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Wandering the yard


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Nightwatch was new to Tar Valon an new nothing about it other than what he had read in books, but he wanded over to the Warder's Yard where he saw a few men and women training. He knew one day he wanted to become a warder.


He made his way over to a large oak and stood in the shade and watched the others train. His blue coat rustled in the slight breeze. It was a nice day out, a good day to train, but new to Tar Valon and the Tower, he wanted to explore a little and start to know his way around.


He found his way to the stables where he spent an hour with his steed. After a while longer of walking the grounds he made his way into what seemed to be an infirmary.


He heard a voice behind him as he walked around the halls, spinning around to see who had found him...

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