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blackmore's Introduction


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Hello. Just wanted to take a moment to greet everyone, and state that I'm very excited to be a part of this community! I have been reading WOT since the early 90's, Around the time TSR was released. It's been a rollercoaster ride, which is in keeping with the rest of my life. My interests are broad, and I consider myself a man with many facets. Some of my larger passions include: writing odd fiction, art of all sorts, music, from Bach-Slayer; from electonic music- organic folk... and most genres in between. There's a special place in my heart for Goth, and Drum n bass. I am Fascinated with Metaphysics and psychic phenomenon, including crystals, Tarot, dowsing, etc. A lover of outdoor activities as well, you're just as likely to catch me hiking or snowboarding as you are to see me in the movie theater. An avid gamer, I am part of the Atari 2600 generation, and have been hooked ever since. I also love traditional role[playing games, Chess, and "Munchkin". Most of all I try to live in the moment and have as much fun as possible. Life for me is about Aesthetics, those who cannot appreciate this are, in my opinion, missing the point. :smile:

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Welcome to DM, Blackmore.


If you like, feel free to check out our social communities. Since you mentioned writing, clicking my signature banner will bring you to our Writer's Guild sign-up. Enjoy!


/leaves thread like a ninja after plugging Writer's Guild

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