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Information that you should know regarding the Blue Ajah in the DR PSW:


First Selector:


There is an rp that is about to be started regarding the switching of Ajah Heads from Serena Sedai to Asyndara Sedai. Look for more information here in the (hopefully) near future.





We're currently working on where exactly in the main timeline we are. I will have more information for you as soon as the higher ups *g * figure it out. As of right now these are important things that have happened in the DR PSW -


*Dragon has been reborn and has proclaimed himself as such

*Bowl of Winds has been found

*WT has an uneasy alliance with the BT

*Red Ajah has started accepting bonds, ONLY with Asha'man

*Blue Ajah members are allowed to bond a Warder or an Asha'man, but may only have one at a time.



Blue Ajah special stuff that you didn’t know you wanted to know (!) :



1. The Head of the Blue Ajah, who no one but our Blue Sisters knows the identity of, is called the First Selector.


2. It is Blue Ajah custom that sisters should not marry so that they can instead focus on their duties and stand as example to the others of the Tower where our priorities should lay first and foremost.


3. There is long standing animosity with the Red Ajah. (Only two Amyrlin Seats have ever been removed from office, both Red and both replaced with Blues.) Now, make no mistake, the Blues don’t dislike the Reds on sheer principle or even necessarily because they seek to gentle males… however where the problem comes in, is that Reds and Blues agree on the problem but not the solution. Blues for example are particularly passionate about their causes as are the Reds, this combined with the idea that Blues work towards cures to problems while Reds are about prevention makes them a volatile mix. Reds see Blues as meddlers who don’t know when to give up, while Blues view Reds as women stuck in tradition who are afraid to do whatever it takes to solve the problem for all eternity. Reds also see Blues as cold, not caring who or what they hurt in getting the “cure” to whatever problem they’re working on… Blues see Reds as cold because they are so concerned with preventing problems that they are blind that the problems they wish to prevent will always be there if no “cure” is found. So it is often said that two Ajahs who are both so passionate are likely to never see eye to eye. As such no Blue Sister ever wears the color red to demonstrate a unity in their dislike of the Red Ajah and their ways and vice versa.


4. The Blue Ajah has a secret weave that controls insects & one that induces fear.


5. Most recently raised Blue gives the shawl to the new Sister. Youngest Blue lays shawl on shoulders of new Sister and welcomes them to the Blue Ajah. Then they are taken back to the Ajah Hallway where all Blues welcome them clad in their own shawls. Every sixth sister who welcomes them they owe a pie to. Once this is done the new Sister is clad only in her shawl and given a tour of the tower and grounds so everyone can welcome her. During the tour the tour guide (an older sister) tells the new sister about customs and traditions of the Ajah.


6. Every new Sister is given a Staff when she is raised to the Shawl and asked to add something personal to the Staff. When she returns to the Creator (ie: dies) the staff is passed to another Blue. Each Staff given is a legacy of the Ajah and a symbol of Ajah pride as much as the Shawl is… and it's less conspicuous.


The Sisters of the Blue Ajah while small is often seen as the most influential Ajah in the White Tower. Each Sister takes for herself causes which are inspired by her pasts or what she wants for the future. Each plays roles in politics and justice, interacting with other Ajahs, Kings and Commoners alike. To the outsider, it may seem like a Blue Sister is a cold and scheming woman bent on her own ideals, but in truth Blue Sisters are perhaps some of the most passionate women in the White Tower. To be Blue is to dream, to strive and to persevere to victory.

Edited by keyholder21
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