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Elayne's Ter'angreal


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I am of the opinion that Elayne would know if ter'angreal needed Saidin in order to create a perfect copy. There are several reasons for this:

1) It has been shown multiple times that Elayne and Egwene, and all female channelers, can detect Saidin as an invisible force that deflects their weaves. Elayne probes the ter'angreal that she intends to copy, and would not fail to detect invisible weaves and missing gaps in the ter'angreal.

2) We see from Elayne's POV several times that she quickly understands what is wrong with her copies, and why they do not work. She is able to get an impression, much like Nynaeve gets the impression of emotions from ter'angreal. For instance, when trying to copy the original dream ring, she felt that the stone didn't matter, but somehow the colors did. And when copying the foxhead ter'angreal, she thought the shape didn't matter, but the amount of metal did. I believe that this is part of her Talent to make ter'angreal that she can feel these nuances, but is not yet experienced enough to fix the problems.

3) Aes Sedai have been studying ter'angreal for long periods of time, and while we have never really heard anyone other than Elayne discuss the weaves inside the ter'angreal, I would like to think that it would be mentioned if the Aes Sedai who were studying them thought they had Saidin in them.


Perhaps male and female channeling is required for some ter'angreal, but for the ones that we have seen so far, I do not think so. Maybe angreal and sa'angreal require both, but we have yet to see if Elayne has studied one yet.


I think that also answers the question of where the Seanchan Domination Bands came from: Semirhage. She made them because they only required Saidar, and stuff like angreal required both Saidin and Saidar, and no male forsaken is going to willingly link with her in order to make one. And she isn't going to stoop to begging Demandred to allow her to link with a Darkfriend Asha'man, and I doubt Demandred would allow her to do it anyways.


The Seanchan bloodknives were from the Age of Legends, and they have a limited supply, unable to copy them.


I am of the opinion that Elayne would know if ter'angreal needed Saidin in order to create a perfect copy. There are several reasons for this:

1) It has been shown multiple times that Elayne and Egwene, and all female channelers, can detect Saidin as an invisible force that deflects their weaves. Elayne probes the ter'angreal that she intends to copy, and would not fail to detect invisible weaves and missing gaps in the ter'angreal.

2) We see from Elayne's POV several times that she quickly understands what is wrong with her copies, and why they do not work. She is able to get an impression, much like Nynaeve gets the impression of emotions from ter'angreal. For instance, when trying to copy the original dream ring, she felt that the stone didn't matter, but somehow the colors did. And when copying the foxhead ter'angreal, she thought the shape didn't matter, but the amount of metal did. I believe that this is part of her Talent to make ter'angreal that she can feel these nuances, but is not yet experienced enough to fix the problems.

3) Aes Sedai have been studying ter'angreal for long periods of time, and while we have never really heard anyone other than Elayne discuss the weaves inside the ter'angreal, I would like to think that it would be mentioned if the Aes Sedai who were studying them thought they had Saidin in them.


Perhaps male and female channeling is required for some ter'angreal, but for the ones that we have seen so far, I do not think so. Maybe angreal and sa'angreal require both, but we have yet to see if Elayne has studied one yet.


I think that also answers the question of where the Seanchan Domination Bands came from: Semirhage. She made them because they only required Saidar, and stuff like angreal required both Saidin and Saidar, and no male forsaken is going to willingly link with her in order to make one. And she isn't going to stoop to begging Demandred to allow her to link with a Darkfriend Asha'man, and I doubt Demandred would allow her to do it anyways.


The Seanchan bloodknives were from the Age of Legends, and they have a limited supply, unable to copy them.

I don't necessarily buy the theory that Elayne is having problems creating ter'angreal because she is not working together with a man. But she doesn't detect anything like saidin in the Bowl of the Winds which is most likely made using both saidin and saidar. She and Nyn tell the Aes Sedai in Salidar that the bowl might need saidin to work it but that's just a pure lie to make them support Rand. when the bowl is actually used it draws saidin by itself which as I said likely means that saidin was used in its making.


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