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Book Discussion: I Capture the Castle


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Allright, let's get this party started! *g*


I really hope I'm not the only person here who has read this book. Because really, what is there not to like about it?


First of all I found it very quirky and different. It's not your everyday love story, it's sort of sad, sort of happy, sort of romantic, and I really enjoyed it.


Anyone else?

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Did I mention I LOVE this book? So much. So much it's definately in my top ten.


What I love about I Capture the Castle is the whole... timelessness thing it has going on. It's set in the 30's but I can happily imagine it going on today or even in the future. It's so romantic but so unexpecting, and unusually for romantic novels, I think it's possible for a guy to enjoy this book. Everyone remembers (or is experiencing) all the crazy stuff that goes on in your head when you're a teenager. I live with my parents and I, like Cassandra, have days when I love them to pieces and other days when I despair.


I also love it's complete englishness. The eccentricity is just fabulous! In fact a while again I asked my Dad if he would consider writing a book and then losing his muse, because I desperately want to say "My Dad is a VERY famous author. But he's lost his muse". Of course, I would only be able to lock him in the Garage as opposed to Bellmotte Tower, but it'd be fun anyway =D

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Well I don't mid if we are the only two to know the awesome that is the best opening line in the existance of English Literature.


"I write this sitting in the Kitchen sink. Or rather my feet are it. The rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with the dog blanket and the tea cosy"


*definately didn't know that from memory*



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