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DM Dispatch IV


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Welcome to DM Dispatch interviews, stories and regular round-up of news from around the forums. If you have a story that you think maybe of interest or news on marriages, promotions etc. send a PM to Goldeneys.



Coming up, a "de-banding" in the Band, the first Newb of the week, and a view at the Band proboards, are they pressing the PG-13 boundaries? All this and more on your one and only source for DM news, the DM Dispatch.


I'm sorry, the Dispatch has been put on hold for one or two more days, becayse the editor has pressing RL issues, I will post it as soon as possible. thank you for understanding.


An item of news for those interested in signatures. There is now a permanent signature aucion thread on Fiddlesticks.




If you are interested in a cool new sig... all you need to do is enter a number between 0-500 and if you are the closest without going over, the sig is yours. At which point, Ata will add words of your choosing to the picture.



Well, thank you so much for waiting.


I have been informed that the details of the debanding are to personal, but I will give the basic facts. Lanette was unhappy with her banded (Owan Bloodeye), and, this is the first debanding ever, which means must have thought Owan had some pretty major problems.


Well, moving on, I said that the band might has been push the PG-13 boundaries, but I have learned that the Bands Executive Officer Horn has edited the pictures that were...questionable.


Umm, yeah thanks for that Lanette.


Well, I had promised you the first Newb of the week interview this week, buut, we havent been on MSN at the same time, and so unfortunately we will have to wait until next week and have a different Newb. My sincerest apoligies to AniMajor the one who was going to be Newb of the week this week, if I did not have so many things going on in RL I would have gone to greater length's to make it work.


Also, as most of you will know by now, Elmindreda has Bonded Kadere, and they seem to be quite a happy couple, congratulations to you both fromm all of us here with the Dispatch. Also, Min seems to have been bonded by an Aes Sedai, Kepen Heal, the light have mercy on Min, it must be a difficult thing to have a bonded, AND be bonded, all those emotions in her head...


Thank you Anette, I hadn't even seen that.


Well guys, we will have more next week, be looking forward to a Real Life interview of someone who was actually at DragonCon. From all of us here with the DM Dispatch, Good Night, and Walk in the Light.


The DM Dispatch is brought to you by Think Geek, if you're a geek, or just like a few geeky things, check it out at http://www.thinkgeek.com/ you'll never regret your visit.

  • 2 weeks later...

There is a new Blog entry by RJ. Unfortunately it is sad news as it concerns the death of a good friend of RJ and his family.


To us this friend is John M. Ford, writer of several Star Trek novels and two time winner of the World Fantasy Award.


RJ: What he was, frankly, was one of the best poets working in the English language and THE best writer working in the United States bar none






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