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Yellow Ajah Poetry Competition - It has begun!


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As the title undoubtedly gives away, the Yellow Ajah is hosting a poetry competition!


*flashing lights go off and a applause track goes off*




The Basics!


You sign up with certain info (Listed later), from that info, I pair you up with someone that hopefully you don't know all that well. You then have a week to chat with that person and from what you know of them, you will write a poem about them. From there, your poem will be posted with all the others! In one thread, you'll be guessing to see which poem is about who. In other threads, you'll be voting on poems on various attribute such as humor and creativity.


"How do I sign up?"


Easy. All we need is your timezone, the best way to contact you (PM's, e-mail, msn, etc), and the best times to contact you. That way we can pair you up as best you can without too much missing each other.


When is this happening?


Sign ups end August 1st, which is when I'll be sending you all PM's with your pairings. From there you have until the 8th to get your poems submitted when is when the voting and guessing will begin.


And fear not, we have some great discussions that will be going on during the entire proceedings.


Sign up here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/61900-yellow-ajah-poetry-competition-sign-up/

or PM me if you'd be more comfortable with that. Just remember, contact info, timezone, and availability!

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