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Mistborn, Enders Game, and Mitt Romney


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I recently finished the first novel of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series The Final Empire. Having only weeks before read Ender's Game with my son (who was reading it for a book report), I couldn't help but notice the similarities between both author's treatment of their main characters ascent to god-ness. It seemed that both Kelsier (and eventually Vin if I can speculate a theory while not having read books two and three) and Ender achieve a level of god-ness, becoming both a destroyer of one world and helping to create another. I wonder if the fact that both Sanderson and Orson Scott Card are Mormons provide some common ground for the way these two very different authors approach the hero myth and subsequently how this might affect the final books of The Wheel of Time. I found myself wondering how much creative license Sanderson has with the overall story and if his final vision could be slightly (or even more than slightly) different from that of Robert Jordan. Either way, it makes for interesting speculation.


The fact that we might have our first Mormon president getting ready to take office in a little more than a year certainly makes this a timely topic...okay, not really, but still...


Yes but after Enders Game, Ender is treated as someone who started a holocaust. That's why he goes by David in Speaker of the Dead and the book touches upon that subject. You aren't far off with Kelsier and I won't spoil what happens to Vin and Elend.


Either way, the paths to god-ness are eerily similar but I can also think of other characters who you can fit the mold that are not of Mormon authorship.


i dont think we have to worry about Sanderson letting his beliefs altering the ending from what RJ wanted. if he was, we'd have seen a change in the last two books, of which there are none. RJ left alot of notes, especially dealing with the end and Brandon is originally a fan of the series :happy: so he's treating the series with lots of respect.



as for OSC, i've only read "Empire" and "Hidden Empire", which had a heavily rigth wing biased too it, but was a very enjoyable Political Thrilller.


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