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Robert Laurel rode across the bridge into Tar Valon, examining the Shining Walls as he crossed the Erinin into the City. Sharra would follow him later after seeing the reaction he got. The company was dead, gone, dispersed to the four winds, and Robert preferred to find a place in a established outfit and not have to worry about such finds as finding food and shelter. The guards at the gate directed him to the Guard's barracks. He passed through Tarloman's Gate, open at this time of day, and made his way to the Guard's recruiting office. He dismounted and tied Bruiser up to a hitching post just outside the headquarters building.


Robert looked himself up and down to make sure of his appearance. Everything looked in order. His weapons and armor were of good quality, but showed signs of hard use. HIs armor was polished until it gleamed. No full plate today, just chain with a breastplate. You didn't wear full plate unless you were intending to fight real soon. It was tiring and hot and wore a man or woman down quickly.


Squaring his shoulders, he walked with what he hoped was a confident stride into the reception area and went up to the front desk. "I would like to join the Guard, please." It never hurt to be polite.


Desk duty. He was on desk duty. For the second time that week, no less! Visar sighed and slowly went through paperwork. His handwriting was much better these days, and only occasionally would he make some minor grammatical mistake. It was enough to be useful at one of the desks where they processed newcomers.


It was on such a rather slow day that Visar appraised a new arrival. He was tall and strongly built, looking most likely Andoran or Murandian; Visar couldn't really tell the difference, but with this one's dress and demeanor, he would have instantly guessed Andoran. Murandians tended to look less confident and more...sly and cautious, as if they expected anyone around them to suddenly draw a knife on them, even if it was their brother or sister they had known for years.


This man came in full mail armor as if he expected to ride instantly into battle, yet Visar had never seen him in the Tar Valon guard; nor did he bear the insignia of the Flame on a coat or tabard. The new arrival was certainly impressive in his raiment, not as tired as you might expect someone having just traveled here, and in full mail no less. Yet there was a telling bounce to his step that could only betray his youthful features.


"I would like to join the Guard, please."


That would explain it, thought Visar to himself. Bluntly yet politely stating his intentions. Very soldier like; the man looked like he had had some military training.


"You wish to join the Tower Guard? Very well, if you will give me your name, where you are from, and any further information you would like us to know to consider your application, I will do my best to process you without delay."


There was a system to this. One could not just waltz up and join the Guard, though Visar had been very lucky to be allowed to become a trainee. He had had almost nothing on him other than rags and a stolen sword when he had arrived on a cold winter's day some years before. He had since returned the sword and paid for his crimes through service to the Tower, but there was rarely a day that went by that he did not think about his past and what would have happened if he had been rejected by the White Tower.


But first things first, Visar needed to get to know this applicant to the guard. If he had letters of recommendation from a guard unit elsewhere, such as the Queen's Guard in Caemlyn, then things would most likely go very well for this young man. But if he had forgotten something so basic as letters of reference, or unable to state his case convincingly, he might be turned down. There were not many open positions in the Tower Guard these days, and almost all of those had been screened carefully for backgrounds and put through the rigorous trainee program to prove their worth. Certain circumstances aside, this would be no different.

Posted (edited)

Robert sat in the proferred chair and told the other of his history. "My name is Robert Laurel and I'm from Caemlyn. I'm a younger son, so there was no chance I would inherit. When I was young I showed an aptitude for soldiering, so my father gave me the best training from two retired Tower Guardsmen he could afford and sent me out when I reached sixteen to find my own way." (That would explain the good quality (but not gaudy) equipment and clothing.) For the past two years I was with Paolo Hendrickson's Gold Eagles, but about eight weeks ago the company was ambushed in the Borderlands and Paolo was killed. The senior officers who were left decided to disband the company. I have a letter of recommendation from the senior officer surviving. I also have letters from the two Guardsmen who trained me. You know what it's llike on the Borderlands: constant action." He went on to describe his training. "I was trained as a heavy cavalryman. Longsword, mace and lance, but I can fight afoot as well as ahorse."

Edited by Robert Laurel

(ooc: never said it was gaudy :P )


The man had a confident tone in his voice as he explained his background, yet Visar found it almost hard to believe the young man had such experience at such a young age. Most soldiers really are mere boys, as they say; not that I was any different, he reflected to himself. He glanced at the paper. It looked legitimate enough.


"All right let me see what sort of openings we have. Please wait."


Visar sorted through several leather bound logbooks that held the rosters for the current companies of the Tower Guard. Almost all of them were listed at full strength, and even the reserve company had only three openings. Truly the Tower Guard was a popular job to apply for, in these dark and troublesome days. Sometimes Visar wished he was back in the Guard; it had its dull moments but it was certainly simpler and less dramatic than being a Warder to an Aes Sedai with another Warder. And yet, the overcrowding would surely raise the level of competition. He was of use where he was, and at least his Aes Sedai was reasonable enough to allow him to contribute his time to training new recruits. Some considerable minutes later, Visar sighed. He hated letting people down, but it was part of the duty sometimes. He did have a plan B to offer though. Hopefully the man would accept it.


"I don't believe we have many openings in the Tower Guard right now, though I can add your letters to the growing stack over here."

Visar showed the stack of papers he was sorting through. There were at least fifty applicants for only three positions and this was a reserve company, usually assigned duties within the Tower or city.


"But due to the times," Visar added, "We may have new companies being formed any week now, and I will make sure your application is considered. Can I interest you in our trainee program? For most Tower Guardsmen it is a requirement to serve at least two years as a trainee before graduated to become a full guardsmen. You aren't paid other than a small allowance for clothing and such, but you have full room and board in the White Tower grounds, you can loan the equipment you'll need though it looks like you came prepared, and you'll have plenty of practice to hone your skills. Men and women that excel in the trainee program generally have the first pickings of new openings, sometimes even having priority over more qualified and experienced applicants from outside. And while you're training as a trainee, who knows, perhaps a position will open up for you sooner than the end of the two years should you qualify. What do you think?"


Robert sat and considered for only a minute. "I'll take you up on your offer, sir. If you'll show me where I can stable my horse and my quarters, I'll get settled in." Robert followed the gaidin as he showed his newest trainee at first to the stables, and then to the trainee quarters. On the way he was shown where the practice field was, along with the salle des armes and other areas such as the mess hall. The stables were nice and airy and well kept. Bruiser was assigned to a stall and his gear was taken off placed on racks nearby. The stablehand assured Robert that his horse would be well taken of. When the two arrived at the trainee quarters, Robert thanked him and settled in, stowing his gear. He took off his chain mail hauberk and set it on the stand, followed by the quilted padding underneath. His helmet went on a shelf. His longsword went on a weapons rack nearby. He would go see Sharra later and get the rest of his possessions, such as spare clothing and spare weapons.


That done, Robert went outside and began to explore.

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