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Hello wonderful Aes Sedai!


Kathleen and I have an rp idea that would take place in Murandy. I've already asked the Freelanders if they'd be interested in participating.


The basic rp outline goes as follows:


There's a Lady and a Lord in Murandy that are locked in a bitter rivalry, and their people are suffering because of it. The Lady asks the White Tower for aid, for less than honorable purpose.


So the White Tower would send an envoy/group/"mission, quest...thing", preferably led by a sister of the Gray Ajah, though possibly also from the Blue. We start by seeing the Lady and getting her perspective, but we also seek out the bandits and the rival lord to get their story of things, which is quite different. A catastrophe occurs which almost throws the region into further chaos, but we will be there to minimize the damage and fix things.


Would anyone be interested in playing the sister who is IC in charge of the envoy/delegation?


Kathleen Sedai would also participate since the problem involves violence for the Green Ajah to combat, and Visar would be sent to aid the delegation by his Aes Sedai, since the two have a temporary falling out. I and Kathleen are OOC in "charge" of the rp, though we'd welcome feedback and ideas if you have any.


Are there any Aes Sedai of Gray or Blue that would be interested in this sort of diplomatic and judicial investigation?


Well, I've got a shiney new Blue named Gera Mondwin who could probably be enticed to leave the Tower. :biggrin: She's a Salidar Aes Sedai, so about 60 in the main timeline, but only came to the Tower when she was in her early fifties.




Ok, this might take place somewhere along the lines of 10 years or so before the main timeline, not that I ever manage to make anything too cohesive with that LOL


The leader of the envoy would be someone interested in both settling the dispute and the cause of the matter, so either a Gray or a Blue would be able to do it I think. A Blue Ajah sister such as your character might be interested in the cause of preventing bloodshed and unstability in the region perhaps, a need to settle things more peaceably between the two parties. What causes does your character hold dear to her heart? Would this be one of them?


A Gray would be interested primarily in resolving things diplomatically if there was any problem, and making a final judgment as an arbitrator between the two parties. Let me pm the Gray head real quick to see if she insists on the Gray Ajah being a part of this, but I think that a sister of the Blue Ajah could do just as well. I'll get back to you on that as soon as I can, and thank you so much for offering to help! I will most likely let you do the honors, just want to double check on the Grays to make sure they don't feel left out ;)


Gera was allowed to come to the Tower because the Aes Sedai realized how close Tarmon Gaidon must be, so they began accepting women of any age... because of that, Gera feels that everything the Tower does, everything the world does, should be aimed at preparing for Tarmon Gaidon. Now, how Gera seeks to prepare the world is her network, her connection to the world.


She would leap at the chance to go on a delegation like this, first because their feuding obviously doesn't serve the interests of the Tower or the World, and secondly because it would allow her to plant a few eyes and ears in a new region.


Excellent! We'll have you aboard, and I believe Jagen Sedai would like to join us as well! yay!


Ok: For our Aes Sedai delegation we have:

Gera Mondwin Sedai of the Blue

Jagen Sedai's of the Gray character (forgot her name, sry!)

Kathleen Sedai of the Green


And Visar Falmaien, of the Warders, is tagging along for added protection :P

And we have a couple wonderful freelanders to rp our noble lord, their son and daughter, and a bandit leader. I'll go ahead and rp as the Lady that should be fun in trying to be deceptive :P


We just need to get ttpc bios in, and get everyone on the same page for the rp. I will suggest that we do the rp planning in the Freelander board titled: "Murandy RP". The RP will take place in general "South" since I don't believe Murandy is there as a country, or if it is it should be in the south lol.


Sound good? Pm me or post here or in the freelander board if you have any questions at all thanks a bunch!!!

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