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Ta'veren and the Horn


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I was recently pouring over the series in expectation for ToM and got struck by the following thought. Just precisely what is the relation between ta'veren and the Heroes of the Horn? From my understanding, Brigitte is still a Hero, but she's a not ta'veren else something tells me that that would have been noticed by Nicola and other Salidar folks. Yet, she clearly has a long life and beyond that she has led a life that has had a role in shaping important world events, the same goes for all others. But to my understanding, she is not ta'veren. On the other hand, Hawkwing is both the leader(I would think based on how they were written in tGH) of the Heroes and a very important ta'veren, is there a connection between the two or are the two roles independent of one another?


The reason why I ask is because Verin described Mat as the most powerfully ta'veren person in centuries, and in my opiniion perhaps among the top ones out there given the role that he will play, the same I presume goes for Perrin. Yet there is no mention of Mat/Perrin-like figures among the Heroes, even among the legends that are told of the Heroes. If they aren't Heroes of the Horn cast out, then just what does Rand's role as a ta'veren have to do with his role as the Dragon, I know they are inseperable but is he one because of the other or are they...two sets of powers that he has simultaneously that aren't related. TO add to that is there a Dragon figure among the Heroes?


I think that there are many questions that have yet to be answered about the nature of the Horn/ta'veren and the interaction between the two. Any comments or thoughts?


It is likely that Mat will be bound to the Horn this time, maybe Perrin too.


Also, most ta'veren are that only for some part of their lives, so Birgitte might become ta'veren in the future. I believe that Heroes aren't ta'veren except when the Wheel requires them to be, though Rand is a likely exception. I also believe that Lan and Nynaeve are Anselan and Barashelle reborn, so you shouldn't put too much value on what I say. :biggrin:


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