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Tower of Midnight?


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I was looking at the map of Seanchean in the world and i was curious as to what the Tower of Midnight is (in Imfarel).

Is this ever mentioned or is it a misprint for Tower of Ravens? Or is it just a random thing that has no story and no consequence?

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Question: We know the Tower of Ravens located in the Seanchan capital city is used as an imperial prison especially for members of the blood, but there is also a reference to the first marath damane shaking the Towers of Midnight. Are the Towers of Midnight also a prison? Can you tell us more about them? (Some of this question paraphrased)?


Jordan: There are thirteen towers of midnight. The Towers of Midnight are a fortress complex, and were, at the time this happened, Shandar wasn’t the capital, and the Towers of Midnight were the center of military might, or the forces that were beginning the consolidation before the conquest of Seanchan.



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