes Sedai that I own my warders. I also think that if you were bonded to me you would never keep up to me in a drinking game, you’re too weak." She smirked and embraced the source, which was starting to become elusive. Creating a funnel like weave she then added weaves of Air to lit the mug into the Air, she tipped her head back until her mouth touched the bottom of the funnel and then tipped the mug floating in mid air, once she finished that one she did it with the rest of the five. She finished and let the weave go, sending him a wink, she could tell she was getting drunk as he was starting to look more and more appealing and she hadn't been with a man in a very long time.


Grinning as Jaydena decided to try and show him up, he had to admit that he was surprised that she was still able to use the power. A few more drinks and a few more minutes for it to really hit her and she'd be gone though. She'd gone through five mugs now, most people had those over two to three hours. He was no where near finishing though. Spending the majority of his weeks drinking along with his own physique, he was capable of going quite a long way before he had to slow down. "I'm sorry, but everyone knooows that warders get the raw end. Its one thing to take orders from Brand, it'd be another thing to have him in my head despite the looovely man that he is. Here we go, number six." Grinning, Aran poured the mug back, that was a fair bit harder to do now that he'd thrown five back so quickly, but it went down nevertheless.


Jade's head was spinning and she lost the source as she worked on focusing, picking the bread up she began to munch on it as she listened to him spouting off about things he didn't know. "You just keep thinking that buddy, warders gain a lot by being bonded, just as I gain alot from being bonded. I think you would be surprised how it feels to have someone inside your head like that, especially if you are intimate with that person." She stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes, she couldn't believe she had just spouted that off. Jade opened her eyes and saw him smirking at her, she picked up her sixth mug and drank it down. It wasn't easy to get her drink down but she managed to gulp it down. Smirking at him as she slammed the mug down on the table, she said, "I bet that I could change your mind about bonding if I put the rings on you and I bet I could drink you under the table if it was on."


He managed not to laugh when she let spill that what it could do for people who were intimate. There had been a bit of conjecture about that when it came to a few people, Orion and Estel most certainly were at the top of that list. The fact that for women it was even closer caused further speculation, and Aran had his thoughts about a few different Aes Sedai and their Gaidar though he couldn’t say it with absolute certainty. When it went to the subject of bonding him he quickly shook his head. “Not a chance of me being bonded, I like being able to drink regularly. Besides, all that looking dangerous is time consuming, and I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.”


Jaydena burst out laughing, "Oh I am sure you would do just fine sweetie, you don't come from a city like yours and not be the master of keeping your face straight. You could always try the ring on and see what happens with it, I haven't used it in a long time, it's pretty much collecting dust so to speak." Jade gestured for another drink and gulped it down, with a glint in her eyes.


Frowning as he took a mug and sipped from it, Aran tried to piece together what she meant. So she wasn’t talking about the bond, she was talking about a ring. Why was he going to put the ring on? “Wait a moment, what are we talking about. You were talking about bonding and now we’re talking about me putting a ring on? Sure you shouldn’t stop now?” Aran pointed to her new mug with a grin before finishing off the rest of his mug. Light but he was going to have to slow down soon, let it all settle for awhile so he could pace himself.


Jade smiled at him and ate some more bread, she didn't think she could keep up with him if she didn't eat anything. The next time the barkeep came over, she whispered a order of food to him and then turned back to the man in front of her. "Oh the rings, well basically I was in the this city from the Age of Legends, I found this ter’angreal called the Beloveds Bond. It's two rings that conform to the wearers, it works just like a bond only you can take it off whenever you want to. I used to wear it with someone else but we broke up, I guess you could say." She tried her best to smile and sipped from a glass of water that had appeared at her elbow. "Oh I can keep right on drinking, if you had that ring on I would drink you right under the table."


“Yet you’re drinking water, water has no place here.” Smiling as he nevertheless helped himself to some bread, Aran found himself thinking about these rings. They presented a challenge, and one that perhaps he could win even bigger off. After all, it was easy being a Warder, bunch of slackers didn’t even have to do guard duty anymore and they only had to watch one Aes Sedai. Furthermore they could find them when they had to. Never mind it made them soft in the head, by the time they were bonded they didn’t seem to care. Not him on the other hand, and this wasn’t permanent. “I tell you what, lets make another bet. One week, rings, can’t take them off for whatever reason. Can’t fuzz the bond in any way like I hear some Warders and their Aes Sedai do. One week, if one of us takes the ring off we owe the other a favour. Deal?”


Jaydena considered the idea for a minute, this could be very interesting, normally she would have thought it all through and such, weighed the pros and cons. Since she was just a little tipsy she spoke quickly, "Well I have to keep hydrated or I won't be able to drink you under the table. As for the rings, I could put a weave off that wore off in a week, then neither of us could take it off but I like the idea of the added wager. Ok I like that idea, it's a deal, maybe when your done you won't be so quick to put down a gaidin or gaidar, Captain." Jade reached down into her bodice and pulled out a long chain that hung around her neck, on it were two rings, silver and twisting, she handled them fondly, thinking about that they had once meant to her, and then handed one to him.


Taking the ring from Jaydena as it was offered to him, he gently plucked it from her fingers as he looked at it. It was a fine piece of work, would fetch some coin if it were something other than what it was. Looking at Jaydena, he grinned as he slipped it on his ring finger. Nothing yet as she hadn’t put hers on yet, but he took the opportunity to throw the rest of his drink back. Putting it down, he burped into his knuckles as he made some room for the following drinks. “Well? Time to put your ring on and lets get this started. Oh, and water or not you are going to lose… horribly.”


Jaydena smirked, the man had no idea what he was in for, she reached out and held her hand out. "We shake on the bet before I put that ring on. I don't trust easily." She chuckled and shook his hand, smiling at him, she slipped the ring onto her finger and waited as his emotions bounced into her head, his feelings, his injuries, she could feel it all. Smirking at him, she knew he would be able to feel exactly how she was feeling, how drunk she was, and even how turned on she was. Not totally by him but just after having been alone for so long. "Oh I fear you may be wrong about who loses this night." Grabbing the next mug she tosses it back, and tried not to grimace, forgetting he was in her head. She watched his reactions closely to see what he was feeling about this and read the bond as well...


His mouth dropping open as a ball of awareness just popped inside his head, he had to force himself to shut his mouth and not to rip off the ring instantly. It was so confusing to get in such a rush, trying to discern one thing from the other. Some things began to separate themselves very quickly though. One thing was that she was rather drunk and getting more so by the moment, there was also a good amount of amusement to be found as she was familiar to the feeling where he was not. One thing that also became clear, at least he thought it was, was that she was rather… interested, in him. How he wasn’t quite certain, but the only way he could describe it was heat.


Her comment about who might lose that night emphasized that feeling, but it was soon swept aside as she drank. She was struggling alright, more so than she had been letting on before. And if he was feeling her drunkenness, then she had to be feeling his as well. Laughing as she put the mug down, he reached for another one with the impudence of one who knew he had to win for certain. “I doubt I’ll be losing tonight at all, bottoms up.” At that, Aran began to let another mug slide down.


Jaydena rolled her eyes at his arrogance, sending a red hot emotion through the bond. She had a feeling now that she was inside his head, exactly what made this man tick. "We shall see about that darling." Jade batted her eyes at him and did a little Aes Sedai trick she knew, without channeling at all she was able to focus, it was just the thing they used to ignore heat and cold, but she had found that it allowed you to deal with being drunk. Picking the glass up she drank it down, slower this time, she plowed through it though. When she finished, she eyed him and then thought about all the things she used to do to Seia and even to Jared. Her body started to heat up, and she smiled and watched him...


A sudden flare ran through his head which made him pause, light but that was distracting. He supposed it was something you got used to, but if that had been deliberate then Jaydena wasn’t playing very fair. It also made him wonder whether he could do similar things back. Before he could ask, the feeling of drunkenness vanished on the other side, sort of. It was like it became very subdued, making him wonder if she was cheating more than he had anticipated. Then came the heat again, something which had him thinking about things which he had left aside in favour of the competition. The smile of hers broadened at that, and it was then that he realised exactly what she was doing.


Smiling back, he decided to play his own game. “So, can your other warders feel this? Actually, they’d feel it more so because they’re women right?” At that, he began to focus on his drunken feelings, amidst it mingled some of that warmth, but mainly the drunkenness as he forced another mug down. He was curious as to what effect it would have.


Dang but the man was smarter than she gave him credit for, "You know Nara I am not sure, since your and I are not actually bonded and only through a ring, I think they would be able to feel how I am feeling and my reactions to how your feeling. That can't feel how you are feeling however." She chuckled and eyed the next mug, light but she didn't think she could choke another drink down. Picking up some more bread, she ignored her rolling stomach and ate some. "You ought to feel what it's like to make love while wearing these rings, the most amazing times I have had in my entire life." She chuckled and grabbed her next mug, trying her best to ignore the feelings he was pushing at her, he had figured her game out and to top it all off it was making her even hotter. She gulped the drink down, ignoring the taste, and focused her breathing, sending more emotions through the ring at him...


Laughing as Jaydena tried to get her mug down, Aran could feel her stomach rolling as she went straight for the bread. Still, what she said about the rings in addition to what she was sending through the ring was leaving him thinking that there were only a couple of ways this could end. There was only one that he disagreed with, but the chances of him spewing were slim to none. Reaching for a mug to push them a drink ahead, he couldn’t help but add first. “Such a tease, its just a shame that I’m so shy.” Shy was the last word that could be used to describe the feelings he barraged her with as he tilted back his mug. Cutting off halfway through, it wasn’t because he felt he needed to slow down now, instead because he’d discovered an entirely new way to win.


She eyed him from over the top of the bread she was eating, he sucked part of a glass down but stopped part way through. A sigh of relief almost passed through her lips, a moment later she rolled eyes as she remembered that he could feel her relief so it didn't matter if she sighed or not. He spoke and she coughed, nearly choking on her bread. "Light, judging from the things coming through the bond I would call you anything but shy Captain. In fact I would bet that you are a little firecracker in the..." She blinked and trailed off, realizing what she had been about to say. Looking down at the next mug she took a few sips and then set it down...


Laughing as the Aes Sedai cut herself off just before she finished her sentence, the bond couldn’t hide much from him. Especially with her being as drunk as she was, and the heat that he could feel in the bond. Realising his humour had lessened the ardour that he was passing through the bond, he quickly remedied that as he spoke. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just a humble lad.” Grinning, he just took a sip now as he focused his feelings onto Jaydena.


Jaydena snorted and rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the foolishness coming out of his mouth. "You forget that I can feel you in here." She thumped by her heart and missed, hitting her arm instead, she shook her head and plowed on, "I can feel you inside here." She pointed at her head but instead poked herself in the eye, wincing in pain, she ignored the amusement coming through the ring. "Well I hope that hurt, I can't believe I am getting drunk under the table by someone five inches shorter than me." She reached for her mug and knocked it to the floor, the glass breaking. "Well that's just awesome...I can't go back to the Tower like this."


“That’s alright, I have a solution.” Looking over to the bar, his need was already anticipated as the bartender held up three fingers. It wasn’t exactly the first time he’d needed to sleep off a bit of drinking here. Smirking at Jaydena as he finished his mug, he felt a little wobbly as he got to his feet but his years of drinking were paying off as he kept his feet well enough. Offering his hand to her to help her up, he smirked as he ignored the fact that he would probably be asked about the glass later. “Take my hand.”


Jaydena nodded slowly, afraid that she would fall out of her chair. She wasn't able to fuzz the bond as she had promised not to, so she was getting the fulle brunt of his drinking as well as her own. Stupid idea it had been to do this she thought. She stood up and was about to take his hand when she stumbled and hit the ground below him, she closed her eyes. Just great, an Aes Sedai drunk and on the floor of an Inn...


Wincing as he felt Jaydena hit the ground, he decided that this was definitely the last time he got her quite so drunk. Well, unless there was a good reason to anyway. Hauling her onto her feet was something he was capable of doing without assistance so that he managed easily enough. Stairs on the otherhand, those posed a problem as he neared them but he grit his teeth as he made his way up them anyway, a step or two at a time. It didn’t help having her so close that the bond seemed even larger but he dealt with it nevertheless. Light but he couldn’t remember feeling quite so drunk before after so many drinks. If nothing else, the Bond’s redeeming trait could be much cheaper nights on the town.


Jaydena was just a mite surprised when the man picked her up in his arms and began carrying her pretty easily up the stairs. She blinked, it had been a long time since a man had carried her anywhere. In fact the last person to carry her anywhere had been Raisa when her face was burned. She looked at his neck as they reached the top of the stairs and began to lick it, might as well mess with him some more, since he had had so much fun doing it to her. Just as they moved to a door she began to bite his ear lobe. She could feel the emotions coming through the bond and she almost chuckled...


If not for the amusement flowing through the bond, Aran would have thought that Jaydena was planning to go further than her teasing. She might have besides, but at the rate they had been drinking it probably wouldn’t be a prudent thing to follow up. Finding the third room, Aran managed to use one of his hands to twist the knob without having to set Jaydena down. Half staggering inside, Aran had to use his hip to close the door again, his bondmate teasing him the entire time. A couple more steps and he was able to settle her down on the bed though her legs were hanging off the side. Squatting down, he gave a good heave as he lifted them up and threw them over the bed but the action put him off balance as he fell back onto his arse.


Jaydena continued to play with his neck, her mouth hot on his ear. She blew in his ear and thought she thought she heard him groan as she felt a shiver pass through his body. He reached down and grabbed a doorknob, pushing it open, her hit the door with his hip and then carried her over to the bed. The captain set her down on the bed and then reached down to swing her legs over the side of them, as he did, he fell over and landed on the ground. She chuckled at him and then said, "Well what are you doing on the floor, get up her so I can finish what I started." Winking at him, she ran her tongue over her lips and motioned at him with her finger. Laying down she waited for him to get up on the bed...


It was sorely tempting, very sorely tempting in fact but he was pretty sure that as drunk as they were, passing out was the only thing that lay ahead of them. Getting to his feet took a bit, but he managed to push himself up nevertheless with a rueful smile. He’d been flawless up to that point. “Tempting, but I don’t think we’re going to have the time necessary to finish at this rate.” Walking over to the door and locking it, it took a fair amount of effort on his part to walk around the bed to lay down beside his bondmate. Now that was a weird thought, bondmate for a week. “We should have stopped drinking sooner, speaking of which I won. What do you owe me again? I’ve forgotten.”


Jaydena was very surprised when the man got to his feet and then smiled at her, speaking and then walked around the bed. He climbed in next to her and she carefully rolled over, her head spinning. She blinked owlishy at him and then spoke, "Light I don't remember Captain, maybe we will remember on the morrow, right now I am going to sleep. I do hate sleeping in my clothes, but I suppose that can't be helped." Smiling at him one last time, she closed her eyes and then prepared to go to sleep. Her face itched and she just barely remembered she was wearing her mask, she eyed the Captain's closed eyes and then removed her mask. Couldn't be helped now, he would have to deal with the horrible burns if he woke up...




Tower Guard



Head of the Green Ajah

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  • 4 weeks later...

There was a certain strangeness to waking up with someone else in one’s head. That much Aran could attest to as he woke to find himself looking at the window and the crescent moon overlooking the city. Well, he’d napped for a bit longer than he had anticipated, and as he remembered what had occurred he turned to the woman with her arm draped over him and then frowned. He had guessed that the mask hid something but he hadn’t realised it hid such a cruelty. Feeling that she was stirring, Aran smiled as he did the best to ignore the hangover that was starting to pound its way through the bond. At least, he assumed it was a hangover, she had no other reason to have a headache. “Time to wake up.”


Jaydena blinked slowly and woke, her head pounding as a man's voice sounded right next to her. She bounced up and about retched as she did, leaning her head between her knees she eyes the source of her pain and saw him smiling at her. "What in the bloody ashes do I have a headache for, I've never had a hangover in my life." She sat back down on the bed, afraid if she stood up any longer she would fall over, she turned at looked at him and then glanced at her mask laying on the pillow. Her eyes widened and she snatched it up. Tears rose to her eyes and she slid it over her face, "So that's why you wouldn't sleep with me last night, did I have my mask on when I said that to you." Trying to compose herself, she blinked the tears back, she should be used to rejection and pain, one would think so at this point but again she found herself hurting at someone's reaction to how ugly she was.


The new wave of emotions as Jaydena began jumping to conclusions was akin to being buffeted in the wind, cutting to the bone. Light but the bet and the rings with the bond was perhaps not one of his wisest ideas, but at the same time it was something he could use to fix things. “No, I didn’t sleep with you last night because we were both very drunk. It was also this afternoon, not last night. I didn’t see your face until you began to stir. You can still feel the bond can’t you? Well, lets try something.”


Focusing his emotions through the bond to be warm, reassuring, trusting, he poured all those feelings through as he reached slowly for her mask. She didn’t move at all, even as her own feelings of anger from thoughts of rejection, pain, embarrassment, even fear tried to overwhelm him even as he sensed her physical status, from the headache to soreness to a need to relieve herself. They almost did being so close to each other as they were, but he smothered them with his own feelings as he took hold of her mask and slowly slid it away to reveal her scars. He didn’t say anything, he simply kept sending his feelings across the bond toward her.


Jaydena was so shocked she almost jumped out of her skin, the man wasn't scared. He was touching her, had actually removed the mask and was examining her face. She cleared her throat and spoke slowly, "I study angreal within the Tower, they've always been a huge interest to me. I went down to the storeroom to study one we had brought back from Namandar." Turning away she blinked at the tears, what had happened next was the worst pain she had ever felt and it still hurt to think about it. "I found two dead Accepted when I reached the storerooms and the angreal I had meant to study on the floor of the room, I touched it and began to burn."


She focused her attention back on his face, her eyes bright and weary. "I have been through alot of pain as a green, been stabbed and healed, burned and healed, you name it, in the heat of battle it happens and that's why we keep Yellows with us and Gaidin to protect us. My warder carried me from the storerooms, I don't remember much after that. The Yellows tried to heal it and thought that I had lost my eye. I had some very strange dreams and woke up with my eye healed." She wondered why she was telling him this much, but then he could feel what she was thinking. "It still hurts sometimes but it's not as bad as it was and I have learned to live with it. The rejections and stares and loss of whatever beauty I might have had are far worse to deal with, I can't escape those, except in my sleep, but in those hours I am alone, so much alone."


It took much to remain as solid as he was in the face of her emotions, they changed so quickly and had such strength to them. Most all underneath it all was the hurt. Usually when Aran was confronted by such a thing he could at best empathise, understand the pain as best he could. In this case he could feel it, it was alive and within his mind, there for him to sense without any barriers. But then also came what he now knew to be loneliness as Jaydena spoke of it.


Reaching towards her, he brushed the back of his hand along her scars ever so lightly as he spoke. “You may have lost, but I think you still have much left to you. And if you get so many stares and rejections, perhaps you have just been around the wrong people, no?” Steady emotions, warmth, trust, these were the things that Aran sent through the bond to Jaydena to help her with her pain.


The man actually touched her scar, she was so surprised that she didn't jump to her feet. No one had touched her face since she had been burned. Even her gaidar had been afraid to touch her face, and of course she hadn't been romantic with anyone for a long time. She smiled softly at him, she could feel his emotions and there was no way he could have hid any disgust or horror from her. Jade leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips, "Thank you, I needed that far more than you can know. I haven't had much kindess of late." She stood up slowly and walked over to her purse, she picked it up, not sure how it had gotten there and pulled out a comb. Her hair came down in a tumble, reaching to below her waist. She began to comb her hair out as she spoke, "Do you have any idea what time it is at all, I need to eat and do a number of things."


“Late.” Smiling at the way Jaydena was soldiering on despite the pounding headache, that and the fact that her other hurts had at least subsided even if they were under the surface, Aran forced himself to his feet. The drinking from earlier had caught up with him which was the reason he made for the door as he spoke. “Its night time now, judging from the noise downstairs we might be a few hours short of midnight. I’ll return in a minute or two.” At that, Aran let himself out so he could find the nearest chamberpot.


The man left the room and she let out a sigh of relief, making her way to the door, she locked it quickly behind her and used the chamberpot. When she was finished she walked over to the washing bowl and washed her hands and face. Clearing the left over makeup off her face. When she was done she scrubbed her teeth and cleared her mouth out. Jade smiled and reached into her purse, she had a number of herbal remedies within, one of which was a remedy for hang overs that she had given to her gaidin on occasion. She chewed the herb slowly and then unlocked the door, sitting down on the bed, she waited for the Captain to return and wondered if he would.


Finding another chamberpot had almost proven impossible but at least relief was to be found. It was as he was making his way back to the room he and Jaydena had slept in that he realised something very important. He’d won the drinking last night! And the prize, oh now this would be good. Opening the door and letting himself into the room, Aran grinned as he shut the door and sat next to Jaydena. “I just realised, I won last night. You owe me a favour of my choosing I believe.”


Jaydena looked up at him and smirked, "Ok Captain, what will it be, a kiss, something more intimate, cleaning your chamberpot perhaps. I can just see the things you have in mind, consider the things coming from the ring." She chuckled and leaned back against the headboard, waiting to see what revenge he would exact on her. "Oh by the way, chew this herb and it will make that hangover go away my dear man."


“I don’t get hangovers, that’s all you I’m afraid.” Grinning, Aran had to acknowledge that she was right in that a number of ideas were coming to mind. On the otherhand, if he was going to have a bond with her for an entire week, then he felt it would be wise to play his cards right. At least at first, then he could work on irritating her enough that she took the ring off. “You mentioned something about eating before, I was thinking that perhaps you could accompany for a meal here in town as opposed to heading back to the Tower straight away. Not here though, somewhere that the food is decent. Make a good change of pace from the mess hall.”


She smiled and said, "I don't get hangovers either darling, so some of that has to be from you." She chuckled and then stood up, smoothing her outfit over her hips. "I look like I have been sleeping in my clothes, do you know what people will say if they see me with a man in these clothes. My reputation will be ruined." Smirking she walked towards him and said, "Let's do it. So does this count as your favor?" She took his arm and hooked her own in it, then she blinked and realized she didn't have the mask on. Clearing her throat she grinned and put the mask on before preparing to leave.


Waiting for her to finish putting her mask back on, Aran let her take his arm once more as he grinned. She was in a much better mood now, and he felt he understood her a bit better now. Personally he didn’t think she needed to hide her face, Jaz had managed without doing so after all, but then that was up to her. Maybe there would come a day when she would be ready to lay aside the mask, but that wasn’t today. Opening the door for her, he closed it behind them as he decided to learn a bit more about her. “Since you are doing me the favour, perhaps then you would like to choose a place for us?”


Jaydena nodded and then winked at him, she waited till her opened the door, as he seemed the type for that and then walked out the door with him. As they made their way through the door she pushed him hard against the doorjam and ravaged his mouth, sending lust throught the rings again. Running her hand down his body she leaned back and smirked at him, "Just showing you what you missed, since the burns don't seem to bother you." She chuckled and then walked away, her hips swaying as she walked down the stairs. The man took a few seconds to catch up and she could tell he was making sure he was fit to be in public. A feeling of warmth and comfort went through her as she paid attention to his feelings. He soon reached her and she took his arm again, they walked through the door and made their way out into the city.


She walked down the streets and then turned to him, "I know just the place, I used to visit there when I was just a young Aes Sedai, if they are still around, they had the best food to be had in the city." She walked quickly and soon they found just the place she was looking for. The Purple Ajah Inn, showed a woman wearing a purple shawl, she had spent many a day there and had some very fond memories of the place. She smirked as she remembered a very lively party she had taken part in. Walking in she took a seat in the corner and the serving wench soon was over to ask for their food. The place was fairly elegant but sometimes the purple could be to much, she saw that they had added some other colors to the decor and she was happy of it. Turning to the Captain she spoke, "So how are you feeling after the night of drinking?"


This was a place he had been before, only a few times but Aran knew it all the same. Looking at Jaydena as she spoke, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Afternoon, early afternoon. I know we were drunk but I remember that much at least. And I feel fine, except for the remnants of your hangover.” While Aes Sedai made oaths to tell the truth, it seemed that a goodly amount of alcohol and a bit of confusion could lead an Aes Sedai astray. Nevermind how much she had managed to confuse him the moment they had stepped out of her room. Well, if nothing else it meant there was always a chance.


Pointing over at one of the tables, one in a corner which hadn’t been taken, Aran smiled. “That looks like a private enough place to sit down and have a meal, if you would lead the way of course.” He’d even pull the seat out for her, after all she was now his bonded for at least the duration of the week. It was the least he could do after all, and in the meantime he could think of other things to do with the bond as they talked.


Jaydena smiled at the serving girl and thought about what she wanted for a moment before answering, "I think I will have a steak medium rare, a baked potato, some garlic bread, and spring peas." The captain ordered and then she smiled, "I intend to burn some fuel tonight so you had better eat up." She winked at him and smirked. Of course she was interested in him, she hadn't met a man she would consider sleeping with in a very long time. A part of her wondered if she was doing this to push aside her feelings for Sirayn or if she was doing this to make herself feel beautiful and a woman again. "So what do you do around the Tower, besides tell Aes Sedai that their forms are horrible?"


“Well, I heckle Tower Guards and I push our trainees about of course, doing all the things that good captains would do.” Smirking back at her, Aran was about to say something else when the serving girl returned with a pair of glasses and a decanter of water. Pouring water for both their glasses, Aran smiled as he lifted his glass to hers. “To good health.” As they took their glasses to their lips, Aran couldn’t help himself. Taking every single feeling of lust and desire for Jaydena, he let them run riot through the bond even as she began to drink.


Jaydena choked on her drink and started coughing, spitting her drink right at the Captain as sat their smirking at her. Glaring at him, she worked on gaining her lung power again. When she did she pumped all her supressed emotion, all her nights of being alone, all her desire right back at him. Since she was sure she had been going without much longer than him, it should make him go red in the face. "Ahhhh so why does that not suprise me that you like to heckle the Tower Guards. Are you involved with someone, a girfriend, or are you bonded?" She smirked at him and hoped that he wasn't involved with anyone, the way his hands had been on her this morning.


Glad that the water fell a little short of him, her counterstroke through the bond knocked him a little off balance. His face gaining some colour, it wasn't from embarrassment and he just grinned at her as he pushed back with the bond in turn. He had an advantage, his feelings would hit her and hers to him, but her feelings would hit both of her gaidar and the women would return it even more strongly back into her. At least thats what he thought would happen. Heh, this was possibly the best idea ever. "I have a few friends, but I am not tied to any one in particular. Life as a Tower Guard makes such things difficult to maintain. Especially if you're called up for an assignment outside of Tar Valon. Why do you ask?" The last was said with a decidedly wicked grin.


Jade eyed him and felt her face flushing, working her best, she pulled her best Aes Sedai serene look and said, "Because I don't sleep with men who are taken by other women. I will not be the cause of you cheating on someone who might be bonded to one of my sisters. I have been cheated on and had my heart broken and would not return the favor to others. Also I find myself strangly interested in your prowness as a gaidin, it's been many years since I had a male warder or was interested in having one. I would possibly make an exception for you if we worked well together. Course I forget that you seem to find the bond something to laugh at." She smiled and took a sip of her drink, looking over the top at him.


Chuckling, Aran took a sip of his water in turn as he read the bond as best he could even as he mulled her words over. It sounded like her face wasn't the only reason people had kept clear of her, or rather, why she'd kept clear of people. She seemed to sense his feelings but he shrugged at her, it was natural to feel badly for people who had been cheated. That was why Aran never made any commitments to begin with because he was fairly sure he wouldn't hold to them. "I'm sorry to hear someone did that to you. As to a gaidin? I'd be excellent, you'd just need me to keep Raisa and Cairma in line no?"


Jaydena burst out laughing and shook her head, "Well Raisa is pretty calm most of the time but my Cairma, my goodness that woman has a temper on her and there are times I swear she needs a man. Of course she's very dedicated and I love her dearly. You know anyone in the Tower she might be interested in or anyone who might be interested in her." The serving woman came up and put their food down, they were silent for a few minutes as they both enjoyed their food...


Aran had cleared a portion of his plate by the time he was ready to slow down and talk. After all, he'd hardly eaten all day since most of it had been spent heckling Jaydena, drinking, sleeping and now this. At least his stomach was somewhat quelled for the moment, as well as Jaydena's for that matter. He was starting to get the hang of it now he felt. "Cairma will find someone when she is ready I think. But don't look to me to suggest anyone, I've tried playing matchmaker before and its very easy for it to go wrong." Grinning, Aran added. "The last time I did my hand was broken. Well learned lesson for me I think. And howabout you? If you don't mind me asking that is, is there truly no one?"


Jaydena looked away at his question, she wasn't sure how to answer this one without giving herself away. She didn't want everyone knowing that she had been with other woman, it was getting more common in the Tower, but she had been one of the first and she still knew what it felt like when people looked down at you. "I was in love with someone, they picked another person over me. I have feelings for someone else but that person dosen't return them and we rarely see each other these days. I am trying to stop those feelings, because they get in the way of moving on." She looked down at her food and eyed the steak, she didn't want to think about Sira or Seia, it made her heart hurt and she knew that he could feel it. Returning to his earlier comment she smiled, "Your hand was broken, I want to hear this story!"


“You don’t have that sort of money on you.” Grinning at the look he got from that, Aran shrugged at her. “What? It’s a very harrowing tale and I just, just, just…” Aran looked away as if he was terribly hurt but the bond told a different story altogether. “…very troubling time for me, I just gave some advice and it went horribly wrong. How was I meant to know that a young lad who was looking for the Mistress didn’t mean to woo her but to enroll? Or that telling him that the way to do so was to slap Ginae on the backside and run?”


She snorted at him, he was trying to tell her some sob story, but through the bond, she was feeling something entirely different. "My goodness Captain, who is Ginae, she is a Tower Guard or an Aes Sedai, cause your lucky all you got with a broken wrist if you gave that bad of advice."


“Not wrist.” Lifting up the hand that had been quite viciously stomped, Aran grinned. “Just about every single bone in this hand with one stomp while I was rolling about on the ground and laughing. Ginae is the Mistress of Trainees.” His grin growing wider, he continued. “The lad actually did it to, snuck up behind her and gave her the biggest smack then he ran the fifty yards. I don’t think anyone had done such a thing in years and the better part of the yards was out and watching.”


Jaydena found herself laughing like she hadn't laughed since the day she thought about killing herself in the river and had met Cairma. "So did you get healed by one of the Aes Sedai, cause if every bone in your hand snapped, you wouldn't be sitting her with a whole hand." She took his hand and felt along it, she didn't feel anything and no pain was coming through the bond. "You sound like quite the leader, is that the only thing you have done? Only bones that have been broken?"


Squeezing her hand before returning to his fork, Aran grinned at Jaydena. “Oh I’ve been injured plenty of times, but if you can’t take a blow then you shouldn’t give them to begin with, no? And I wouldn’t call myself a leader, but then I’m humble as I’ve said before. I shouldn’t brag or boast, in fact I think I should let you tell a story about yourself, surely you’ve been up to mischief at some point?”


Jaydena pondered his question as she chewed slowly on her steak, she was sure there were so many thing she had done in her life, over the years. After all she probably was more than five times older than the man sitting in front of her. Suddenly it came to her, "Well there was this time I came to a party at a Inn here in the city, it was a very special occasion, while at that occasion I had relations with three men and two women, and then I went home with one of the men. Course I was very young and a much different person then but still." She shook her head, of course after last night it didn't seem like she was a different person and look at her today, making out with this man she barely knew. Jade sighed and ate some more of her meat.


The forthrightness surprised Aran, that wasn’t something that the average Aes Sedai would have let slip. On the otherhand, when dealing with women or anyone for that matter, the rule of thumb was that everyone was different and acted differently despite their titles. It had been easy to put aside while they had been drinking, but sober that was a different matter. Maybe it was a mark that she trusted him, though her feelings were a mixture as she finished. Smiling, he sent warmth through the bond as he spoke. “Sounds like a wild party, but those feelings? There’s no reason to feel ashamed about it. Unless something went wrong?”


She considered his question for a few moment, "Well I suppose the fact that one of them died a short while later as my bonded and one of the others ended up bonded to someone else when she was supposed to be bonded to me. Another one ended up burning out right after being raised to Aes Sedai. So yes in a very short while it all went horribly wrong. I don't think that's exactly what you meant is it?" She smiled and pushed the sad thoughts away, thinking about all the loss would do nothing but drag up old hurts and ruin the day. "I guess you could say that it wasn't contact that fit an Aes Sedai, as a young woman who had just been raised to the shawl I was often looked down upon for my totally scandalous behavior as it was called back then. I hated being looked down on and so I changed as person to make everyone else happy. I honestly don't know if it made me happy but it made me get what a wanted in some ways and lose what I had in others."


She took a bite of the steak as she thought about how much she had changed as a person. It was true that over time, many people changed. You had to adapt to the world around her but she had went to extremes. She had become in so many ways the opposite of what she had been. As a young Sedai she had been so full of passion for the fight, for life, and everything around her. Now she was buried in duties and honor and so much more. Of course she still loved to fight and still believed in the cause, but there were times she wondered if she had changed in the wrong direction. Had she lost a sense of herself by changing so much? She looked back at her companion and smiled at the warm thoughts he was pumping into the ring. "Have you never changed yourself to help with the situation or to make others see you the way they wanted to?"


It sounded rough, and was made more so by the fact that Aran could feel Jaydena’s emotions through the bond. It would have been sometime since she had been raised which made those hurts she was feeling old hurts. Ones that still wounded her, Aran was fairly certain he would not have wanted to have felt them when they were raw. As he considered her and what she had said, the question he was asked brought a smile to his lips. “Not really to be honest. I’m happy to allow people to think I have changed, whatever keeps them happy I suppose, but what is underneath is still the same unless I myself want to change something. Or something happens that changes me, but I don’t change for the sake of others. If people don’t appreciate me as I am, then either there is something wrong with me or they aren’t worth my time. As there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, I guess that means those people aren’t worth my time. Well, except to heckle. Have to find some use for them after all.”


Jaydena nodded, she thought that a part of her understood that very well. "I guess that since I was burned I have started to change again. I'm not lovely, I am ugly and I can't expect that someone is going to want to be with me for my looks. I now have to rely on my talents and my wit, which from what others say isn't enough. I am just hiding behind the mask, afraid someone will notice me and yet hoping they do. I don't want to act the way others want me to but if I don't I will lose what little friends I have left. It feels like no one wants me or needs me anymore." She picked her drink up and then continued, "How can you tell what people are worth your time, for all you know there could be something lying under the surface, much more than you know. Look at us, I mean you wanted to heckle me and win a bet and I think things didn't turn out the way you thought they would when you walked up."


Jaydena nodded, she thought that a part of her understood that very well. "I guess that since I was burned I have started to change again. I'm not lovely, I am ugly and I can't expect that someone is going to want to be with me for my looks. I now have to rely on my talents and my wit, which from what others say isn't enough. I am just hiding behind the mask, afraid someone will notice me and yet hoping they do. I don't want to act the way others want me to but if I don't I will lose what little friends I have left. It feels like no one wants me or needs me anymore." She picked her drink up and then continued, "How can you tell what people are worth your time, for all you know there could be something lying under the surface, much more than you know. Look at us, I mean you wanted to heckle me and win a bet and I think things didn't turn out the way you thought they would when you walked up."


“No they didn’t, on the otherhand I can’t complain about how they ended up either.” Grinning, Aran chewed on a bit of meat while he sent warmth through the bond. Not the heat earlier that was desire, but more of reassurance and support. By the time he had swallowed he knew what he wanted to say. “You might have been burned but to say you are no longer lovely with any seriousness would be a lie. And do you really want someone who wants you simply for your looks? Or would you rather someone who doesn’t judge you by your looks and see’s something deeper instead? If someone only see’s your face then you can be fairly certain that it wasn’t ‘you’ they wanted. That’s the mark of someone who isn’t worth your time.”


Aran wasn’t finished there by any means. “As to anyone saying your talents and wit aren’t enough, give them the one finger salute. The mark of a real friend is someone who will see who you are and embrace that. They might object to something about you but they do it out of concern for you, not to judge you. If these friends of yours would so readily desert you for being yourself, were they friends to begin with? That’s the mark of someone who isn’t a true friend. Its one thing to want to be noticed, but if they are wanting you to be something you’re not then they aren’t noticing you, they’re using you. Or maybe I just don’t know what I’m talking about.” The last said with a self deprecating smile, the bond reflected his certainty. It also showed that he wasn’t trying to lecture her or talk down to her, there was still the same warmth that he had started his answer with.


Jaydena found herself blushing at his words and she wasn't sure how to respond to what he had said. It had been some time since anyone had given her a compliment of any kind and she realized exactly how much she missed it. You could only tell yourself so much that you were lovely or smart or brave before you started to feel like you were pumping yourself full of hot air for nothing. "Well I will try and remember that the next time that someone says something like that, I haven't had a lot of true friends over the years and most of them that I thought were my true friends have either stabbed me in the back, or misunderstood me and turned away." She picked up a piece of her bread and munched on it while she considered him and wondered what his story was, "So Captain where are you from, I don't detect an accent or anything from you?"


Glad to see she accepted what he said, it felt like it did a great deal of good for her. A tension that he hadn’t even realised was there seemed to ease a bit, the bond flowing a little more freely for it. He’d always known people were knotted but he’d always felt for those knots by stumbling over them one by one and untying them as he found them. He found he was taking things for granted to be able to sense with the bond, there was still a great deal of subtlety regarding it to be learned. Well, he’d have a week to do so but such thoughts quickly slipped away as she proceeded to ask him where he was from. He couldn’t help it? “Me? Oh I hide it but…” Aran sighed mightily as he proceeded to quickly butcher his language with a terrible, terrible accent. “I do be coming from Illian where I do be growing up as a young lad as the heir to a mighty house, do it no be clear to you for it do be very clear to me. In fact, if I do be saying so I do be wondering if you do be understanding what I do be saying when I do be doing what I do be doing as I do be speaking and be doing as I do being doing.”


Jaydena almost burst out laughing at his response, "Wow, you are from Illian and yet this is the first time I have heard you speak of that before this time, or speak like that for that matter. Let me see if I can figure out where you are from." She regarded him silently, looking him over, "Well you could Andorian, except your a little to short for a man from Andor, of course we do get short people on occasion. Maybe you are Mayene, but I don't think so either, you for sure are not Illian." She chewed on her steak as she considered where he might be from, there were many nations she could rule out because of skin color, or things like braids or bells in hair. The clothing style couldn't help her becuase so many people stepped away from their home nations when they came to Tar Valon, it was a mix of all nations. The warders seemed to do it the most and she wondered if that had anything to do with the Aes Sedai who forsaked their homeland and all they were before when they became Aes Sedai. "I don't suppose you are Cairhen?"


Laughing as Jaydena managed to pick him, Aran nodded as he spoke. "I am indeed. Cairhien is a fine enough place. Despite the completely agreeable individual I am, some fellows didn't like me and I felt it was in my best interests to go somewhere else. So, I came here and made my way, been some years since then but I can't say I regret it. Howabout you? I would try and guess where you are from but you transcend any one profile." A bit of flattery never hurt, besides she was pretty enough so she couldn't say he was lying.


Jaydena smirked at him, "Flattery will only get you so far Captain but than you. I am Andoran, though it has been many years since I saw my homeland. I grew up as a farmers child but when I was young my parents wanted to be merchants. They are long passed away but my family is now one of the most wealthy merchant families in the nation of Andor. I should go home and meet my great great nieces and nephews but we are supposed to break all ties to anything outside the Tower and have tired. Though I honestly feel that it might do me some good to have some time away from hidden agendas and back stabbing, there are times that the Tower feels like nothing but one big cesspool of dirty deals." Shaking her head she motioned to the waitress and asked for some chocolate cake, with a smile she said, "I try and watch my waist line but I figure I deserve to splurge on myself once and awhile and my waist still looks pretty good." Glancing down at her waist and up she looked back at the Captain. "What about you, is your family still living? I know you’re not as old as I am, but do you have any contact with them or did you break all ties?"


Now that was a question that Aran had once completely avoided and easily slipped around, but there were truths and then there were truths. Besides which, the bond made it difficult to conceal so he had little choice in the matter. He did have a choice in what he said and how he said it though. “Not to family no. My mother died when I was young, and my father before I came to Tar Valon. I have some people I consider family that I still hear from once in awhile, and then there are those I know here.” Shifting the focus from himself back to her, Aran continued. “You know, I have never understood that rule. Well, I can understand that the Tower might not want people pushing the agendas of their family in the Tower, but at the same time if you cut yourself off from the outside, then what do you have left?”


She noticed that he didn't answer very much and there were some conflicting comments coming through the bond but she let it slide, she didn't know him well enough to push him on the point. "I'm sorry for your loss, I don't know how close you were to them. My Mother after I came to the Tower and my brother wouldn't speak to me after she did, he blamed me for her death, he felt that if I really could channel than I should have been able to save her and then I should have stayed until she died. She was the main person behind me coming to the Tower, she wanted me to so badly, she helped me sneak away from my betrothed in the middle of the night. I wanted to stay but she wouldn't let me, my brother died without us ever dealing with his feelings." She shook her head sadly and then smiled at him, "I never totally understood that rule either but it has something to do with focusing all your attention on the Power, getting better, choosing your cause and living by it. You are supposed to live, eat, and breath the power and in the Greens, fighting the Shadow for the Tower and humanity. That is in fact why we aren't supposed to have relationships of any kinds with anyone, and especially our gaidin or gaidar, not that alot listen to that but it's the way it is."


"I am sorry for your loss in turn, the wheel is not always kind." Using the bond as best he could to help assauge her feelings, Aran contemplated what to say next. He understood what she meant about the Aes Sedai focusing on the power, but to him it had always missed one very vital point. One which was the reason why Jaydena, why Aramina, why Aes Sedai he had known were incomplete, pained. "The rule should change then. The rule expects sisters to forget parts of themselves which they shouldn't have to. What would be the point of fighting as a Green Sister if you had to forget what you were fighting for except as some concept or sense of duty? Sisters should ignore the rule."


Jaydena smiled sadly at him and spoke softly, "The pain has faded, it hasn't gone away totally but it has faded. It has been many years since I lost my Mother or since my father died. I have had many many pains in my life and lost more than one person I cared for or loved. I live with it and I move on. You are fighting for all those people that you don't know or haven't met, all the people you love, who you can't have contact with, the ones you care for in the Tower who don't care to fight. Mostly it's the people who don't believe Trollocs exist and hate Aes Sedai, those are the people we are fighting for. Things don't get ignored in the Tower, it's all about rules and structure and nothing gets ignored. A pin can drop in the Green Halls and everyone in the entire Towers knows who did it, when they did it, and why they did it, oh and who they did it for." She smiled and sipped on her drink...


Finishing his meal as Jaydena spoke, Aran set his cutlery on the plate as he contemplated what she said. He disagreed with it still, but then he’d formed very definite ideas over the years when it came to Aes Sedai. While it was one thing to look from the top to those below, it was a different thing to be one of those at the bottom looking up. Not that Aran could have genuinely said he looked ‘up’ at anyone, there was still a difference to be found. “Is all of that enough? Or rather, should it be enough?” Softly spoken and offered with a measure of seriousness, it soon disappeared as a grin came back to Aran’s face. “Should work on that dessert while you still can, otherwise I’ll have to eat it for you.”


Jaydena smiled at him and watched as he finished his meal, for some reason his meal had looked really good to her, but she had stuck with what she had ordered “Is all of that enough? Or rather, should it be enough?” She thought on what he said for several moments and stared down at her food, before she had a chance to answer, he chimed in with, “Should work on that dessert while you still can, otherwise I’ll have to eat it for you.” She looked down at the thing she had been stabbing with her fork and shoved it over at him, she tried for a note of flirtation and said, "I would rather have you for dessert instead." It lacked conviction and her smile kind of faded off, she didn't think the man was interested in her, he hadn't really responded to their kisses and he had refused her bed. She didn't know any red blooded male that would refuse an offer of going to bed with someone with her body. Jade wasn't vain but she knew that she still had a very nice body that she worked hard to take care of. She looked away from him and spoke, "I think that it's not enough, but I can't change what is. The Tower takes thirty years to change just one law it seems. No worries, someday I will find something to complete me and someone to love me the way I need to be loved, without the worries, or the doubts, or the lack of trust. Someday..." She trailed off and blushed as she realized how much she had just said to him...


Aran would have smiled at Jaydena’s comment about dessert if he hadn’t been able to feel what was behind it. He would have said something about it right then if Jaydena hadn’t continued, and through the bond he understood her better than words ever could have conveyed it, loneliness. Stupid White Tower and its rules for leaving people hurt so. Still, at least there was hope amidst all of that, that was still there and with that, anything was possible. Well, if she went and met people that was, couldn’t just expect the perfect man to fall into one’s lap out of the blue. “You may I think.” Smiling at her now, the bond conveyed his concern and reassurance as he continued. “But what was that feeling there when you mentioned dessert? That wasn’t anything like earlier today.”


She snorted, "I have no confidence anything like that will ever happen Captain, I have given up hope. Everytime I start to think something might work out the rug is ripped out from under me. It seems to be a vicious circle and there are times I can't help but wonder if the Creator hates me for some reason. No one can have this bad of luck and still be alive. There are other times I think I could go for some time in bed with someone and it will heal the problem but there's a part of me that knows it's useless. That in the morning I will feel used, and cheated, and know that lust will never be enough. Light I want it to be enough but I know there will be this empty gaping hole in the morning. I mean I feel desire for you but I know that you could never love me because no one seems to anymore. Maybe I should do as they say, as a certain ex friend of mine says and forget about love and focus on the Tower." She sighed and looked down sadly at the table, it's wood shiny and polished from the many elbows that had graced it's top and the endless polishings. "I think I have given up, but you don't need to hear my sob story Captain. I suppose I should be getting back to my gaidars before they come searching for me."


Standing, Aran walked about the table to lay one hand on the back of the chair while his other was offered to Jaydena to help her stand. Taking her hand lightly as she stood, he stepped back to allow her to step clear but he didn’t let go of her either as he spoke quietly. “I wouldn’t demean what you feel by calling it a sob story, Jaydena. And your ex-friend is an idiot.” He felt the change in the bond at that comment but he pushed by it. “You will find someone, and it will make all the setbacks worth enduring. If you give up now, then all of that was for nothing and would you have it wasted?”


Not giving her the chance to answer as he took her arm in his, Aran led them out and onto the street as he continued. “Besides, what is love? Is it just that feeling that seizes you that you can’t control? If so, then you’re right, then I don’t.” That brought turmoil through the bond, but Aran soothed it as best he could with warmer feeling as he continued. “If, on the otherhand, love could also be being able to see a person unveiled and unmasked, all her flaws and fears revealed. If its seeing all of that and accepting rather than rejecting them, your certainty might just be misplaced.”


She eyed the man quietly for a few moments as they walked from the Inn, she hadn't thought that he had that much depth to him when she had met him earlier today but since putting the ring on she had been shocked over and over but his intellegence. Not only that but he had a good heart and that wasn't something you saw in alot of people, especially those in the Warders Yard, they saw enough people die and then they became bitter and angry. They then built a wall around their heart to protect themselves from hurting anymore, somehow this man didn't seem to have. She knew he could feel her shock but she just smiled softly at him and kept walking along. Jade chuckled softly as she thought about how her ex-friend would feel if she knew that the Captain had just called her an idiot.


The walked steadly along and before long they had reached the Tower, the man next to her waved up at the Guards and Warders on duty and she nodded at them, having adopted the Aes Sedai serenity that was required within the Tower walls. They reached her rooms a few minutes later and she could tell that one of the bundles that were her gaidar were inside, and a little upset. She turned to him and started to say goodbye.


"Ah, wait." Interposing her attempt to say goodbye, Aran wasn't quite done yet. As they had approached her room, her feelings had become easier to read, if mixed. There had been a hint of trepidation, some desire yet also reserve, other elements weaved around these feelings and Aran didn't want to leave it like that. It would be a bad way to start the week with her as a bondmate, and besides which she had no reason to feel that way. "Before we part ways for the night, unfortunately, I want to say something first."


"There are two reasons I'm not following you into your room. The first reason is that, as much fun as we could have, I don't want you to wake up in the morning feeling like you've been simply used. You wouldn't be, but its not me that needs to feel right about that, its you." The serious point out of the way, the other quickly followed with a grin. "The other reason is that your gaidar would probably beat me senseless for getting you drunk earlier." Letting the warmth of his feelings flow across to the bond, he disengaged his arm and took her hand instead, raising it up as he brushed it with his lips.


Jaydena nodded slowly and then reached out and cupped her hand around his cheek, "Nara, you are a good man, I think you try and hide it but being with you for a day has done me a world of good. I assume I will see you tomorrow, thank you for making me feel like a woman again and for not making me feel used." She smiled and him and kissed him on the cheek gently before she turned back to her room and opened her door. Jade was going to introduce him to Cairma but before she had a chance to invite him in, he was already moving down the hall at a swift pace. Shaking her head, she chuckled and walked into the room. Cairma was waiting for her with her arms crossed, Jade arched her eyebrow at the other woman and spoke, "You want to tell me what you are all worried about my head?"


Aran & Jaydena

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Like most mornings Cairma was able to dull the bond as the usual pain would rp though her. She was used to it, she could deal with it. Jaydena, however, would not be able to were she ever awake as earily as Cairma was. Most mornings that was. It would seem that over the past 24 hours Jaydena was also dulling the bond as Cairma had been. Cairma knew exactly where her bonded was but she had not realized how much an effect the woman's ability to out drink what she suspected Aran could would effect her the way it did and the rebound effect of it was nearly disasterous on her that morning. Too Dangerous. She needed an answer. Keeping her own worries from her mind, the emotional rollercoaster of her bonded had her additionally worried, and her concern for Jaydena grew as the day went by and her whereabouts changed from Tar Valon, the Tower...


Reflectively she had only been bonded to Jaydena for a very short time, but her friendship and love for the woman was respectful, and Jaydena could do little wrong as long as they were on the understanding of keeping things open between them. it was true Cairma held one thing a secret, but even she wasn't entirely sure until that morning how much she needed to tell Jaydena some form of the truth. But it would have to wait. Quid pro quo.


Cairma frown deeply as she paused at the doorway into the Green Ajah Halls. The day had been unusually quit in the Warders Yard. Fior was training more and more on his own which meant that his time as a Trainee was nearing an end. But there was something else, something that she could not quite put her finger on. Maybe she was loosing her mind, or was what is happening to her was effecting her judgement. Shaking her head to herself in a half scold, she could feel Jaydena heading her way, towards the Tower at least. Maybe a visit from a concerned Gaidar will put a few things back right.


Opening her door to Jaydena's room, Cairma stood waiting for Jaydena to enter. She felt a little naked, still, without Beast on her back, but the two swords at her side and the Heron mark also on her hip, it was hard to say exactly how armed Cairma really was. And today, none of them were going to be of any use in this fight. Light.. i'm thinking of this like a battle. Surely there was more to this whole 'bonded' thing than defending and befriending.


Her arms were crossed and her stance was stiff fro mthe training bored into her, she looked to Jaydena as a feeling of guilt washed over the bond.


"Please tell me that last night was only a one time thing, along with the bond numbing." Her look was full of concern. "Out of the time I have been bonded to you I have not felt such a range of emotions, although dulled, since the last time we drank together. What happened to you?"




Cairma Vishnu

Bonded Grandmaster! *w00t!*

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Cairma held the door open for her and Jade offered her a smile, she didn’t look back around again to see if the Captain was in sight. Cairma shut the door behind her and Jade walked over to get herself a glass of water. A cough sounded behind her and she turned around to see Cairma standing with her arms folded in a very defensive stance. She eyed the woman and arched and eyebrow, she could feel the emotions coming through the bond and she was very confused about why Cairma was so concerned about her, the worry was very strong as well.


"Please tell me that last night was only a one time thing, along with the bond numbing.. Out of the time I have been bonded to you I have not felt such a range of emotions, although dulled, since the last time we drank together. What happened to you?" Jaydena smiled at her, “I met a man last night, he was very nice to me, he actually started out by telling me how horrible I am at the Sword forms, which you of course know how pissed that made me. It turned out that he did it as a bet, can you believe that?”


She wandered over and grabbed a handful of berries out of the glass jar in the kitchen and came back to Cairma. “Sorry, I am just so hungry lately, I find myself eating things I have never really liked before, I have had the oddest urges for berries lately. Today while I was in town I bought five pounds of chocolate covered blueberries and other berries, and some cinnamon sitcks.” She grinned at Cairma and spoke again, “We ended up going drinking and there was some very heavy flirting, he’s a real charmer, little short for my taste though. Don’t worry I didn’t sleep with him if that’s what your worried about, well I did sleep with him in the same bed but nothing happened.”


Cairma should have had a few warning bells go off, but she dismissed the fact that she had been with someone and more concerned over the actual emotional swings Cairma had felt in the past 24..no 12 hours. There was more than one reason why she had dedicated herself to Jaydena. She wanted to grow past what had happened while she was away from the Tower and to push forward. Placing her life on the line in front of Jaydena gave herself a purpose and a reason to stay at in the Yards. Even she was willing to admit that it was a little hard pressed to think of returning after what had occurred between her and Aran. But she was willing to bet, and win, that neither of them could accepted what had transpired between them and keep it that way. Cairma was no fool. ..or maybe I am.


"I'm not bothered by who you sleep with, Jaydena." Cairma's face was soft, and she was honestly sincere. It didn't bother her. "But your.." she redeemed herself by not wincing, "Drinking quantity and emotional mind set has me worried. Not that I don't mind the odd drink, even in larger quantities, but whatever amount you had gave me a hangover. How am I suppose to protect you when I'm half drunk on something you drank?" Her tone was not lecturing, but she spoke out of concern from one friend to anouther. "Dare I even ask who enticed you into such a drinking contest?" Cairma inwardly winced at asking. There were a few that might, but one stood out, but would he dare do that to her? Not that she wouldn't put it past him, but it was enough to make her shutter.


Jaydena eyed her warder, her heart aching, "You think I have a drinking problem? I have only drank with you the one time and with Captain Nara this time. I don't have a drinking problem, but after all that has happened to me, would be so bad if I drank to bury the paint once in awhile. Everytime I see her walking through the Tower it reminds me of what I lost." She looked down and her feet for a moment and then continued, "Oh yes I am supposed to say Captain Nara is all that is great in wonderful, little man drank me under the table."


She still had the bond mutted so she did feel the shock coming through the bond and since she was looking at her feet she didn’t see Cairma’s voice. Jade had no idea how mad her warder was until she heard the gasp and the growl, followed by something hitting the wall. She glanced up in shock and saw that a book had landed on the wall and slide down. “Light what is wrong Cairma?”


Captain.. Nara...... Burn him.. Blood and ashes burn that son of a goat. Cairma's mind flashed a little to the last grin that Aran had given her. That man was always up to something, there was no doubt about it, but she had expected him, ..no, had demanded of him that he respect her privacy and let her move on and keep her life in the Yards. After all that had transpired in Adalon she had not been entirely sure if she had wanted to come back to Tar Valon. But the Yards was more her home than anywhere else and she wasn't ready to give that up, not yet. She decided to embrace her life and actually work towards the end instead of just her training. She had submitted to bonding and pledged her life to the Tower as more than just a Tower guard and gave her life a little more meaning, and a purpose. And now.. Aran..


Her hand found the closest thing near her and it found itself on the other side of the room, harmless and without breaking something, even though her hand twitched by the handle of the blades by her hips. If she still had beast she would have mindlessly gone for those and stormed out of the room to find Aran. But that was the old Cairma. The one that had no reign on her temper. The one that still hid the fact that she loved someone.. But Cairma had embraced her life. However, that didn't make her any less angry. In fact, it just made her more acutely aware of how angry she was, and think of more than simply beating the snot out of the man. She wanted to dominate him and have him step down and away. She couldn't play that game of cat and mouse with him. it was not like that between them.


"All that is great and wonderful?" She took a deep breath, and forced down her anger as a bubble of laughter started to tickle within her. "Is that what he said?" Light Aran... Cairma's mood swings started to fly off the handle a little as she felt herself almost ready to cry. She wasn't sad, but ... burn him..


"It doesn't surprise me that he could out drink you. Aran can out drink everyone in the Yards." Cairma paused as she spoke the man's real name. "I don't mind you hanging out with him, or drinking with him." Cairma grew silent, in her emotions and with her thoughts, nearly completely cut off. "I must go, Jaydena. There is someone I need to meet, and I doubt that i will have much opportunity to meet up with him." If she was going to figure herself out, she needed to do it now, before anything else happened. She needed an Answer, and only Brand could give it to her..


Jaydena stiffened in shock, horror clouding her brain. Aran, that man had been Aran, the man she had heard so much about from Cairma, the one that Cairma loved. Jade knew enough to know the woman loved him, everytime she spoke of him it shot through the bond at her, along with a fair amount of amusement and annoyance. She turned and looked at Cairma, “Oh Cairma, I didn’t know I swear it, I had no idea it was him. He told me his name was Nara and he came onto me and Oh light Cairma I almost slept with him. I kissed him more than once and I put my hands places that I haven’t touched a man in years.” A sob escaped her lips, her heart breaking, she didn’t for a moment think how mad she should be at him for lying and injuring Cairma like this, all she thought of was how she had hurt this beloved Gaidar that had come to mean so very much to her. “Strike me down now Cairma, I swore I would never touch another woman’s love or lover and I have betrayed my own pact. Kill me. I swore I would let that person kill me and I am bound by the three oaths. Kill me now.” She kneeled down on the floor and exposed her neck, waiting for the blade at Cairma’s side to take her lifesbreath from her as she prayed to the creator and said her last silent good-byes.


It was a reaction far beyond what Cairma had expected and as the bond came crashing down around her, she struggled with her roller coaster emotions. "Light Jaydena! Get up!" Her voice almost sounded more frantic than it had been meant to be, but light burn her, she would not see her Aes Sedai fall apart on her. "You didn't know! And it is hardly your fault." It was Arans and Light he was going to have some major explaining to do. Cairma moved to where Jaydena was, "Light Jaydena. Pease don't."





Cairma & Jaydena

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